That'll be nice

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Zobo Kolonie, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Zobo Kolonie

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    My local council (LB Richmond) have just informed us that motorcycles must
    be parked at right angles to the kerb in my local CPZ, else you'll get an
    £80 ticket (discounted to £40 if paid within 14 days).

    For the most part you wouldn't want to park side on to the kerb cos the
    camber'd most likely tip your bike over, but how sweet of them to issue
    tickets for bikes parked "at the wrong angle".

    That said, there are streets (such as the one that I live on) where a bike
    parked at right angles to the kerb is going to stand out like a target for
    every sodding van, school bus, and Chelsea tractor that wends its way down
    the skinny little back street (and yeah we do get times when there's not
    much parked on the street, it just happens).

    They also go on to mention that between 10am and 12pm Monday to Friday
    you'll be allowed to park across peoples' driveways so long as you have a
    parking permit... how sweet of them... then they say that outside of those
    hours it will be illegal to do so without the householder's consent (which
    apparently is London wide legislation now) but since they've got no
    mechanism for prosecuting offenders it'll basically be tough shit for the
    householder. Fortunately for me this piece of non joined up thinking
    doesn't apply to shared access driveways, so hopefully I shan't be blocked

    And finally, just to really rub it in, not only do they inform us that we'll
    have less parking than we used to once they introduce the CPZ but we'll also
    be expected to cough up £35pa (rising to £45pa in 2005) per car to park on
    roads maintained by the same authority who already collect loadsamoney from
    us in council tax and for which we've already bought valid road tax. Good
    init? (They're not charging motorcycles for parking permits, which is the
    one bit of common sense that I can find in this letter they've sent me)

    Local authorities, dontcha just luv 'em?

    U all park safely now!
    Zobo Kolonie, Mar 5, 2004
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  2. Zobo Kolonie

    sweller Guest

    Parking is a problem here in Brighton and Hove with most of the terraced
    houses having two cars and the larger houses, now flats, having one or
    two cars per flat. There simply isn't the room.

    When the Council (NOC) introduced parking permits in my bit of Hove (£80
    pa per car) it sorted the parking problems overnight and IMO has been a

    People (shoppers, tourists and the like) can now park (10p P&D for 30
    min, £2 all day) on the roadside for shopping. Double parking is a thing
    of the past. Dumped cars go within a few days.

    I can now park the car within sight of my door and the entry where my
    bikes live is no longer permanently blocked

    There are downsides, other than the annual bill. There is a large
    'fleet' of Traffic wardens and they do not **** about. B&H has one of
    the highest level of ticket issued and lowest successful appeal rates.
    The wardens all have cameras when they ticket they take a photo. There
    is no argument...

    I have to buy residents vouchers (£1 for 24hr) for my visitors which is a
    pest, but at least they can park! Bikes are free though.

    The other issue is the problem tends to move to the boundary and the
    controlled zones are inexorably moving to the outskirts. The local
    garages have a problem with the customers cars they park in the back
    streets. But the majority of wardens seem to tip them off and give the
    mechanics time to run down the road putting 30 min tickets in the
    affected cars.

    On the whole its been a success, IMO.
    sweller, Mar 5, 2004
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  3. Zobo Kolonie

    Wik Guest

    <wakes up>

    Which bit of LB Richmond is that, then?

    And wossa CPZ? Sounds murrican to me...

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Mar 5, 2004
  4. Zobo Kolonie

    Stritchy Guest

    CPZ = Controlled Parking Zone

    They introduced this in Bedford a couple of years back. It's raised so
    much cash............................... sorry, that should be reduced
    parking congestion....................... that they want to expand the
    area to more of the town.

    Bikes park for nothing here too. Although I got a couple of tickets at
    the start, which they rapidly cancelled when I protested.

    Hopefully Richmond will demonstrate some common sense (bwaaaahahaha)
    about parking at right angles. The 'Parking Shop' here said that as
    long as I wasn't taking up a cars sized space (which I interpreted as
    parking parallel to the pavement) they were happy.

