The way of the world

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Champ, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Stop wriggling you twat. You originally agreed with Ginge's puerile
    You didn't intorduce any caveats.

    Now you are, rightly, introducing those caveats. With those caveats I
    would agree with you.

    But that doesn't make my taking Ginge, and you, to task for /your original
    comments/ any less valid.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
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  2. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Interestingly enough, a lot of the less-well-known directors of blue chips
    companies did go on to higher eduction.[0]

    [0] Did you mean "further". I did mean "higher".
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
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  3. Champ

    Ace Guest

    Sounds a bit like the new dry Blaney actually GAF.
    Ace, Feb 26, 2004
  4. Champ

    Buzby Guest

    Yes, in the sense of onwards and upwards.

    On a personal note I did a a five year 'management training' scheme with a
    well known London hotel group - probably one of the best craft training
    schemes in the world at the time. The lights came on when I went to work for
    a Merkin co and I realised I still knew diddly squat and that a trip into
    higher education would be beneficial, which I took. I only know slightly
    more than diddly squat now - but had hell of a great time doing it and it
    opened up a lot of doors that would have otherwide been shut. Could I have
    done the jobs? Almost certainly, but not as well.

    Buzby, Feb 26, 2004
  5. I think he did with the words "It also depends on the peronality of
    the non-graduate, of course. Not everyone is capable of being an
    effective manager, no matter how much experience they may have."

    Hope you're not starting arguments coz you're bored, Ben ;o)
    Power Grainger, Feb 26, 2004
  6. Champ

    Chris H Guest

    I try to sin in moderation.
    Chris H, Feb 26, 2004
  7. Champ

    Chris H Guest

    Rolls-Royce, BAe, Wood Group, in fact any ISO9001 (2000) organisation
    should be investing in training (and demonstrating that they have).
    Chris H, Feb 26, 2004
  8. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Just less tolerant.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
  9. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    They're not the same thing. Further Education is, say, someone of 30
    re-doing their O-levels because they fucked them up when they were 16.
    Higher Education is going to the next tier, eg A-levels after O-levels.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
  10. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    But he didn't start with that. He started by lauding Ginge's absurd
    I'm too busy to be bored.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
  11. It's incredibly easy to argue with. It depends how you think society
    should be run and who benefits from society and the actions of the
    people within it.
    All we will end up doing here is arguing about terminology. Cane's view
    of a nanny state is probably my view of a government that is trying to
    support its population and ensure that people are not unnecessarily
    disadvantaged. This is why I don't greatly object to paying my income
    tax to fund education, the health service, state benefits, pensions,
    employment support schemes etc. I am better off than many people and I
    think it is only right I make my contribution to supporting society. (I
    assume) Cane would rather he kept all his money for himself and then
    decided what he bought and from whom - be that defence, education,
    medical services whatever. The detritus of society that don't impact him
    can go hang.

    I am one of the most uncompetitive people around - I can't stand the
    mindset it engenders in a lot of people. Hasn't stopped me doing OK for
    myself. The world doesn't solely function on the basis of *me*
    competing against everyone else so that I have the best for myself.

    I know little about the benefit system thankfully. For every example of
    some scrounger (and yes they do exist) that the Sun or the Daily Mail
    can dredge up there are probably far more completely deserving cases
    that fully warrant the receipt of cash from the state to ensure their
    human rights are adequately maintained.

    As for PE - well I certainly see the value of it in the curriculum. I
    hated it when I had to do it because I'm useless at sport, I have very
    little interest in sport and I'm not competitive. If there was a
    qualification in it I would fail - and there is nothing any teacher
    could do about it.
    Paul Corfield, Feb 26, 2004
  12. Champ

    Ace Guest

    You say that like it's a bad thing.
    Ace, Feb 26, 2004
  13. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Yes, but it wasn't in your first post on the topic.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 26, 2004
  14. Champ

    sweller Guest

    Paul Corfield wrote:


    hear, hear [1]

    [1] what was the decision on this?
    sweller, Feb 26, 2004
  15. Champ

    sweller Guest

    It'll certainly be entertaining.
    sweller, Feb 26, 2004
  16. Oh dear - I'll be getting an ASLEF application form in the post :)
    no idea.
    Paul Corfield, Feb 26, 2004
  17. Champ

    sweller Guest

    No, lets call it something young, modern and dynamic, something not
    associated with years of shitty work or cheap labour. Lets call it YTS.
    sweller, Feb 26, 2004
  18. Champ

    sweller Guest

    good, that's two of us.
    sweller, Feb 26, 2004
  19. Champ

    'Hog Guest

    Oh I didn't mean that you had to win against some other bod to qualify but
    it would be nice it kids came out of classes at 16/18 fit and healthy.
    'Hog, Feb 26, 2004
  20. which is why I said I see the value of having it in the curriculum - to
    try to reduce "porky pig" syndrome. Can't see the point of an exam at
    Paul Corfield, Feb 26, 2004
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