The Session has Ended

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The elected Representatives will be returning to their home districts ..
    From the sources in Austin, this was the most contentious and non-productive
    session in memory.. The governor is running around over the state declaring
    that he just might call another special Session in the next few weeks.. What
    else ?

    Many important issues were on the plate for this Session and the majority of
    those representatives were terrified that they'd be called on the floor to
    debate and vote on those issues.. Most of them will be facing an election
    during 2006..

    TMRA II, ABATE and the independents supported and introduced some very
    contentious Bills during this Session.. They opposed a couple of Bills that
    needed to be squashed.. The opposition to the Bills were made up of the
    financiers who have been bankrolling those elected Representatives, for
    years.. Insurance company lobbyists filled that Capitol almost every day the
    legislative session worked.. Utility and telephone company lobbyists were
    there in numbers..Oil and Water lobbyists were discreetly visiting the
    offices of our elected ones, daily.. The Public Utilities Commission was
    being petitioned for rate increases while the Session was in progress.. even
    while complaints from consumers grew in volume, those lobbyists clamored for
    more severe collection measures while they demanded increases in rates..

    In January.. motorcyclists from all over Texas gathered in Austin on the
    opening week of this Session.. The spectacle of the thousands of Bikers who
    rode their rumbling machines down Congress Av. to the very entrance to our
    State Capitol, left the city in awe and wonder .. Our Capitol was completely
    surrounded by those thousands of motorcycles parked around it.. The parking
    garages were full of them.. Those legislators felt that presence when all
    those men and women marched to the Capitol building and dominated the
    gallery of our State Legislature when it opened.. Each representative was
    individually visited by his own constituents.. in his office..

    As our Bills were supported or opposed, during the Committees assigned to
    hear them, it became obvious to those elected Representatives, those Bills
    would surely become legislation if they were introduced on the floor..Only
    the veto of the governor would stand in their way.. Insurance, Oil,
    Utilities and the corporate lobbyists held their breaths, while they visited
    the Calendars Committee to try and undo any possiblity of debate and floor
    votes.. There is the key.. no matter how urgent or critical the Bill.. if it
    isn't read on the Floor, it passes into archive history.. We overlooked that
    Calendar Committee and we have paid the price.. We represented our Bills
    before the respective Committees that heard them.. we won before those
    Committees overwhelmningly. Our people spoke out loud and clear..

    Alright.. the elected ones will be back home.. For the ones who could not
    make the many trips to our State Capitol, the opportunity to visit that
    representative that you voted for or against is convenient to you.. Go see
    him/her..make your voice heard.. Texas Motorcyclists have the opportunity to
    influence the direction of our government in a positive way.. Thanks to the
    massive presence of dedicated men and women from all over our State, last
    January.. those representatives know that we are a determining factor in
    their political careers.. Use what was handed to you and follow through ..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 4, 2005
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