The Older Clown

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Henry, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Henry

    Henry Guest

    Whilst cowering behind his killfile, the older clown timidly chirped:
    The older clown appears to be a liar as well as a self
    loathing imbecile with little self respect, credibility,
    or integrity. He also lacks the intelligence to address
    the facts or coherently defend his views.
    One is tempted to wonder if the older clown's "mind" is
    so far gone that he actually "thinks" his pitiful and
    childlike behavior is admirable... <chuckle>

    Look at the height of WTC7: Picture1.jpg

    Then look at how it collapsed:

    Small random fires can't possibly make a steel framed building
    do that. Not even a raging inferno can cause a steel building to
    do anything even remotely close to that. Only a very well executed
    controlled demolition can cause the total, instant, and symmetric
    failure of all steel support columns that took place in WTC7.
    That was very solidly braced and virtually undamaged steel frame.
    It was dramatically over engineered to withstand hurricane force
    winds and mild earth quakes. Look at the still photos at 1 second
    intervals. The building stays perfectly straight and level all the
    way down. Every one of the 58 steel perimeter columns failed at
    exactly the same time, and they all failed totally, putting up
    essentially zero resistance. That's proved by the collapse time of
    6.6 seconds compared to 6 seconds free fall. The southwest corner
    of WTC7 was damaged by debris from the north tower, and there were
    small random fires in the building, although it's anyone's guess how
    they were ignited. But asymmetric damage and random fires don't cause
    steel framed buildings to collapse even slowly and asymmetrically.
    More expert analysis on the demolition of WTC7 can be found here:

    This is what happens to steel framed buildings exposed to raging
    infernos for hours on end.

    As you can see, these steel framed structures suffered gradual
    deformation, but nothing even remotely close to a total symmetric
    and free fall speed collapse - and those fires were far hotter
    and of much longer duration than the small, isolated fires in

    Twin Towers:
    The massive reserve strength designed into the steel frames of
    the towers could not possibly have been overcome by the force
    of gravity alone. The fact that it was exceeded to such an
    extreme degree that the undamaged steel frame offered no
    measurable resistance, proves conclusively that the lower
    structures were destroyed before being impacted by the upper


    "The Twin Towers and Why They Fell
    It would help to begin with an accurate description of the WTC towers
    in terms of quality of design and construction. In July of 1971, the
    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented a national award
    judging the buildings to be "the engineering project that demonstrates
    the greatest engineering skills and represents the greatest
    contribution to engineering progress and mankind."3 Others noted that
    "the World Trade Center towers would have an inherent capacity to
    resist unforeseen calamities." This capacity stemmed from the use of
    special high-strength steels. In particular, the perimeter columns
    were designed with tremendous reserve strength whereby "live loads on
    these columns can be increased more than 2,000% before failure occurs.

    More on the incredible strength of the towers can be found here:

    "There is evidence that the Twin Towers were designed with an even
    greater measure of reserve strength than typical large buildings.
    According to the calculations of engineers who worked on the Towers'
    design, all the columns on one side of a Tower could be cut, as well
    as the two corners and some of the columns on each adjacent side, and
    the building would still be strong enough to withstand a
    100-mile-per-hour wind. 3"

    The massive steel frames of the towers were far too strong to
    collapse only under their own weight. That's been proved through
    physics, and that's why no other steel framed buildings have ever
    collapsed that way unless they were demolished. See Gordon Ross'
    excellent paper on momentum transfer on this page:

    As common sense would dictate, even if all the perimeter and
    core columns near the top of the tower were somehow destroyed
    simultaneously so that the top 20 stories or so dropped onto the
    remaining undamaged frame, after some bending and compression,
    the collapse would have stopped, or the upper block would have
    fallen off to the side. Gordon Ross proves that with physics.

    The official conspiracy requires us to believe that falling
    directly =through= the massive undamaged steel frames, including
    the 47 interconnected central core columns:

    provided little more resistance than air. This is proved by
    the fact that debris falling outside the towers hit the ground
    about the same time as the debris falling through the towers.
    Making the government's conspiracy theory even more implausible,
    is the fact that the steel at the top of the towers was over
    ten times lighter and thinner than the undamaged steel in the
    lower section. Look at the massive core column cross section in
    the bottom photo.

