The Pitstop

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    We eased out of the DFW metroplex early enough to miss the rush hour
    traffic, on Wednesday morning.. hmmmm.. did I really say that ? Southbound
    I-35 is a perpetual rush hour, regardless of what time anyone jumps in
    there.. Waco is a mess and getting through is always like threading the
    needle without bifocals.. lol.. Austin and San Antonio is not better,
    either.. The perpetual highway construction ensures that traffic accidents
    will inevitably cause delays and tie ups.. Otherwise the trip to the border
    city at Laredo was routine.. Cotulla is a busy little town that is not much
    more than a crossroads stop for fuel and a quick snack .. The Diamond
    Shamrock station in Cotulla seems to be the most popular place to take a
    little break from the monotonous and boring ride..

    Packed motorcycles seem to attract a lot of attention by the other motorists
    who are travelling .. Wonder why that is ? After the usual questions of
    "where ya'll goin", etc. some of those folks asked to take pictures of the
    bikes and riders.. Learning of our destination, deep into Mexico, the
    curiosity about us, increased .. especially amongst the mexican motorists
    who were on their way to visit relatives living in distant cities of the
    U.S. Although motorcycling enthusiasts in Mexico are a growing phenom, it
    is apparent that we're all considered a rarity to the majority of travellers
    from that country.. There is a lot of interest in the equipment we wear and
    the machines that we ride.. And, that is on the north side of the
    international border.. After taking the break, we were refreshed and ready
    to continue our long trek to Guadalajara..

    The stops for Immigration and Customs, in Nuevo Laredo was nothing more than

    Arrival in Guadalajara found us in the middle of frantic,last minute
    preparations for the wedding that was planned.. The bride.. my lovely neice
    (in case anyone missed it) was glowing and radiant, as she anticipated the
    event she was anticipating.. The happy couple were married in one of the
    smaller, but more elaborate churches in the city.. whew.. Those ceremonies
    seem to go on forever.. very impressive.. Afterwards, it is party time and
    the large crowd of people were transported to the "casino" where the food,
    music and refreshment is generously consumed.. While the proud parents of
    the glowing bride and groom, judiciously displayed their pride in the newly
    married son and daughter, everyone present, relayed congratulations and
    salutations of good wishes for them.. In other words.. that was one helluva

    hmmm.. A sidenote to the brothers from Texas, who relegated the
    responsibility of delivering our own salutations to the couple.. While I
    hand delivered a very beautiful greeting card.. along with the messages of
    good wishes.. the lovely bride received our gifts with dignity and solemn
    sincerity.. A very graceful lady, indeed..

    Following the festivities of the reception party, the radiant couple were
    off to commence the traditional honeymoon, while many of the partiers simply
    changed locations to continue festivities and many simply retired in

    No one could have asked for more perfect weather.. The average temperature
    was in the 80's .. The nightly rains kept the days cool and refreshing,
    after the Texas heat that we'd endured during the trip down there.. After a
    couple of days, enjoying the hospitality and general sightseeing, the trip
    back was routine and uneventful.. Again.. those mountains are simply
    gorgeous ..

    Now it is time to recover and commence to prepare the Green Vulcan for the
    next ride and adventure.. See you, then.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Glad you made it back, Bill. Wish I could have gone.
    And congratulations to your family. I wish the new bride and groom a long
    life of happiness.
    Wakko, Jul 26, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Thanks Wakko.. The "big guy" and his lady were well remembered by the family
    and friends.. When the tequila hit the table, there were numerous comments
    of admiration about your capacity to make a full bottle disappear .. lol..

    Regards and concern for a rapid recovery to you.. Everyone was sad to hear
    about that incident which caused you to be injured.. Get well quick..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 26, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    It may be necessary for me to go out to Casa Grande, Arizona .. I am waiting
    to hear from Buddy, now.. He is in the VA Hospital in Tucson .. They
    operated on him a few days ago and I'm not sure of how his recovery is
    coming along, since I haven't been able to reach him.. Stay close to home
    and I'll keep you posted on how he is coming along..

    BTW.. The trip Brian is referring to is to visit Edwin, another of
    Corinna's fine sons.. He lives in Matamoros .. Corinna is trying to make
    arrangements to be there and would love to see Mouse, again.. She talked
    about the Mouse all the time while we were in Guadalajara..

    If I'm not mistaken.. Matamoros is almost a day run from where you live..
    With all consideration and due respect to the missus and her condition, see
    what you might be able to work out..

    On another note, I might be able to arrange to meet you in Marshall to
    finish your upcoming ride to Mena, Ar.. next month.. Let me know what your
    itinerary looks like as the time gets a little closer.. See you, then..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 27, 2006
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