The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ginge, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. ginge

    ginge Guest

    ...we don't need no b3ta let the motherfucker burn.

    There's a temporary forum here, for anybody who's noticed the current
    site is down since thier datacentre caught fire.
    ginge, Jun 2, 2008
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  2. ginge

    darsy Guest

    so much for The Planet's SLAs. What's the point in having 5 physically
    seperate datacentres if you can't mirror customer data across them?
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
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  3. ginge

    ginge Guest

    I suspect some of this might be a case of what the customer thought
    they'd got vs what they'd actually paid for - systems redundancy
    doesn't come free, after all.

    It's a monumental **** up none the less.
    ginge, Jun 2, 2008
  4. ginge

    ogden Guest

    We (not The Planet) have several DCs scattered around Europe, allowing
    us to provide data replication and DR capacity for customers who are
    prepared to pay for it. Many (most) don't.
    ogden, Jun 2, 2008
  5. ginge

    prawn Guest

    One of my mates site's was down yesterday as a result of this. He was
    back on-line at ~ 10 am today. Talk about crap DR contingency.
    prawn, Jun 2, 2008
  6. ginge

    prawn Guest

    Oh FFS. <surrenders to the apostrophe police>
    prawn, Jun 2, 2008
  7. ginge

    ginge Guest

    "We can't re-write our app, and don't want to pay for a second
    datacentre..but can you give us 99.999% uptime anyway?"
    ginge, Jun 2, 2008
  8. ginge

    platypus Guest

    I've never worked anywhere that had decent DR/BCP provision. Pretending and
    hoping seems to be the norm.
    platypus, Jun 2, 2008
  9. ginge

    darsy Guest

    good point. I haven't seen *any* "oh, The Planet lost a datacentre but
    our website's still up" claims.
    WTF were the generators *inside* the datacentre?
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  10. ginge

    darsy Guest

    good point.
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  11. ginge

    darsy Guest

    ours seems to work. Amazingly.
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  12. ginge

    ogden Guest

    I've spent most of the last 6 months working on DR stuff for a punter
    running a large non-olympic international sporting event which will
    remain nameless. It works almost perfectly.
    ogden, Jun 2, 2008
  13. ginge

    ginge Guest

    From what I've read they were in an electrical plant room not the
    datacentre. Quite how an 'electrical short' can blow out 3 walls
    though I'm not sure.
    ginge, Jun 2, 2008
  14. ginge

    darsy Guest

    Oh, OK. From what I'd read I'd thought the generators were in the same
    building as the servers.
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  15. ginge

    antonye Guest

    Heh. Ours is pretty good, even to the point where our backup
    is on a different tectonic plate to the main system, just in
    case like.

    In my previous place, it was a bit of a joke. We had to have
    "battle boxes" that consisted of everything we needed should
    we have to do remote working. I just put a pack of pencils
    and some paper pads in so we could play noughts and crosses
    until the fuss died down.

    The BCP guy didn't take kindly to us pointing out all the
    flaws in his plans. The best one was the "we need a satellite
    phone in case the mobile network goes down." Ok, so you have
    one satellite phone - now who are you going to call? Then
    there was the "getting quotes for gas masks for all employees
    to have on their desks" debacle, shortly followed by the "how
    much bottled water do we need to keep all the staff alive in
    the office for a day" which got extrapolated to the point
    where he was about to draw up a list of who was more important
    and therefore got water first. It all ended in tears when we
    rigged the Secret Santa one xmas and bought him the Zombie
    Survival Guide book so he could get some tips.

    Oh how I miss people like that. Sometimes.
    antonye, Jun 2, 2008
  16. ginge

    platypus Guest

    I could tell you stories about other parts of your organisation.
    platypus, Jun 2, 2008
  17. ginge

    darsy Guest

    I'm sure. And there is one seriously major flaw in our system, which
    despite my trying and trying to get fixed over the years, looks like
    remaining in place (for political, rather than technical reasons).
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  18. ginge

    Eddie Guest

    Except you named them last week.
    Eddie, Jun 2, 2008
  19. ginge

    darsy Guest

    he did, didn't he?
    darsy, Jun 2, 2008
  20. ginge

    ginge Guest

    Bit of an own goal, really..
    ginge, Jun 2, 2008
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