The Armstrong rides again :)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by mark, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    It appears the old coil was a bit past it.
    The 'proper' coils are over a hundred quid so I'd convinced myself that
    the old one was OK as I was getting a spark when trying it with the plug
    on the block.
    It would always start but by **** it was a trial sometimes.
    My brother [1] kept muttering that a spark might act differently under
    compression before wandering back to his 4x4 monsters.
    I bought a cheap [2] coil on ebay, made some brackets for it and gave it
    a go.
    Huge improvement immediately. Much happiness!

    The new carb' wasn't a complete waste of money. It seems to settle to a
    nice tick over much sooner now and the choke can be used as intended.

    The silencer is blowing like a train all along the top seam and I think
    I'll take the bugger off and weld it up before the spring.

    It's a lot of fun to ride about on though. Low seat, wide bars and scary
    car scratching attitude :D
    Oh and a nice new set of Trelleborgs.

    1. A repairer of cars and things.
    2. Twenty quid.
    mark, Dec 30, 2010
    1. Advertisements

  2. mark

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    And. More importantly. It's not a Yamaha...
    Alex Ferrier, Dec 31, 2010
    1. Advertisements

  3. mark

    sweller Guest's a source of spares for Simon.
    sweller, Dec 31, 2010
    1. Advertisements

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