The Top 5

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. So.. what are the top 5 concerns[1] of riders today?

    The NSW MCC is looking to be sure we are properly spending time and
    effort on what riders want us to spend time and effort on.

    THe MCC has two areas of interest, riders safety and rider's rights.

    Safety is things like road surface, barriers, road furniture, rider
    training, driver training, things that affect safety.

    Rights are things like access to parking, discrimination, exhaust
    stickers, toll charges.

    What are the top 5 things that the MCC should be dealing with? Not just
    the ones I've listed, there are lots of others, what should we be doing?

    This isn't just for NSW types, the AMC, the federal coalition of bike
    lobby groups also needs to know what they should be focusing on, and
    your state groups need to know too.

    So.. what are the most important things?


    [1] relating to bikes. Meaning that we aren't that interested if you
    can't get any....
    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 8, 2004
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    James Guest

    We need more chicks to hold umbrellas while we put our gloves and helmets on!
    James, Jun 9, 2004
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Dave Mojo67 Guest

    In no particular order, and from my perspective in Qld. Ymmv.

    Legalise lanesplitting.
    Remove wire rope barriers.
    Legalise footpath parking.
    Remove tolls for bikes.

    Last one I'm not sure how to word it. Beginners in other states can ride
    certain bikes bigger than 250cc, like GS500s and Zephyrs etc. They're more
    suitable for larger and older riders. Not sure what they call that class,
    but you'll know what I mean. We should have that here too.

    Dave (Mojo67)
    FZR600 >> ZX6R Brisbane
    I used to never be able to finish anything but now I
    Dave Mojo67, Jun 9, 2004
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Stan Gifford Guest

    Learner Legal class

    Based on power to weight ratio

    Works very well in NSW IMHO


    Stan Gifford, Jun 9, 2004
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Will Sutton Guest

    now only problem with thast is it could create a legal minefield if an
    happens whilst lane splitting

    sadly money is the talker so they will continue to put up bikes dicers
    the problem is that ceratin idiots would park in the wrong place and fark
    it all up for the majority
    I agree totally but I reckon wihin 5 - 10 years all bikes will have an
    electronic chip that will be picked up by tolls and speed cameras

    Will Sutton, Jun 9, 2004
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    TB Guest


    Not from NSW but thought I'd toss a few coins in the fountain. Not in any
    1) Driver/ Rider Training
    Too many people who drive like they're wearing blinkers
    Restricting learners and P Platers (regardless of age) to sub 250cc
    bikes for at least their first year in order to learn road craft
    2) Road surface
    Intentional and unintentional
    Intentional - Looking into the Paving used on intersections which
    effectively turn into ice from even a light coat morning dew
    Unintentional - completed roadwork that hasn't been cleaned/cleared
    away. Gravel/ Potholes/ Manhole covers on corners etc.
    3) Some vehicle mods
    Louder exhausts and steel braided lines specifically. They make us
    more visible to the general public and braided lines are supposed to
    be better that the stock aren't they?
    4) Seriously rethinking the push towards front number plates and what's
    really driving it. If possible consultation with other countries
    who've looked into it and why they have/have not chosen
    it as an option
    5) I can only think of 4..
    TB, Jun 9, 2004
  7. In on Wed, 9 Jun 2004 17:37:53 +1000
    what minefield do you see being created? It's just a form of passing.
    It's been legal in the UK for some time I believe, so there is going to
    be law to reference.
    Only if they are allowed to. Only if people allow themselves to be
    how do the Vics manage? What's the law there, and how is bad parking
    dealt with?

    What's your top 5 list?

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 9, 2004
  8. More wimmen
    Free beer
    Free motorcycles
    Free petrol
    More wimmen

    Simple really ...


    (Glad to help)
    Kevin Gleeson, Jun 9, 2004
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    Nev.. Guest

    Why would it create a legal minefield? The road laws dictate conditions under
    which there should be no multi-vehicle collisions, but there are thousands
    every day. Why wouldn't they all be legal minefields? How many examples of
    multi vehicle collisions can you think of where both vehicles were being used
    within the letter of the law at the time of the collision?

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jun 9, 2004
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    R1100Smee Guest

    Less accidents happen while lanesplitting than anywhere else.
    We been doing it here in melbourne for ever and I don't see any legal

    Easy to zap and render useless.
    R1100Smee, Jun 9, 2004
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    Cam Guest

    For victorian guidelines see:

    I don't think the distances quoted are legal requirements.

