The Police and racism

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Corfield, Oct 22, 2003.


    Interesting story.

    I do wonder what planet Mr Blunkett is on if he believes "diversity"
    training will prevent people from acting in a racist manner. Surely the
    issue for the police is to ensure they never recruit people with this
    belief set in the first place?

    The "whinge" from the North Wales Deputy Chief Constable about the BBC
    not telling North Wales police what was in the programme is a bit
    pathetic. What right have they got to advance warning when this sort of
    appalling behaviour is uncovered?

    And - sweeping statements time - why are the Chief Constables so shocked
    that racist behaviour exists in the police and would be displayed by
    trainees when e.g. the Met has been found to be institutionally racist?
    Doesn't the behaviour go hand in hand with the way the organisation
    passes on its culture and values?
    Paul Corfield, Oct 22, 2003
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  2. Paul Corfield

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    And how do you propose they ascertain if someone is racist during an
    SRX 400

    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"
    Dr Zoidberg, Oct 22, 2003
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  3. Paul Corfield

    Spete Guest

    Spete, Oct 22, 2003
  4. Paul Corfield

    Bill Guest

    There would be almost no police if they did that.

    Those featured in the programme were extreme, skillfully egged on by the
    journo making the programme.

    Political Correctness is strangling the police and making it difficult to
    function effectively. There is something drastically wrong when they have
    to consult with "community leaders" before making an arrest or searching
    somewhere in some parts of the country, in case it offends the ethnic

    We are now seeing the long term plans of some sections of the community
    coming to fruition. Years of bleating about racism have now made them
    vitually untouchable, to carry on whatever wrong doing they are engaged in.

    An unpopular opinion I know, but I haven't had the benefit of being
    brainwashed at school/uni etc.

    Bill, Oct 22, 2003
  5. Paul Corfield

    Ben Guest

    I have a strong feeling that the positive discrimination in the Police
    (targets for recruitment of ethic minority officers) is actually
    fostering resentment and racism.

    There is obviously a case for more careful screening of potential
    officers from a psychological and social attitude point of view, but I
    really don't see why they can't just recruit 'Police officers' rather
    than 'x black officers, x asian officers, x oriental officers'.

    I guess though the Police are really just a distilled reflection of
    the attitudes of the population as a whole, and in that case then we
    need to work out why these attitudes are still present in the first
    Ben, Oct 22, 2003
  6. Paul Corfield

    jsp Guest

    Ask them what they think of blacks.

    Or say 'Your first partner is a black wpc. She is set upon by thugs.
    Do you a) go and help her, b) turn and look the other way, c) join in.?'


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 22, 2003
  7. Paul Corfield wrote
    You're young aren't you?

    I think Sir will find that when Sir looks closely at the CC Sir may be
    forgiven if Sir detects signs of insincerity. After all he could hardly
    be expected to admit that his blokes are at all representative of the
    population at large and between them hold many and varied views on many
    and varied subjects?

    I refuse to believe that there are more racist pigs by proportion than
    civilian ones. Sorry but it is bollox to suggest otherwise. Sadly
    there are pigs who put their personal beliefs above those of their duty
    to catch crims. These people are the ones we want to find and throw

    I for one would be happy to be able to hear a copper say: "They may be
    fucking pakis but they are as entitled as anybody else to the benefits
    of the law while we sort out sending the bastards home." At least then
    I would only have the one issue with the ****.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Dr Zoidberg wrote
    Fucking ask them.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  9. Paul Corfield

    JP Guest

    Discussing this at work today - general feeling was that it is going
    to take a fair amount of research to come up with an infallible
    method. It has to be worth it though
    Personally I think it should have been disclosed - at least to enable
    the forces concerned to make responses. In the end though that side of
    things really doesnt bother me - I`m more concerned about the
    behaviour shown than petty arguements after the event

    What concerned me most was that this wasnt a demonstration of
    institutional racism - it was an appalling demonstration of overt
    racism. And having spoken at length today with my colleagues I can say
    that we were as one - totally appalled and ashamed.
    JP, Oct 22, 2003
  10. Bill wrote
    Right on. You was brainwashed before you even went to school.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  11. Paul Corfield

    Eatmorepies Guest

    1. We are all racist to some degree but in work we must conduct ourselves in
    a way that is not dominated by personal beliefs.

    2. As a middle aged white bloke I like it when the police are a bit
    prejudiced in my favour and hope to get off when I am stopped for going a
    few indiscrete miles over the limit in a non built up area.

    Eatmorepies, Oct 22, 2003
  12. Paul Corfield

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    You can't honestly say you think that people will answer questions like that
    SRX 400

    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"
    Dr Zoidberg, Oct 22, 2003
  13. *Exactly*

    And do you want extremists in such an organisation? Don't be such a
    fucking imbecile.

