The Call I Always Dread

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    The last time I rode with Louie and gang, I was not paying attention and
    followed them into a turn that I was not ready for. We leaned over far
    enough to scrape the pegs and smell the dog shit in the ditch. Cookie will
    not hardly ride with me anymore. That is the worst thing about it all. I
    have to buy a trike for her now too.

    Jerry, Aug 20, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's good to know.. lol.. From the descriptions of the incident, there
    some acrobatics going on.. hmmm.. Rumors about Harley's ability to get
    airborne should be put to rest..
    Those roads in that area are treacherous.. The Big Guy was right there..
    all the way..
    Nothing to it, Bill C.. Soon as you get re-mounted, we'll do a rematch on
    that old road.. That sucker can't get by with jerking one of our guys

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    She ain't gonna like it near as much as she likes that Valkyrie.. whups..
    you dare put one of those kits on that big sucker..
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Ain't no kit going on it on my watch Bill. Matter of fact, after I find the
    right trike, I am going to turn it into what is called a super valk.
    Normally, they are black, but I think Black and Red would be sharp . look at
    the one called Canon's Super Valk on the Start page here for an example.
    Jerry, Aug 20, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    The last time I rode with Louie and gang, I was not paying attention and
    Your right...You have to watch that wild ass riding Louie.

    redshad, Aug 20, 2007
  6. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    I was sorta thinking, it probably was that BillC, was trying to keep
    up with those Two Barge hell riders. One has to do their own ''curve
    entering estimating'', but one needs to do it, before one gets into
    'said' curve, like 100 yards before. <grin>
    bj_kana, Aug 20, 2007
  7. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    Hi Bill Cattell. It is a relief to see ya on here, the day after your
    ''close call''. I bet you are thanking your lucky stars. You really
    could've banged up your head bone, you do know that...does this make
    ya wanna wear a motorcycle helmet...just maybe........<chuckle>
    Seriously, I am glad you are gonna be okay. and it saounds like your
    Harley's gonna be okay.........all my best...../bjay/
    bj_kana, Aug 20, 2007
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    And THAT is the problem (or CONTINUES TO BE). I had the curves set on the
    Sportster I had a few years ago. I knew all to well how far to lean,
    etc., etc.

    I'm still learning that on the RK hence the "not being able to negotiate
    the curve". ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Aug 20, 2007
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Anything that's said to analyze the accident that Bill C. had, is nothing
    more than pure speculation at this point.. My understanding is that one
    of the boys you refer to, was following closely enough behind Bill, that
    he was the first to reach him.. I'm not sure about the location of the oth-
    ers, but at least Louie was first to render aid.. Brian seems to have been
    way out in front of the group and was probably out of sight when the acc-
    ident occurred.. At any rate, it was necessary for him to return to the

    As far as what caused the accident, only Bill C. can tell us that, and only
    if he can recall.. Sometimes a concussion can cause some memory loss
    as to what exactly happened..

    Any one of us who ride, are subject to the one little mistake that will
    an accident such as this.. The object lesson is.. be careful when we ride..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Well Bill - I'm glad it wasn't you we're talking about.

    BTW group - Do any of the witnesses know WHERE I wiped out? I need to
    puit that in the accicdent report. Personally, I'd also like to know HOW
    I landed - I have a busted up nose, major bruises on the inside of my left
    thigh. the back of my left shoulder also has "grass-rash" plus a rash on
    the back of my head (no hair loss though)
    Bill Cattell, Aug 20, 2007
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    It could be any one of us who ride, next.. In our area, we
    have been lucky, in some respects.. There's actually not
    been many of us, who've bought it this way.. Considering
    how many of us are riding these things..
    I bet'cha Louie can answer those questions and more..
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Yeah, that's it - I was trying to stay ahead of Louei and that caused me
    to wupe out! I knew i'd figure out an excuse somehwere along the line and
    how to blame someonbe else! ;-) Louie - what's your license and insuance
    info? hehehehe :cool:
    Bill Cattell, Aug 20, 2007
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'd suspect that ol'Dusty probably caused you to wipe out.. lol.. At least
    must have had something to do with it.. hmmm.. He's far enough away that
    he can't do much when we blame it all on him.. Trouble is, when all the
    icane bullshit is over with.. some of us may be headed down that way..

