The Unforgiven

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    For the past several weeks, my e-mail has been regularly receiving e-mails
    from someone calling himself "hdrider".. Even though I considered the
    e-mails to be rather strange in nature, I thought they might be from our own
    Sputnik, since his was the signature on the e-mail..

    Then it occured to me that Sputnik never uses an "alias" and never announces
    anonymously for any reason.. LOL..Why would he be sending me e-mail under
    the "alias" of "hdrider" and then signing his usual signature.. "Sputnik"..
    hmmmm... Quite a poser.. huh ?

    After spending the best part of a week with Sputnik as well as many of the
    brothers and sisters across the state, we commenced to discuss and make
    discreet inquiries.. No one seems to know who this mysterious "hdrider"
    might be .. Suggestions of rewards and other enticements to expose this
    rascally rogue were offered..

    Someone in our state knows this character and should come forward with
    details about his identity and motives for regularly making such informative
    announcements via personal e-mail.. I'm sure that he would be a valuable
    contributor to this newsgroup although his unknown identity is worrisome..

    For all anyone can determine, he could be a Tom DeLay/Bush supporter of the
    worst kind.. hmmm.. perhaps we should leave well enough alone and let
    "hdrider" remain anonymous.. LOL.. Anyway.. all information concerning this
    individual should be appreciated and I would certainly keep all information
    secret should it be forwarded to me...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 26, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Beemer Biker Guest

    send me a copy of the email, be sure to include the headers. do that by
    pressing CTRL and F3 a the same time, then click on "SELECT ALL" then "COPY"
    and then PASTE it into an email that is a reply me
    and i will tell you where it came from. I have headers from sputnik and can
    tell if he really sent it. Very likely it is somebody that has a virus and
    Beemer Biker, Jun 26, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I spent several days with Sputnik this past week and he wasn't the sender..
    Those e-mails have already been deleted from my Outpost, so I don't have
    them any longer.. Fortunately .. they were clean and did not carry any kind
    of virus.. Thanks for the help, I'm sure that someone knows this fellow and
    will offer suggestions as to who he really is.. (probably some republican)

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 26, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    eahart Guest

    Wanna eat some fish???????????
    Signed: hdrider

    Ed Hart
    Politics is supposed to be the second
    oldest profession.I have come to
    realize that it bears a very close
    resemblance to the first.
    eahart, Jun 27, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Matter of fact.. rumor is .. that hdrider drives a damn bus.. is rude to
    rickshaw boys and has sidecars attached to his motorcycle.. Embarrassing..
    I'd say so..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 30, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    So here you are.. Creating you own devilish scenario, again..

    FYI.. you have been "outed".. The whole world is about to learn the "whole
    truth" about your fiendish schemes unless I receive an unspecified and very
    substantial fee (bribe) to most..

    That being said, after payment of "said" substantial but unspecified fee..
    my silence will forever be guaranteed, so that you may continue the
    perpetual harrassment of richshaw drivers of questionable character..

    I remain..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    "REAL man"... "Democrat"... I can't believe you'd even ask those questions..
    Anyone who'd lean the third wheel on a sidecar up to a 45 degree angle at 70
    mph... Sheesh.. what is that ? LOL

    Although I take great pride in my discreet position on delicate matters,
    yes.. I do take bribes and yes.. most certainly in the open..

    You take bribes right
    I believe that in keeping with the confidentiality of this matter, we should
    leave the $ amount undisclosed until the final agreement can be reached..
    If you had watched a little more carefully, you'd have seen me riding in the
    rain almost all the way into Waco... Holy crap.. that was cold, wet and
    messy.. What a shower.. huh ?? I pulled another stunt in the Pilot Truck
    Stop too, but I won't tell you about that one till I see you next

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 30, 2004
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