    The official conspiracy theory says that crushing 47 of those
    columns, all interconnected with even more steel, =and= destroying
    all the perimeter columns, =and= "pancaking" all the floors, and
    stairways, produced about the same kinetic friction as falling
    though air. That, of course, is not physically possible.

    Observe the rotating and disintegrating block on the South

    Notice that the corners are curved, as the block's internal
    destruction is already taking place. If it had not been destroyed
    through demolition, it would have continued to rotate and fall off
    the building as an intact block. Also, notice that the block is
    tilting towards the corner where it was impacted. The opposite
    corner was undamaged by impact or fire, as proved by photo

    As the top section of that tower is rotating, the high strength,
    fire resistant perimeter columns on one side of the building are
    being compressed, and on the opposite side, where the building
    was not damaged by fire or impact, the weight above them is greatly
    Why do you think the undamaged steel perimeter frame with reduced
    weight above it is exploding and collapsing at the same rate as
    the fire and impact damaged side that has most of the weight of the
    rotating block on it? Seems more than a little odd, doesn't it? Here's
    some information on the perimeter columns.

    Now watch the video titled, "Close-up of South Tower collapse"
    on this page: update/#videos

    That's not gradual bending and buckling of an over heated steel
    frame. Those are huge explosions not unlike those we see in a
    controlled demolition. Keep in mind that this is at the onset of
    the collapse, so nothing is falling quickly at this point.

    More good information on 9-11 can be found here:


    Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
    to raging infernos for hours on end.

    On 9-11-01, WTC7, a 47 story steel framed building, which
    had only small, random fires, dropped in perfect symmetry
    at near free fall speed as in a perfectly executed controlled

    Ever wonder who benefits from the 300 MILLION
    U.S. taxpayer dollars spent each DAY in Iraq?

    "They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
    there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
    take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
    who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
    warfare or morality."
    -bu$h describing his own illegal invasion of Iraq.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
    that matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Henry, Sep 20, 2007
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  2. Henry

    Hog Guest

    Bwahahahaha "small random". Be nice to roast your pig ass over something
    that small
    You have a career in aerospace construction if you have made a steel that
    doesn't loose its strength a 2000degC. Of course the only career you
    *really* have is cleaning my shit out from under the bowl

    Hog, Sep 20, 2007
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  3. WTf are you on about?

    Indeed, WTF are you on?
    Paul - xxx (mobile), Sep 20, 2007
  4. Henry

    Henry Guest

    I see it did roast a hog's ass, but softening steel requires
    considerably more heat than roasting a hog. Do hogs "think"
    this is a raging, steel frame disintegrating inferno? <chuckle>
    One thing we can always count on, is the laughable inability
    of magic fire/Super Arab cartoon conspiracy kooks to produce
    a rational defense of their comical and physically impossible
    cartoon fairy tale. <chuckle>

    The secrecy surrounding the events after 9/11 prevents public
    investigation through normal channels. It is still possible
    however to examine the surviving available evidence to see what
    can be deduced. If it can be readily deduced that explosives
    brought down the buildings then the official explanation for the
    collapse, which avoids consideration of explosives, must be
    reevaluated in an attempt to discover its purpose. What surviving
    evidence is there and what can be deduced from it? In my view the
    deductions based on videos may be regarded as virtually irrefutable.
    Deductions based on photographs and statements by observers may be
    weighed by considering the possibility of forgery and the
    variability of witness reports.

