There are some real arseholes around ...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by rick, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. rick

    rick Guest

    ... like the one who put two penknife blade sized holes in my back tyre
    while I was in the supermarket yesterday. I watched bemusedly as two
    security guards ejected some oik from the motorcycle bit of the carpark and
    when I came back out found the tyre virtually flat. It turns out that the
    oik is a constant problem - always hanging around vehicles but never going
    in to the shop itself.

    **** it.
    rick, Jul 2, 2010
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  2. rick

    Lozzo Guest

    If he's always hanging around there, wait for the **** and attempt to
    put a couple of steel toecapped boot sized holes in him and see how he
    fucking likes it.
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2010
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  3. rick

    TD Guest

    You could always move to a less pikey area.

    2000 GSX1300RX (red and black)
    Missing: SOB, Unreliable Italian exotica, cage
    What with the Internet, it doesn't take long to feel like one is an
    expert on any subject these days.
    TD, Jul 2, 2010
  4. rick

    Nige Guest

    Find out who the **** is, then punch him in the back of the neck.
    Nige, Jul 2, 2010
  5. rick

    ogden Guest

    Pah. That's nothing.

    I picked up a nail in the back tyre yesterday. I was about to ride past
    FWR when I noticed it, so I stopped in to get it plugged.

    They couldn't get a plug to hold (the second one, the first having been
    acquired less than 80 miles after the tyre was fitted) so I had to have
    a new tyre. Except they were all out of Road 2 rears in that size, so I
    had to opt for a full set instead. Still, all's well that ends well.

    And then V phoned to tell me the landlord's decided he's selling the
    flat and we've got to find somewhere else to live.

    Frankly, I'd rather have two penknife-shaped holes in a rear tyre and
    leave it at that.
    ogden, Jul 2, 2010
  6. rick

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    You should have gone to Waitrose.
    Andy Bonwick, Jul 2, 2010
  7. rick

    wessie Guest


    I did 6000 miles with Slime in my tyre after a puncture in a new tyre.
    Worked very well.

    Recommended by my usual tyre fitter. He fitted a new tyre to the wheel
    yesterday and had no problem cleaning the stuff off.
    wessie, Jul 2, 2010
  8. rick

    Nige Guest

    Nige, Jul 2, 2010
  9. rick

    Nige Guest

    Been looking at this slime stuff, cheers for the reportage on it.

    Nige, Jul 2, 2010
  10. rick

    Catman Guest

    I used it as well. Made a bit of a mess, but it definitely worked.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 GTV TS GT 3.2 V6
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, Jul 2, 2010
  11. rick

    SIRPip Guest

    Don't suppose the supermarket has CCTV covering that area? I'd be on
    to Plod if I were you - criminal damage. If the oik is on camera then
    he's good to go - you might never get any readies out of him, but he
    might think twice in future.
    SIRPip, Jul 2, 2010
  12. rick

    rick Guest

    Thanks for that.
    rick, Jul 2, 2010
  13. rick

    SIRPip Guest

    That's a proper **** and no mistake. That's happened to us twice, so
    far - the first one was renting us her house so she could go and set up
    a bar in Spain - bar didn't do so well, so she sold the house . Notice
    to quit six months after we moved in, on the day I came out of hospital
    with a titanium wrist and a sadly bent black Bandit.

    The second one was three years almost to the day later, when the old
    non-repairing scrote said he wanted to come back to live in his house.
    We did the offski sharpish, having found alt accom very quickly ... he
    asked us to saty on for a bit, obviously trying to greed a bit more
    rent out of us, but we did one, no 'angin' abart.

    Did one to the third house - three years in to a 'permanent' let we
    bacame aware something was in the wind. Planning permission applied
    for, to build two (small, cramped, semi-underground) dwellings in the
    back garden (a metre apart, ffs), I said (famous last words) "He'll
    never get permission, teh access isn't good enough". The access was in
    hand, though - by demolishing his paernts' house that we were living
    in, he'd be able to get trucks and diggers through to the back. Time
    for the offski again.

    I feel your pain, Brother. It is an ill wind, mind - we've done pretty
    well, each move, in finding somewhere nicer in some respects. All the

    BTW, the infamous V5 landed today - eventually: I'm now the official
    SIRPip, Jul 2, 2010
  14. rick

    rick Guest

    That was my first instinct but from the way he was behaving with the two
    security guards I think he is quite disturbed. They virtually frogmarched
    him to the edge of the carpark and he kept trying to walk back in. They'd
    usher him away again and he'd come back. It was all a bit strange really.
    I'm going to mark it down as a one off and keep my eyes peeled in future.
    The biggest downer is that my local tyre fitter didn't have a Strada in
    stock so I've got to wait til Tuesday.
    rick, Jul 2, 2010
  15. rick

    rick Guest

    £114 and no stock 'til Tuesday :(

    But looking on the bright side, the tyre didn't have *that* much life left
    in it. Not enough to get it repaired anyway.
    rick, Jul 2, 2010
  16. rick

    Lozzo Guest

    Give your local tyre place a call and tell them Cambrian Tyres[1] have
    all sizes of Stradas on special offer at the moment and they are silly
    cheap, so they surely won't mind passing the saving on to you.

    Why do you think my bike is wearing Stradas at the moment.

    [1] Probably the UK's biggest supplier of bike tyres to the trade.
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2010
  17. rick

    ogden Guest

    Third time for me. Plus one time where I was a week from moving in to a
    place, having given notice on where I was living at the time, and still
    no sign of a contract for the new place. When I pushed the agents, they
    pushed the new landlord and she seemed surprised anyone was due to move
    in. "What do you mean someone's meant to be moving in? I haven't bought
    anywhere else yet, I'm still living here!" Stupid cow.
    We'll be hard pushed to manage that. The limiting factor is a garage,
    which isn't a common thing in zone 2, and the current place is
    exceptional - refurbished by someone who knew what he was doing, with no
    corners cut on the stuff that matters (shower, kitchen, etc).

    Still, fingers crossed.
    z O M F G
    ogden, Jul 2, 2010
  18. rick

    rick Guest

    Thanks for that but it's probably too late - they've had my credit card
    number since 9 o'clock this morning :-(
    rick, Jul 2, 2010
  19. rick

    Lozzo Guest

    Looking at it, 114 quids fitted is actually quite cheap.
    Lozzo, Jul 2, 2010
  20. rick

    zymurgy Guest

    So what you're saying is 'care in the community' isn't working ?

    zymurgy, Jul 3, 2010
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