The Story behind the HD Tank

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ß Ø ® G, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. ß Ø ® G

    ß Ø ® G Guest

    OK here goes why I need a BIG HD tank

    2 years ago I joined a disabled motorcycle group who said they would
    sort my trike out and get it MOTed and ready for me, now time went on
    and on and on, and so did the excuses.

    Now I know some will go '2 years feckin hell' but seeing as the work
    was going to be free i didn't feel right about complaining to much.

    Well the last few (6) months I started to lose my cool about it all
    and started asking question about the work and the trike. I got fobbed
    off with this tale and that tale. It got passed on to one person after
    another and I didn't know what was going on.

    Last month I phoned them and demanded the return of the trike as
    agreed. A few weeks later I got a sheepish phone call from them
    admitting that the tank and other stuff had been stolen from the
    workshop some moths ago. I was thinking I was getting the brush off
    and something was wrong.

    So now I ask why nothing was done about the theft when it happened,
    they made a few excuses and stuff, none of which I was happy with,
    they knew who had it and had done nothing and he was still walking.

    So i phoned the police and put in a theft charge.

    This' club' now have to replace the tank, get it re sprayed to mach
    the guard and other paint work. So as it was a BIG HD tank that went
    missing and seeing as the frame was lugged to take this tank thats why
    I am after one

    Now the 'club' will remain nameless for now but if anyone from the
    Cwmbran area reads this and doesn't like thieving bar stewards and can
    help me please get in touch

    E-Mail Addy obet(ng)qfy(qbg)cvcrk(qbg)pbz <---Rot13 it
    watch out for spam trap in header
    Trike Power the TRUE Trinity
    ß Ø ® G, Jan 26, 2004
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  2. ß Ø ® G

    Pip Guest

    <snip, bloody annoying tale>

    That's a shit, mate. Hope you can get it sorted asap.
    Pip, Jan 26, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. ITYM "used in another project"

    That's a bastard. Hope it gets sorted.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 26, 2004
  4. ß Ø ® G

    Klaatu Guest

    The mothballing went horribly wrong ?
    Klaatu, Jan 26, 2004
  5. ß Ø ® G

    Owen Guest

    I hope the thief wasn't a member of the club? If he was, I for one
    would be curious to know which club/group it is, whether the thief is
    still a member... so I can avoid giving any money to them.....

    Good luck...
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Jan 26, 2004
  6. ß Ø ® G

    ß Ø ® G Guest

    As soon as its 'sorted' I will post the names don't worry

    E-Mail Addy obet(ng)qfy(qbg)cvcrk(qbg)pbz <---Rot13 it
    watch out for spam trap in header
    Trike Power the TRUE Trinity
    ß Ø ® G, Jan 27, 2004
    1. Advertisements

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