The things you find in old boxes

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip Luscher, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Pip Luscher

    Pip Luscher Guest

    I was clearing out the box my current AGV came in, so as to fill it
    with books, and found not only some sort of chin or nose guard for the
    lid, but a small pack of tear-offs for it as well.

    I've just got to fit one tomorrow for the commute to work. Er, if they
    can be fitted singly.
    Pip Luscher, Sep 1, 2005
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  2. Pip Luscher

    Christofire Guest

    If you're going to use them I'd suggest a small amout of tape, or
    wetting them - they can vibrate at speed. If you find them useful let
    me know as I've some spares that I never used on my original visor, and
    the replacement one doesn't have the posts.
    Christofire, Sep 2, 2005
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  3. Pip Luscher

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Ta for the info. Actually I just thought "Oooh! New toys! must play!"
    but didn't actually get round to trying them today.
    Pip Luscher, Sep 2, 2005
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