The truth

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by atec77, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. atec77

    atec77 Guest

    I don't remember 1953 apart from being very dark
    atec77, Nov 8, 2010
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  2. atec77

    theo Guest

    That was the year I arrived in Australia by boat as an economic
    refugee from Europe. I was ten.

    I'm one of the boat people and I spent some time, not much, in the
    Northam Camp. I became a citizen in Oct 1958 and the one thing that
    still amazes me is that people who were born here in the 70s call me a
    new Australian.

    theo, Nov 8, 2010
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  3. atec77

    atec77 Guest

    I wouldn't call you that
    I can think of lots better :)
    I have only been here since 1974 and I can see the dilution of the
    Aussie attitude and way of life
    atec77, Nov 8, 2010
  4. atec77

    Lars Chance Guest

    Lars Chance, Nov 8, 2010
  5. Dating from the moment you arrived, in fact :)
    Andrew McKenna, Nov 8, 2010
  6. atec77

    atec77 Guest

    The malaise started seconds after your birth you retarded plonker
    atec77, Nov 9, 2010
  7. Oh well, I thought it was funny.
    Andrew McKenna, Nov 9, 2010
  8. atec77

    Mr.T Guest

    New here are you? Or else you'd know what I think about both the shit
    parties. A pox on both their houses!
    (and all the others too :-(

    Mr.T, Nov 9, 2010
  9. atec77

    Mr.T Guest

    I doubt anyone that dumb remembers anything!

    Mr.T, Nov 9, 2010
  10. atec77

    Albm&ctd Guest

    Ghoulia Jillard (my hero) would have stabbed him in the back, squatted and
    pissed on him until his silly gay Hitler youth frock melted.

    Albm&ctd, Nov 9, 2010
  11. atec77

    Albm&ctd Guest says...
    Funny as in strange.. Like a former Hitler youth becoming the Great PoPo the

    Albm&ctd, Nov 9, 2010
  12. atec77

    atec77 Guest

    sorta like kiddie fiddler vs economy fcker
    atec77, Nov 9, 2010
  13. atec77

    Albm&ctd Guest

    What sort of asshole/arseho*e would have his son nailed to the cross... neer
    neer deserved that .. if GOrDon - he who doesn't exist - has/had so much power?

    Albm&ctd, Nov 9, 2010
  14. atec77

    Albm&ctd Guest

    Can we have open season on turtles, the Abbott kind?

    Bring back Turnbull... into fact... and let us not forget Godwin Gretsch.

    Isn't there some reasonably priced fool out there keen to run this country?

    Albm&ctd, Nov 9, 2010
  15. **If those morons in the Liberla Party had used their brians and kept that
    religious nutter, Abbott, away from the leadership, they would now be in
    charge. Abbott is, far and away, the most unpopular Liberal leader in a very
    long time. Very few people in Australia (outside other members of his
    religious cult) actually want Abbott as PM. Abbott is deluded and deranged.
    Turnbull would have been an excellent choice.
    Trevor Wilson, Nov 9, 2010
  16. atec77

    Aido Guest

    As I always say, "It's doesn't matter who you vote for, The govenment
    always gets in!"

    Aido. :)
    Aido, Nov 10, 2010
  17. Wait.... wait ...wait... The plonker bit I get (that's just affection)
    but how did he know I was retarded [1] ?



    [1] Huge amount of bait dangling off this hook
    Andrew McKenna, Nov 10, 2010
  18. atec77

    atec77 Guest

    If you don't know I aint gonna tell ya
    think about the village well
    atec77, Nov 10, 2010
  19. atec77

    nofarkenway Guest

    Fucking big deal. I know a fair sized pack of rusted on laber voters
    who refused to vote laber after the ranga stabbed (allegedly) KRudd in
    the back.
    nofarkenway, Nov 12, 2010
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