Small turnout last night.. Only the regular supporters .. so the meeting was informal and casual.. Damn Indian showed up.. at last.. dangit, Tony.. you gotta start checking in more often.. thanks.. The roundtable discussion was about the just completed Legislative Session, of course.. Hindsight is a good teacher, but doesn't accomplish much in remedy..Be that as it may, it was generally agreed that all the participants in this Session did an excellent job in representing the Bills which we supported and the ones we opposed.. Everyone was on target and focused.. In hindsight, the Calendars committee didn't prioritize the Bills which we targeted and time ran out on them.. We've assured the legislators that our Bills will be back and that we'll be just as enthusiastic to get them on the floor.. Meantime.. while we regroup and get our second wind during the months to come, everyone riding a motorcycle is encouraged to contact their State Reps and Senators to express disappointment in the lack of progress for the important issues which affect our lives.. The inconsequential issues, such as State Game Dogs, etc. were debated at length .. I'm sure that everyone is delighted to hear that our elected reps.. place those kinds of issues above the insurance, energy and corporate welfare handouts that were given so much importance.. Details of the Bills which are in questions are available on the TMRA 2 website, or you can get information about them if you'd care to e-mail me.. One of the brothers attending last nights meeting had some very distressing experiences with the Grand Prairie PD and the Parkland healthcare facility in Dallas, since our last meeting.. As he shared that experience with us, it occurred to me that our systems are broken in the healthcare sytems, now in place.. Although this isn't nearly a NEW revelation, the extent that it has gotten out of control is amazing.. All of us would be well advised to be more attentive in this area, because any one of us can become a statistic with nothing more than an anonymous phone call required.. Till next time.. remember that Tarrant County Chapter is scheduled for it's membership meeting, next week.. Your Friend in Irving Bill Walker