    Observations and deductions from videos

    1. WTC 7 collapsed straight down. This requires that, at the moment
    of collapse, if caused by fires weakening the supports, not only did
    the north and south pair of walls have to be of equal strength, but
    also the east and west pair. Without such symmetry this tall
    building would inevitably have toppled over. Even if the fires had been
    intense and widespread this dual symmetry would have only a very low
    probability of existence. Given the uneven distribution of the small
    fires at the time of collapse the probability of the required symmetry
    vanishes, hence fires did not cause the collapse.
    2. The acceleration downwards of WTC 7 was 30 feet per second per
    second. This is so close to the free fall acceleration of 32.2 feet
    per second per second in a vacuum that virtually no resistance
    throughout the fall can have existed. Also the acceleration of WTC
    was constant right from the start. Steel softens slowly as it is heated
    and, when just failing, still provides substantial resistance. There
    was however no sign of the steel giving way gradually as its
    temperature rose. These two observations, taken together, imply that
    the support structures were instantly and completely severed.
    3. A stream of molten metal, yellow-hot and flashing white-hot, was
    observed running from WTC 2 near the plane impact region. Shortly after
    this the building collapsed. When metal is white hot it is at a
    temperature of at least 1200o C, and when yellow it is at about
    1000o C, far hotter than possible from the burning of aircraft fuel
    or office materials. The use of an oxidizing chemical reaction, such as
    occurs with thermite, or something similar, is implied. The thermite
    reaction achieves a temperature well in excess of 2000o C, and
    produces molten iron as a by-product, melting point 1540o C. It is
    used to cut steel, melting point about 1500o C.
    4. During the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2 vast clouds of dense dust and
    portions of the steel columns were violently thrown out.5 The dust came
    mainly from the pulverization of the concrete that was in the floors.
    The dust cloud and steel were evident early in the collapse, before the
    parts had picked up much speed, so cannot have come from component
    impacts. For the pulverization of the concrete, and also to rapidly
    expand the dust cloud against the pressure of the atmosphere, a very
    substantial additional source of energy is required. The theory that
    this energy could have come from the potential energy in the building
    is clearly untenable as virtually all of the potential energy had to be
    consumed in providing the kinetic energy for the high downward
    acceleration, so close to free fall.9
    5. Computer simulations by Lu and Jiang show that, for WTC 1 and WTC 2,
    collapse in the fire damaged region would have been impossible at the
    known temperature of the steel supports.
    6. Calculations by Gordon Ross show that, if a floor near the plane
    impact site instantly and totally disintegrated, the energy available
    from the falling of the top portion would not be sufficient to provide
    the energy needed to sustain the collapse through the undamaged
    lower portion. Thus, in the absence of explosives, the top would have
    decelerated and come to rest.

    Deductions from observer statements and photographs
    1. Weeks after 9/11 workers were still unearthing extremely hot
    material. A photograph shows solid yellow-hot metal clamped in
    the jaws of an excavator. The color shows this to be at least
    1000o C. This cannot be aluminium, which melts at 660o C, and
    therefore must be iron or steel. It is impossible for a fire without
    a dense supply of fuel and forced draft to achieve such high
    temperatures, hence another energy source must have been involved.
    2. Molten metal was observed in the basement of all three buildings
    and the high temperatures were confirmed by aerial infra-red imaging.
    This observation can be readily explained by the use of thermite which
    contains a chemical oxidant, so does not depend on an air supply. The
    by-product of its reaction is molten iron. This would explain not only
    the high temperatures achieved in a confined space but also the
    presence of liquid metal, as described more fully in point 3 of the
    list above.
    3. Numerous eye witnesses reported hearing and feeling explosions. Some
    were injured and some reported being blown off their feet.
    4. A photograph of WTC 2 shortly after the collapse commenced shows the
    falling top block distorting, though it was straight just before the
    fall commenced. As there can be no force acting on the block during
    free fall, this could not have occurred unless the block had already
    lost its support structure.


    Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
    to raging infernos for hours on end.

    On 9-11-01, WTC7, a 47 story steel framed building, which
    had only small, random fires, dropped in perfect symmetry
    at near free fall speed as in a perfectly executed controlled

    Ever wonder who benefits from the 300 MILLION
    U.S. taxpayer dollars spent each DAY in Iraq?

    "They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
    there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
    take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
    who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
    warfare or morality."
    -bu$h describing his own illegal invasion of Iraq.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
    that matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Henry, Sep 21, 2007
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