"The Hairy Bikers" thread

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Corey Richardson, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. OK guys and galls, I think it'd be best if you didn't reply to my "The
    Hairy Bikers" thread.

    I'm getting enough grief about it being cross-posted to
    uk.food+drink.misc rather than multi-posted (yes, people really are so
    strange that they are demanding multi-posting over cross-posting even
    though it's very, very wrong) that it really isn't worth the bother.

    Anyway, those guys entertain me so if you want to watch it you know when
    it's on now.
    Corey Richardson, Aug 15, 2008
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  2. Corey Richardson

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    **** them if they can't take a joke.
    Andy Bonwick, Aug 15, 2008
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  3. Corey Richardson

    BMW Guest

    Have you noticed how hard it is to get the entire contents of a
    toothpaste tube back in?
    Well, Usenet cooperation is much the same ;-) ranking up there along
    with herding cats and getting things right :p
    BMW, Aug 15, 2008
  4. Corey Richardson

    Pip Guest

    Galling, isn't it?
    Pip, Aug 16, 2008
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