    The police also did themselves *no* favours by arresting him, banging
    him up, and charging him with obtaining a pecuniary advantage by
    deception (that one was canned), criminal damage (making a hole for the
    pinhole camera in his flak jacket) and, er, something else.

    And, as ever, all we hear is complaints against the messenger, not the

    The five who've resigned (or been made to) - good. There should be more.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 22, 2003
  14. Ben wrote

    It takes time to work itself out of the system.

    Prior to the 1960's the only people bleating on about racism were the
    wogs, who didn't count as people, the proto BHaLC members, who were
    married off and silenced by having babies and big parties and fashion,
    and the Trots, who were only proles and were all going to die first as
    soon as the next war could be arranged anyway.

    Although we didn't have anything like the issues that the merkins did,
    the new fangled monochrome jewel flickering in its own strange light in
    the corner of the room brought the issue home to us in a manner of

    Remember, at this time there was a load more British wogs joining the
    population and the bastards were breeding and making their fair share of
    English wog sprogs so we were actually starting to notice them in
    numbers where they simply hadn't even been before. Butlin's and
    shopping in the west end and places like that.

    Some bright spark cottoned on to the fact that wogs were oppressed
    workers too and the Marxists who, despite being caught in kin *huge*
    numbers were fucking *everywhere*, took up the cause and flogged it lock
    stock and barrel along with equality for bitches and the union is your
    friend to the labour movement. Who were doing the legislating at the

    By the time the 70's was drawing to an end kids were being taught
    officially that they had to have an opinion and that dissing wogs was
    not cool dude. Course what opinions they already had got forming
    depended a lot on their parents.

    Those children of parents who held strong views, in the main, held views
    of their own similar to those of their parents. Those children of
    parents called Blaney were told to have opinions by the proto BHaLCites
    and as the only one they were ever allowed to hear officially was: peace
    love and understanding, they publicly mumbled summat about, "whatever
    the proto BHaLC wanted being fine" with them and all went and secretly
    voted for Maggie first opportunity they got.

    Over the last 40 years, in the main, society has become more tolerant of
    wogishness, for want of a better word but it will take generations to
    work out the few last remaining cunts. Sadly we cannot do this as
    quickly if they are not allowed to express their opinions openly.

    But of course none of the above answers the question of: why are their
    so few wogs who ride bikes? And I don't ever recall ever seeing a black
    bitch ever, 'cept for in porn.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  15. Dr Zoidberg wrote
    Don't see why not.

    I have had some very strange interviews, which included profiling. I am
    confident some of them tested my views on racism.

    FFS I am in the middle of one right now.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  16. The Older Gentleman wrote
    Wossat thing they do to shut up the press about it? Now that the trial
    has started you can't report certain things? That one?

    Kin good move from their POV what. Right I reckon as well, because this
    one is going to roll *forever* and will, by it's very nature, be as
    public as it is possible to make it.

    The pigs don't like their internals on display and the press are equally
    not as fond of anyone messing with their freedom to **** you over.

    I reckon it is a plant by Blur to take our attention away from the fact
    that he will be taking Saturdays off regular from now on.
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  17. JP wrote
    Yer bike is dirty?
    steve auvache, Oct 22, 2003
  18. 20 odd years ago I went for a job at the big training college near
    Hartley Whintney, where I would have had a hand in things to do with
    racial discrimination. They asked me "How would you train a copper not
    to be racist". I said "I wouldn't, I'd only allow non-racist applicants
    in". What goes around comes around eh? I didn't get the job.

    Dave OSOS#24 Remove my gerbil for email replies

    Yamaha XJ900S & Wessex sidecar, the sexy one
    Yamaha XJ900F & Watsonian Monaco, the comfortable one
    Dave Swindell, Oct 22, 2003
  19. Paul Corfield

    AndrewR Guest

    I can't see that there's ever going to be an infallible method of detecting
    racism, there are only going to be increasingly more subtle ways of finding
    and weeding out those who are too stupid to hide their views.

    I see one of the stories today announced the first step on this road;
    planting trainees to report back on the behaviour of new recruits.

    I'm happy to admit that I'm no expert on the police, but my understanding of
    it leads me to think two things:

    1. It's a bad idea to begin to foster an air of suspicion within an
    organisation that relies on team-work to save lives, keep the peace and
    maintain the safety of us all.

    2. That if I was a coloured officer I'd like to know, up front, who was
    against me - so that I didn't find out when I was relying on them to cover
    my back and they're looking the other way[1].

    I'm happy to be corrected of course.

    [1] Although obviously there's a world of difference between making racist
    comments and/or telling racist jokes because you believe that, in the
    circumstances, it will make you look like one of the lads and actually
    refusing to help somebody or intentionally hurting them.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, Keeper of the TFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Oct 22, 2003

  20. Only WASPs are racist, by definition.
    It is quite impossible for Johnny Foreigner to be racist,
    no matter what his beliefs or behaviour.
    Old Fart at Play, Oct 22, 2003
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