The road toll is our fault

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Uncle Bully, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. No it doesn't stand to reason. They will never release a study that
    showed that, even if it was true. You will do some stupid arbritary
    speed limit and you will enjoy it. Yes some roads were designed to be
    travelled at 130 km/h( and yes, the F3 is a wonderful trip at that speed
    at 11pm, with only courteous, professional truck drivers on it at that
    time), but we will not have any of that, as some people get on these
    roads with vehicles and driving skills that can't handle it, so we will
    cater to the lowest common denominator, which gets dumber every year.
    Please conform immediately.

    Regards, Andrew.

    G-S wrote:
    Andrew Puddifer, Jan 27, 2006
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  2. What, and hurling insults when you don't have a factual reply does
    consititue an argument?

    Regards, Andrew.

    Bernd Felsche wrote:
    Andrew Puddifer, Jan 27, 2006
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  3. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    I hope you're not proposing that our freedom to drive while being sleepy be
    Selfish prick...
    Uncle Bully, Jan 27, 2006
  4. Uncle Bully

    Kev Guest

    if you are falling asleep after just one hours driving no matter what
    speed then you shouldn't be driving, you clearly have not had a proper rest

    and if you were driving correctly you wouldn't be feeling drowsy after
    one hour either, sitting and staring straight ahead is what causes this
    you have to keep your eyes moving, look at things beside the road, even
    if it is only a bit of rubbish(there is plenty of that thanks to the
    ignorant fucks who were dragged up by ignorant fucks)

    Usually takes me about 3 hours of driving before I even start to feel
    the effects of fatigue but seeing as most of my trips were no longer
    than 3 hours I was getting out anyway, longer trips I was stopping after
    3 hours for a legal rest break anyway

    Kev, Jan 27, 2006
  5. Uncle Bully

    Kev Guest

    Actually they are
    lots have stated that they feel it is safer to do 130 than 100 because
    they get tired at 100

    I drive all day long at 100 and don't crash or fall asleep

    and I doubt that doing 130 in my vehicle is going to be any safer, in
    fact you can bet that if I was doing that speed most people(most on here
    as well) would want me locked up

    Kev, Jan 27, 2006
  6. Uncle Bully

    Kev Guest

    Just look at the width of the road up through Karanda(spell?) sharp
    switchbacks and very narrow bitumen, yet semis are allower to travell
    that road, I went down there in an 8 tonne truck with a 4 car trailer
    and I had to cross the centre double line to get around most corners and
    there here semi tippers coming up with their trailers dragging across
    the centre line, and of course becuase I was only doing 40kph there were
    the dumbfuck car drivers climbing all over the back of the trailer to
    get past, seemed like some of them were trying to hitch a free ride they
    were that close

    Sounds cool, I'm heading up there later this year in my 4WD
    weird isn't it
    as most pollies fly to Canberra

    Kev, Jan 27, 2006
  7. Uncle Bully

    Kev Guest

    Are you German too Andrew??

    Kev, Jan 27, 2006
  8. If you are that drowsey you shouldn't be driving, all an extra 20kph means
    is you'll drive an extra 20km before falling asleep

    I'v done many 5 to 14 hour drives, and have to stop & grab a bite & stretch
    after around 4 hours, if you can't manage 2 hours, you shouldn't be driving.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 27, 2006
  9. And the alternative pushed here is to force drivers who are lower grade or
    can't stay awake for 2 hours to drive/crash at 130kph
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 27, 2006
  10. Yeah bump yer limits up 30kph and all this will still happen, just faster,
    so that is safer?
    Injuries will be less, try hitting a hammer on your head at different
    velocities if you can't understand.

    Think of all the accidents & near misses you've seen, and tell us a majority
    would have been safer incidents at 20kph faster.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 27, 2006
  11. Maybe it's because of idiots in Falcodores doing burnouts at 2am too.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 27, 2006
  12. Uncle Bully

    thebygdog Guest

    It remains inconsistent for authorities to claim credit for good
    statistics while berating the public for bad ones. We have obviously
    reached a point of diminishing returns from more stringent enforcement.
    What is needed is for NSW roads, and in particular the pacific and
    hume highways, to be improved to the standard that is found north and
    south of the NSW border.

    If you think that Melbourne and Noosa are only 2 hours up/down the
    coast, you've got _no_ business berating _anyone_ about speeding. ;)
    thebygdog, Jan 27, 2006
  13. Uncle Bully

    thebygdog Guest

    Who'se forcing anyone to travel _above_ 100? On the multiple lane
    divided highways suitable for such speeds, there need be no problem
    with people travelling at whatever speed not exceeding 130 which suits
    them provided them remain in the leftmost lane while doing so.
    thebygdog, Jan 27, 2006
  14. So we realise the roads aren't flash but yet still want to increase the
    limit for all & sundry on them.

    Hey, I wouldn't say on average QLD's roads are better than NSW.
    Noosa is 2 hours up the coast and the Gold Coast is 2 hours down the coast.
    Melbourne is a lot further but if you think driving faster will stop you
    falling a sleep between here and there instead of taking breaks, you have no
    business berating anyone about driving tired.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 27, 2006
  15. Now listen pud-puller:

    Why would you snip out the salient points and then complain about
    the lack of content? Only one answer: Self gratification...

    Do it in private. We don't want to watch.
    Bernd Felsche, Jan 27, 2006
  16. Uncle Bully

    G-S Guest

    Indeed... so what is the solution that deals with both issues?

    That's the hard answer :)

    G-S, Jan 27, 2006
  17. Uncle Bully

    G-S Guest

    It isn't fatigue induced sleepiness... it's lack of stimulation induced
    The point is that at 100kph there isn't enough input at high enough eye
    speed to avoid the problem even with ones eyes moving around, in at
    least some people.

    I suspect if examined one would end up with a range of responses... but
    at least some people exhibit similar responses to those I've indicated.

    G-S, Jan 27, 2006
  18. Uncle Bully

    G-S Guest

    No... you're missing the point... at 120 or thereabouts I can easily
    drive 5 hour stretches before feeling tired, at 110 that drops to about
    3 hours and at 100 to about and hour.

    This is in a normal not fatigued state and assuming wide 4 lane highway
    type roads... a twisty road won't have the same effect at 100 because
    sufficient mental activity exists in controlling the car to avoid
    'drowsiness shut down' (if I can call it that).
    See above... I've driven 8000 kms in the last 6 weeks with 2 interstate

    G-S, Jan 27, 2006
  19. Uncle Bully

    G-S Guest

    I didn't say it was safer for everyone... I said I was more likely to
    fall asleep at 100 than at 130 (significantly more so).

    I suspect that the increased risk of crashing at 130 is less than the
    increased risk of crashing by falling asleep at 100... for _me_ at least.
    People have different physiological responses to the same inputs... I
    would expect that there would be a range of responses from one extreme
    to the other (as there are in most things).

    Many people no doubt are safer at 100 than 130... you by your own
    comments are one of them.

    The problem remains... how to avoid _both_ problems!

    G-S, Jan 27, 2006
  20. Uncle Bully

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Isn't it hilarous that someone named "Felsche" would go making fun of
    someone ELSE's surname!!
    Knobdoodle, Jan 27, 2006
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