    There was some lobbying of the MCC by some building owners to restrict
    parking in certain areas last year (perhaps ongoing). Most of these areas
    are generally best avoided anyway but by-laws might result in less
    judicious future rulings. For the most part common sense prevails across
    the board.

    Cam, Jun 9, 2004
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    archon Guest

    1) Compulsory driver skills training, such as emergency braking, etc.
    2) Parking for bikes, esp footpath and unmetered CBD where not obviously a
    3) Road surface quality in Sydney CBD especially.
    4) Stricter policing of attention drainers such as mobile phones and tvs in
    cars. Ive seen many a cop drive straight by some driver with a hand to their
    ear in CBD traffic.
    5) No tolls for bikes. Its a hassle for the rider, the drivers behind the
    rider, and makes no sense in terms of "required upkeep". Also see (3).
    archon, Jun 9, 2004
  13. In no actual order:

    -loud pipe legislation
    -road safety as an experiment in social engineering
    -GST on protective gear
    -motorcycles ignored as prospective solution for the present situation with
    urban and suburban personal transport.
    Intact Kneeslider, Jun 9, 2004
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    R1100Smee Guest

    Driver inattention
    cheaper safety clothing particularly leathers and helmets(I honesly
    believe safety equipment is a rip off in price)
    Louder pipes without the rip off price
    Better signs particularly in mountainous areas on blind corners.
    Wire rope barriers on corners.(no thanks)
    R1100Smee, Jun 9, 2004
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Stoneshop Guest

    Used to be tolerated (i.e. you could lanesplit past a police car and they'd not
    bother), now it's also legal here in .nl. Provided:
    - your own speed doesn't exceed 50km/h
    - only past standing or creeping (<20km/h) traffic
    - use only gap between fast lane and the next one.

    During the time it was tolerated there'd been at least one case where a cager
    changed lanes on a bike, and the resulting court case put the biker in the
    clear. Cagers should expect bikes passing between rows, and consequently look
    out for them, was the verdict.

    // Rik Steenwinkel '85 R80ST Skippy bike
    // Enschede '91 R100GS/PD The Great Unwashed
    // Netherlands '90 K75C Kommutabike
    // "Far away is only far away '81 MZ TS250/1+LSW Badkuip
    // if you don't go there" '79 Honda XL250S TBD
    Stoneshop, Jun 9, 2004
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    Frank Warner Guest

    The top concern for me is driver training.

    That one issue is simply so far in front of the rest that I won't even
    submit other issues.
    Frank Warner, Jun 10, 2004
  17. Zebee Johnstone

    Nev.. Guest

    I doubt that anything undertaken under the guise of "driver training" would be
    far too little, far too late. There are too many drivers out there for there
    to be any effective training IMHO.... but as state governments have discovered
    of recent years, there is one sure way to make people pay more attention when
    driving, and that is to punish them when they make minor infringements. Use
    the police to enforce care. Make it mandatory for the police to issue an
    infringement notice to at least one driver in every single or multi vehicle
    collision which they attend. Don't just let the insurance companies work it

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jun 10, 2004
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    Aaron Guest

    1. Shit roads. I don't know how you lot in capital cities fare but the roads up here are shit. Fix
    them please.

    2. Less focus on speed and more focus on driving safely/well (this includes driver training).

    3. Piss off WRB's. I don't care if they are cheap and stop cars bouncing back into the path of other
    cars, if a rider hits one's they're fucked and that far outweighs any other argument for them I

    4. Footpath parking. It'd be nice.

    5. While I'm dreaming, I'd like to see people have to ride a bike (LAMS bikes) for 12mths BEFORE
    they can get a car lic. Sure this is going to greatly increase the road toll but only for a short
    time, then once Darwin's theory has run it's course the road toll will drop back to a decent level
    and the Gene pool will be cleaned up a touch.

    Aaron, Jun 10, 2004
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    Yeah, we need shit roads in the capitals as well. It'd help
    slow the traffic down, and give us all an excuse to ride chookies.

    sharkey, Jun 10, 2004
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    Will Sutton Guest

    if an accident happens who will be at fault ?

    Could a car driver be sued if he way over to one side and an accident

    Whay if a car had something ( some sort of package that wouldn't fit
    in the car) sticking out the window and it took a bike down whilst he was
    lanesplitting ?

    sticking out the window
    Bikers are so far in the minority they have little clout
    One would hope it would be something like as long pedestrian access is not
    impeded then
    it should be allowed
    A top 5 wish list or a list of something that can actually has a chance of
    been obtained
    Will Sutton, Jun 10, 2004
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