The Most Important Issue...

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    If he were the least intelligent he would have not been reelected..
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 6, 2004
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  2. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I thought about leaving my cage once, but then I got suspicious of just *WHY*
    the master left the door open.

    Thought he could fool me! Heh.

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
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  3. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I think you are logic is in serious doubt, two.

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  4. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Moe Meantam Guest

    Here I've been knocking myself out trying to help you find a place to
    be free, to be literate, and to start your violent insurrection, and
    this is the thanks I get. <sniff> I could just cry.
    Moe Meantam, Nov 6, 2004
  5. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I oppose helmet laws. I also oppose assholes who don't know me who think that
    I'm somehow unfree because I choose to wear a helmet. OR because I choose to
    live in this country.

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  6. SNIP
    Incase some asshole steals easier to identify by
    serial number you moron.(damn, I had troopies that were
    smart enough to understand that concept)
    Actually until Von Stuben came along the continental
    artillery SUCKED ass. After he got done they still sucked
    just not as embarrassingly.


    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 6, 2004
  7. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    He's free to do that...

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  8. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    You're free to do that.

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  9. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Moe Meantam Guest

    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. And Jesus was a
    Moe Meantam, Nov 6, 2004
  10. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Dude, I work for the CIA. I try any of that shit, and I won't HAVE any balls.


    3 black, bad-ass bikes:
    '04 FLTRI Road Glide
    '99 955i Speed Triple (It's baaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkk!)
    '72 TR6RV Tiger

    (P.S. I don't drink and I yanked the cable out of the ground in my yard when my
    kids got old enough to be interested in T.V.; but shit, continue to be the kind
    of asshole who thinks you know everything about everybody else.)

    (P.P.S. Come on out and ride the Shenandoahs with me before you emigrate. Bet
    we'll have a blast!)
    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  11. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I did, too; but I got distracted by your error.

    Now, where was I????

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  12. SNIP's been over 20 years since the classes but
    from what I recall the got lucky.

    Only by luck and by golly. They truely sucked...after the
    training that VonStuben gave them at least they had some
    discipline. Even if they weren't very good, good shots yes.
    Good soldiers? Barely acceptable ime...

    Yep, just another looney on the beach thinking he knows it


    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 6, 2004
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I agree with the aims of every project I've worked on, and believe me, every
    project I've ever worked on has helped make Americans MORE free than they
    otherwise would be. Trust me.
    My escape is riding.
    The trick is to *get* 100% of your earnings from the government, then it doesn't
    hurt so much when they take 50% back. Oh, and also, it helps to own and operate
    your own company, so you can negotiate a better deal than a rank and file
    I'll do my best, but I'm not what you'd call fast....

    Tim Morrow, Nov 6, 2004
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Phil Scott Guest

    You are thinking in opositional terms where the issue is
    entirely logistics.
    Say for instance you had an RPG..and backed off the pirates
    with it. Night time falls a week later and these guys have
    the mast of the last boat they sunk tied to thier hull at
    water line and ram it though the side of your boat.

    You will sink before you can haul your ass out of bed and
    whine about it.

    Rule number one in war it to know your enemy... rule 2 is
    defeat them before any conflict begins.. you are thinking in
    late stage options..and when you are alone at sea against
    pirates you dont have any actually viable options.. except
    abject poverty.. you will not be touched in that case..unless
    there are good looking women on board.

    One wins in all these cases you are addressing by several
    other means in all aspects of this cluster ****, including
    just living in the current culture.

    First being untargetable in any vital areas.. thats
    economically and otherwise.

    Second being a non worthwhile target.. the cost of attack
    exceeds any spoils gained.

    Thirdly, being invisible to those looking for targets.. the
    BOHICA strategy.

    Fourth being unafraid to die. If you are willing die, no
    threat is workable against you...and its largely, 99% or more
    threat that causes most people to cower.

    Fifth... you don't flash weapons.

    and you will not be shooting at the pirates early either...
    you will not even know they are pirates until they are along
    side you.. then it will be too late. Pre emptive action
    otherwise would have you blasting away at anything else on the

    In the pirate scenario... clever pirates will simply pull
    along side and ask to board and relieve you of property. If
    you agree you live. If you begin attack they have you
    outnumbered 10 to one and will kill you, capture the women,
    and sink your boat immediately if it doesnt burn first.

    If you manage to somehow scare them off... they can come from
    anywhere at night and take your boat to the bottom by many
    different means.

    To do well in any aspect of life logistics is the answer.
    thats true in business and in this current mess and becoming
    an expat. Have you searched the Expatriate web sites? Its a
    massive trend. There are still a lot of options.

    even in the US there are options... armed confrontation,
    even though I have engaged in it, is not done from any notion
    that one will prevail...he won't. A man wishing to engage
    larger forces with weapons has to do it from an entirely
    different range of motives... he has to be willing to
    die...and in that effect the change he desires by means of
    others seeing the corruption he was protesting. (When the IRS
    for instance beats an old man with no money to death .... on
    some utterly insane tax claim... ignoring his human right to
    life... and trying to starve him into 'compliance'....(and it
    had been happening prior to last round of congressional
    investigations.) ... regardless the old mans suffering...
    such a govt becomes a recognised *pariah and looses all public revolts even its own civil servants who are after
    all human too.... for govts thats always fatal in the end.)


    That was Ghandhi's strategy against the english. It worked
    perfectly...a similar stragegy is being employed against the
    US in Iraq as we are being led to show our colors on the
    *moral issues...and we did so.......... at Abu Ghraib.

    That was the victory our enemy sought..not in killing of any
    of our men as many suppose.

    the killing our men is to provoke us into attrocities. and
    into spending our utterly limited resources.

    Do you see?
    Logistics entirely alien to the US mind set of direct

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Nov 6, 2004
  15. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Spanky Guest

    Larry, if only it were true. Unfortunately, "morals" is the code word for "I
    voted for the best-looking, most popular guy". "Morals" is the reason
    someone gives when they don't know why they voted for someone. "Morals" is
    the reason someone gives when their vote cannot be justified using rational

    The President of the United States is elected much the same way that our
    High School Class President was elected, it doesn't have to do with brains
    or who has the best plan, it's mostly just a popularity contest, a vote for
    the guy who makes you feel good.

    Spanky, Nov 7, 2004
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Great! A new Era of Good Feeling is underway.

    Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music.....
    Tim Morrow, Nov 7, 2004
  17. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    Israel is the most dependent welfare state on the
    Planet. No country sucks up as many U.S. taxpayer
    dollars as Israel, and no country is in violation
    of anywhere near as many U.N. resolutions.


    George W. Bush: "We have sources that tell us that Saddam
    Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical
    weapons." February 8, 2003.

    George W. Bush: "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments
    leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal
    some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." March 17, 2003.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - A usenet rabid
    right wing extremist terrorist.
    Hank, Nov 7, 2004
  18. 12%...

    So what if the DR has twice as many people living
    Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime... so while you are on the
    beach... 1/4 of the population is planning to unload your valuables out the
    back of your house because they are ill-housed... ill-clad... ill
    Freedom stretches as far as your self control...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 7, 2004
  19. You'll always have the option to ride bare headed in America legally... no
    matter what helmet law passes... because you are free to buy private
    property and build private roads...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 7, 2004
  20. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Alan Moore Guest

    Like the "evidence" that Iraq was trying to buy Uranium from Niger,
    for example. They knew that was false long before they trotted it out
    in public, and cited it in front of the UN.
    His initials are GWB

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Nov 8, 2004
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