    But, that's all right.. I think I can outrun him on my 800, anyway..
    better hold up on all that.. lost my thought for a minute and forgot that
    one of those "racer" dudes..

    You may have the right idea.. if Louie don't check in pretty quick, when he
    does surface, he'll find out that the whole thing is all his fault..

    Sure glad to see you feeling better, Bill C. Regards (you freakin'

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    After watching both you guys on that ride, I decided to get back to the
    shotgun position .. Me and the old Arizona dude just rocked on, at our
    own pace.. sheesh.. You and the Wakko dude burnt up some highway..
    hmmm.. I never noticed that you had a problem "keeping up" with any-
    one.. And, where'd the description "that hotrod Harley" come from ?
    Seems like it referred to that ElectraGlide you ride.. Oh yeah.. now I
    remember.. That was Wakko when he was talking about your motorcycle..

    Regards, Morgan Kane..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2007
  15. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Say Bill C: Yes Louie was directly behind you. I heard that louie,
    layed his Wing down, instead of using the Kick Stand, to quickly get to
    you to administer aid. Had you heard that---? /bjay/

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 20, 2007
  16. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill Cattell wrote: Well Bill W. - I'm glad it wasn't you we're
    talking about.

    -Bill Walker here:
    It could be any one of us who ride, next.. In our area, we have been
    lucky, in some respects.. There's actually not been many of us, who've
    ‘‘bought it’’ this way.. Considering how many of us are riding
    these things..

    One needs to stick to their mindset of riding abilities. I know mine. If
    I cannot take a curve like another rider in the group, I ''shy'' back.
    Dont bother me atall.

    It was a long time since I had ridden with riders like The Louie, and
    The Skipper, who can manever those big Barges. I believe even Brian on
    his BB, was challenged on the group ride I was part of up in the Mena

    I did okay. They never got much over 2 minutes ahead of me and Ed.

    So, Bill C. not knowing anything, about what happened, though I cannot
    help but wonder if you felt a little apprehensively challanged, and
    tried to manever like they do. Bill C. I speak from experience of
    trying to stay up with those fellers.
    I'm not Bull shitin’ thru my Helmet.

    all my best to ya......../bjay/

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 21, 2007
  17. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Say---Bill it..... remember Ole’ Dusty from
    Brownsville Tejas, has one of them ''Busa'' bad boys in his
    garage.....o'wait a minute. we ''shore '' do hope the wind and rain dont
    get into his garage, and rust the bike chain or

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 21, 2007
  18. Bill Walker

    Ed Hart Guest

    That's why the boys usually have to stop down the road and wait on me.
    Ed Hart, Aug 21, 2007
  19. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Well, it's REALLY nice to know that even though I was way out front
    and riding the fastest best handling bike on this ride, I don't get
    the blame....yeah, IT'S ALL ABOUT LOUIE AND REDSHAD!!!

    As I recall, I was way out front in Arkansas too!!! :)
    Brian Walker, Aug 21, 2007
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Well, I guess all I can say is the sarcasm didn't come out through the
    keyboard. No, I WASN'T challenged by Louie and IF I had been I would have
    ignored it. If you did indeed stop to help - thank you Louie - that means
    alot and says a lot about you as a person - despite what Bill BJay,
    Brian and Wakko say. ;-)

    Talking to Brian he says we were in the 922/2114 area? Do I have that

    I think it bhooves me to get Bike fixed up and take another ride out there
    justt so I can PROVE that I can ride (despite what recent histroy has
    shown) ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Aug 21, 2007
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