Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ukrm, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. ukrm

    ukrm Guest

    The ukrm FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) can be found at

    It is strongly recommended that all new posters read and inwardly
    digest the ukrm CBT which can be found at:

    before posting so they get some idea of ukrm's little idiosyncrasies.

    If you have any new material for the FAQ, please submit it via the
    suggestions page at:

    Alternatively, as a last resort, it can be emailed to the following
    address: .

    Please note that, as stated in the Charter, it is forbidden to post
    binaries or commercial advertisements to this news group. Failure to
    comply will result in a report to the relevant isp which can result in
    the termination of your account.
    ukrm, Sep 6, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  2. ukrm

    Abso Guest

    Pardon me Mr auto-FAQ-post-bot, could I speak with your maker?
    Forgotten who it is who generates these now but I was wondering whether
    I might appropriate your CGI script or what not to make similar posts
    to uk.people.consumers.ebay as we seem to have problems with a lack of
    awareness of the FAQ there.

    Any help appreciated, ta.
    Abso, Sep 8, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. ukrm

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Abso was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    We'll, I'm only the poor relation (aka Mr ukrmcfaq) but gissa URL and
    I can add it to the weekly cron job that posts the link to the ukrmc FAQ.
    Timo Geusch, Sep 8, 2004
  4. ukrm

    Eddie Guest

    Well... it makes life a lot easier if you've got your own news swerver,
    but the perl script I use will post to any server - and as has already
    been suggested, you just use a cron job to kick it off at the
    appropriate time.
    I'll send you a copy of the perl script, if it's any good to you.
    Eddie, Sep 8, 2004
  5. ukrm

    Abso Guest

    Thanks Timo.
    Abso, Sep 9, 2004
  6. ukrm

    Abso Guest

    Thanks for the offer but I've taken the easy route and piggy backed
    onto Timo's postings. Cheers.
    Abso, Sep 9, 2004
  7. ukrm

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Dr Zoidberg was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    OK, I'll set up the autoposting tonight - link to FAQ will be posted
    every Monday morning.
    Timo Geusch, Sep 9, 2004
  8. ukrm

    Abso Guest

    Oh that. Should've guessed.

    Since the above makes no sense I'll just let Timo churn the posts out
    for me, ta.
    Abso, Sep 9, 2004
  9. ukrm

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Abso was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Yeah, yeah, call the geek squad if things get a bit more complicated
    Timo Geusch, Sep 9, 2004
  10. ukrm

    Cab Guest

    Abso bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along the
    lines of:
    It's not as simple as that. You need to put header information in too,
    otherwise the post will be rejected.
    Well, I can be a fall back, in case Timo or Eddie can't help.

    Cab :^) - almost as fast as G.i.n.g.e.
    GSX 1400 - 'Tarts Handbag' (tm) Bike, 550/4 Rat - gone...
    UKRMMA#10 (KoTL), IbW#015, Bob#4, POTM#3

    email addy : cab_dot_ukrm_at_rosbif_dot_org
    Cab, Sep 9, 2004
  11. ukrm

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Thanks Timo

    "We are now up against live, hostile targets"

    "So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad
    attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch! "
    Dr Zoidberg, Sep 9, 2004
  12. ukrm

    Kim Andrews Guest

    Kim Andrews, Sep 9, 2004
    1. Advertisements

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