The Police and racism

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Corfield, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. But was that because ukrm "corrected him" (whatever that means) or
    because he met people who were openly gay and found they weren't evil
    personified? Homophobia usually exists because of negative stereotypes
    that are reinforced by parental and school upbringing and a lack of
    exposure to gay people who might provide a positive view. For those of
    us who have emerged from "the closet" it takes quite an effort to begin
    to like yourself given the years and years of negative images that you
    have been subjected to.

    I tend to work on the principle that I judge people when I meet them and
    try hard not to absorb all the gossip and views perpetrated by others.
    My boss has a terrible habit of expressing negative comments about other
    people who I haven't met but he has worked with before. I am then
    lumbered with a negative view of the person before I've even met them. I
    have had to correct him more than once because I'd rather judge people
    for myself not have someone else do it on my behalf.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 23, 2003
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  2. Paul Corfield

    Lozzo Guest

    Champ wibbled incoherently
    That was me <blows Paul a kiss> :)

    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 23, 2003
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  3. Sounds OK to me.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 23, 2003
  4. Paul Corfield

    Big Tony Guest

    I think it was more a case of changing the definition to something Paul
    Condon would accept thus allowing the Met to be branded Institutionally
    Not wishing to disagree with your definition but the Lawrence enquiry
    defined it as "the collective failure of an organisation to provide an
    appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour,
    culture or ethnic origin" and that was the definition finally accepted by
    the Met.
    Big Tony, Oct 23, 2003
  5. Paul Corfield

    Verdigris Guest

    On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 20:15:48 +0100, simonk wrote:

    Who says they reflect society? Or should do?

    Let's imagine an average person.

    Now let's consider a subset of our society. Say: accountants. Is the
    average acountant the same as the average Brit? I would say not! It (the
    accountant) has been selected for those characteristics which make for a
    good accountant.

    The same is - or should be true of the police. The members of our police
    forces are not determined by lot, but by selection so that they are more
    fit for the job of upholding our laws than the average person.

    It is therefore entirely right and proper that we expect our police
    offficers to be better than us; and if we decide that racism is bad, then
    our police officers should not be racist, even if we are.
    Verdigris, Oct 23, 2003
  6. Paul Corfield wrote
    Have you tried taking all the mirrors down at home. That can help
    sometimes, so I am told.
    steve auvache, Oct 23, 2003
  7. Paul Corfield

    Lozzo Guest

    Champ wibbled incoherently
    Not exactly. I was always a bit 'keep it to myself' about how I felt
    about the gay, lesbian and other 6 genders apparent on ukrm. I was
    brought up in a very strict Catholic/Military household, where anything
    out of the norm was regarded as freaky and not to be trusted. I suppose
    I was brought up well, if you want to be brought up a racist, sexist
    homophobic and xenophobic bigot, a bit strange for a semi-furriner.

    What made me change my mind and come to my senses about how I felt
    towards the gays and others was sitting down and chatting to someone,
    and then finding out afterwards that they weren't exactly what, or
    indeed whom, I thought they were IYSWIM. I realised from that moment
    that someone who is gay, or may have had some kind of major lifechanging
    and gender changing surgery, is not necessarily a freak and deserves to
    be treated as I'd treat anyone else. Respect is another matter, that
    comes down to them deserving it over time.

    Nowadays I couldn't hate someone who is gay purely for that alone.
    They'd have to be some kind of proper **** as well for me to feel that
    way about them.

    That said, I do hate the way some gay blokes mince about though.

    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 23, 2003
  8. Paul Corfield

    Owen Guest

    Surely, no potential police officer will admit to being racist. Whilst
    I don't agree totally with the way that this journo has gone about
    things, how else would you go about uncovering things like this?
    O -----
    1 Black, 1 Red. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Egocentric statement | ooo |
    Owen, Oct 23, 2003
  9. Paul Corfield

    Mark Olson Guest

    ....possessing one nork and one bollock.
    Mark Olson, Oct 24, 2003
  10. Paul Corfield

    marina Guest

    Quite possibly. I don't know much of the details of the case.
    I wasn't defining. "it could be summarised" was what I said, and it
    was a personal view. I am happy to agree with you. As I said, don't
    know any details.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    XV535, GPZ500S (for sale), SR250 (shared). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2.
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    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Oct 24, 2003
  11. Paul Corfield

    marina Guest

    Too true. I am a playworker but part of my job is to run the day to
    day finances of our after school club. I am suited to working woth
    children; I am _not_ suited to doing figure work. I take ages, I make
    stupid errors, I hate it. I admire people who can do it day in day
    out, even though I find, quite often, I don't like them.
    I don't expect police officers to be better than me; I do expect them
    to have large amounts of integrity and professionalism. If they hold
    racist views in private (and I would hope they don't), I still expect
    them to uphold the views that they agree to in their contracts -
    which, if they are like my local government contract, will have a
    clause they have to sign to say they support the anti-discrimination
    policy the police force no doubt has in force.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    XV535, GPZ500S (for sale), SR250 (shared). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2.
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Oct 24, 2003
  12. Paul Corfield

    JP Guest

    Nothing - some knocking of the police I can defend but I cant defend
    what happened on that programme.
    JP, Oct 24, 2003
  13. Paul Corfield

    Jon Harris Guest

    I take your point, but *you* haven't done anything. Those who think that all
    the police should feel ashamed are just as bad as those who think all blacks
    should be ashamed be Silcott was done for murder.

    If *you* were backing the bloke on the program, then feel guilty, if you
    happen to work in the same profession, relax.


    Jon Harris, Oct 25, 2003
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