The Big Society and other conundrums

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by R C Nesbit, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    Well, they are doing something not generally open to SME's or indeed most
    large companies I've been associated with.

    Profits a UK company generates overseas may be taxed in that jurisdiction
    and the net revenue remitted to the UK. That's another matter and hardly a
    matter for objection.
    Hog, Feb 28, 2011
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  2. R C Nesbit

    B 650 Guest

    Wasn't the Barclays situation due to it making large losses in the
    previous year and therefore being allowed to offset those losses against
    profits the following year?

    The whole media storm against companies[1] tax payments makes me very
    ranty, if they are doing something outside of the tax laws, then I'm all
    for HMRC going after them, but if not, then shut the **** up about it.

    What would the mongs like Barclays to do? Should they say "Well, our
    tax liability for this year following the HMRC rules is £113m, but that
    seems a little low, I think we should pay about £4bn because that seems
    fairer"? If the rules are wrong, then that's a different matter, but
    stop getting frothy at the mouth about companies doing legal things to
    minimise their tax bill. </rant>

    [1] especially banks
    B 650, Feb 28, 2011
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