The Infamous Patriots

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Nobodys Perfect:

    Was the headline in the local Sports page, concerning the, uhhhhhhhhh,
    oh yeah........the Patriots.

    But the Giants had the 'perfect' answer to the Patriots loosing in Super
    Bowl XLll, and them not having a perfect season -----Defense-----Brady,
    sacked five times.
    They bugged his ass all day.

    Now, the Patriots are the ''imperfect'' Team. The Giants defense and
    their own Mr. Cool Quarterback, Eli Manning, put them in their
    place.....''the loosers'' of SuperBow XLll.......Yep!

    I like this part: Now the 1972 Miami Dolphins can pop another bottle
    of champayne in celebration of a record still intact, the 'only Perfect'
    team in the Super Bowl Era.

    All of Patriots coach Bellerchick's sneakyness, and his Video efforts,
    are now infamous. Who cares, anymore. <g>

    Like Dusty said; 'waht a gaem''.

    Dusty, you said it, was quiet a gaem. --your usenett
    Mr. JayT, Feb 4, 2008
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