So.. what are the top 5 concerns[1] of riders today? The NSW MCC is looking to be sure we are properly spending time and effort on what riders want us to spend time and effort on. THe MCC has two areas of interest, riders safety and rider's rights. Safety is things like road surface, barriers, road furniture, rider training, driver training, things that affect safety. Rights are things like access to parking, discrimination, exhaust stickers, toll charges. What are the top 5 things that the MCC should be dealing with? Not just the ones I've listed, there are lots of others, what should we be doing? This isn't just for NSW types, the AMC, the federal coalition of bike lobby groups also needs to know what they should be focusing on, and your state groups need to know too. So.. what are the most important things? Zebee [1] relating to bikes. Meaning that we aren't that interested if you can't get any....