The point of red/amber?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by paul, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. paul

    Jeremy Guest

    Jeremy, Dec 3, 2003
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  2. paul

    CT Guest

    True, but that's a rare occurrence. They're usually half a mile up
    the road stopping people doing 35 in a 30.
    CT, Dec 3, 2003
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  3. In, mups said:
    Heh. I must admit stopping a few times at that roundabout.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 3, 2003
  4. paul

    YTC#1 Guest

    So that we get a warning of the imminent change to GREEN and ready our
    gears, instead of being beeeeped by the cars behind as it changes.
    YTC#1, Dec 3, 2003
  5. paul

    YTC#1 Guest

    And not me for a change !! Whhoooo hooooo !!!
    YTC#1, Dec 3, 2003
  6. paul

    YTC#1 Guest

    Which bit of "to go from red to green" do you not under stand ?
    YTC#1, Dec 3, 2003
  7. paul

    Rexx Guest

    My advice still stands, if someone is crossing the road when the red and
    amber shows, you don't run them over, plus if you're approaching the
    lights, you know you don't have to slow down (as much).
    Rexx, Dec 3, 2003
  8. paul

    paul Guest

    So if it were showing green then you would run them over?
    If they were showing green then wouldn't have to slow down either...

    paul, Dec 3, 2003
  9. paul

    Rexx Guest

    Ok, rephrase that 'waiting to cross' or 'beginning to cross'.
    Rexx, Dec 3, 2003
  10. paul

    Rexx Guest

    Well, I wouldn't do it on the bike, the car is another matter however.
    Rexx, Dec 3, 2003
  11. paul

    Big Tim Guest

    Quick everyone, the gateway to another universe is open...
    Big Tim, Dec 3, 2003
  12. paul

    YTC#1 Guest

    Is that like someone seeing you can type and assuming you know what you
    are on about.
    YTC#1, Dec 3, 2003
  13. so haven't you just proved the answer to why the lights are as they
    are? In Europe or wherever, you have to wait until the green light
    before selecting gear and going.
    Power Grainger, Dec 3, 2003
  14. wrote
    I believe that the original reason was to have some sort of fail safe in
    the event of a failure of one of the other bulbs. 70 years ago when
    traffic lights were first rolled out bulb technology was not quite what
    it is today.
    steve auvache, Dec 3, 2003
  15. paul

    CT Guest

    Isn't there a Trivial Pursuit question along the lines of
    "In X[1], what exploded outside Y[1] in London, killing a policeman?"

    [1] Insert a year, early 1900s I think.
    [2] Insert a place - might be Downing St.
    CT, Dec 3, 2003
  16. paul

    David Thomas Guest

    Bulb technology isn't what it is today.................. err yeah, I often
    see lights missing from the sequence..... or don't see them should I
    say......Arrh **** I have confused myself now, as you were.

    David Thomas, Dec 3, 2003
  17. paul

    Salad Dodger Guest

    I've seen some arrogance in my time on ukrm, but "I didn't understand
    the question, so instinctively assumed that the questioner was in the
    wrong" takes some beating.
    Salad Dodger, Dec 3, 2003
  18. paul

    jsp Guest


    There is a word for saying things like that, but I'm buggered if I can
    think what it is.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Dec 3, 2003
  19. paul

    YTC#1 Guest

    Its Des, 'nuff said.
    YTC#1, Dec 3, 2003
  20. paul

    serf Guest

    Uruguay are the dog's bollox of S. Am. Did you mean Paraguay, the armpit of
    the New World?
    serf, Dec 3, 2003
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