    CX1100 'Ermintrude' BPoD (tm Pip)
    HOC#14808 COFF#23 MiB#17 two#52
    BOTAFOT#129 BOTAFOF#44 BREast#4
    Take the PISS out of Stritchy to e-mail
    Stritchy, Mar 6, 2004
  5. Zobo Kolonie

    Wik Guest

    Ahh... the "Z" I got, it was the number of permutations of "C" and "P"
    that led me astray.

    Hmm... We've not heard 'owt about it in our bit of LBR, so I'm guessing
    it's Richmond itself, which, certainly for the town centre, I could well
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Mar 6, 2004
  6. Zobo Kolonie

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Kew, about 200 metres from the Victoria Gate.
    Controlled Parking Zone. You know, areas where if you haven't got the
    appropriate permit displayed in your windscreen you get a parking ticket.
    Plenty of Richmond already has them.
    Zobo Kolonie, Mar 6, 2004
  7. Zobo Kolonie

    Catman Guest

    Zobo Kolonie wrote:

    You're having a laugh here, right?
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Mar 6, 2004
  8. Zobo Kolonie

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Technically you will still need the permission of the householder though,
    and the householder can phone in a complaint if they haven't given their
    permission which in theory will lead to the issuing of a ticket, only during
    the controlled hours though, 10:00 to 12:00 Monday to Friday, at any other
    time the local authority admit that they do not have procedures to deal with
    illegally parked vehicles across your driveway. However, the local authority
    are nevertheless going to put parking bays across peoples' driveways so you
    can imagine what will happen, spod drives along looking to park, spies
    parking bay, and parks there, screw your driveway, spectacularly so if it's
    outside the controlled hours. It'll also be interesting to see if the
    private parking enforcement company can actually respond to complaint calls,
    or what they can actually do, I mean think about it, if I've got a valid
    parking permit and I park across your driveway how does the law work? Surely
    if the householder says "I didn't give my permission" and I say "yes you
    did" then that's that? Are the parking bods actually going to get involved
    in that sort of dispute? (Well mebbe if they're taking a cut of the fine).
    Zobo Kolonie, Mar 6, 2004
  9. Zobo Kolonie

    Catman Guest

    Good god
    And this is regarded as a good idea by the council? Boggle

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Mar 7, 2004
  10. Zobo Kolonie

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    'Good' wasn't a word that sprang to my mind 'pon reading the document they
    sent me, but IKWYM.
    Hard to say. The machinations of our local council are difficult to fathom
    at the best of times.

    On the plus side they're really rather good at the things that keep the area
    looking pretty. Try popping along to the riverside terraces by those poncy
    bars in Richmond at about 07:30 on a Sunday morning in the summertime and
    you will see a veritable army of rubbish collectors out cleaning up the
    empty champagne bottles, glasses, beer bottles, and general trash left
    behind by the drinkers on Saturday night. It's an impressive sight.

    They do cough money towards tarting up small areas that need it too, like
    the area immediately east of Kew Gardens station[1].

    But on the other hand, yer actual services verge on the non existent. For
    example the library service is about the worst I've ever seen, even my my
    old school library knocked spots off of the central reference library in
    Richmond; yes the library service is dreadful (not that I use it, well you
    just wouldn't). The branch library here in Kew is only open for half the
    week anyway these days.

    The traffic / road planning department appear to go out of their way to
    ensure that traffic flow through the area will be as bad as it possibly can
    be. Examples include the concrete lumps they put either side of the road
    with bollards in the middle along Manor Rd a few years ago. These caused
    enough accidents and general mayhem that even our mindless local authority
    wallahs took them away again fairly promptly. Or the bits and bobs they did
    to Sandycombe Rd / Kew Gardens Rd, they've turned what used to be a free
    flowing road that was easy to cross on foot into a rolling traffic jam that
    can be a bit of a bind to cross on foot in the mornings, and since the
    installation of the somewhat dangerously located (IMO) pedestrian island
    I've seen the aftermath of three crashes, two of which involved motorcycles
    actually, the other was a Hackney Carriage (into the bollards, they can be a
    bit of a menace).

    Who is responsible for the siting of speed cameras? We've got some in some
    most unusual locations, at least the locations are unusual if they are
    'safety' rather than 'revenue' cameras.

    Then there's the new developments that they've given planning permission to.
    It's starting to get really quite funny actually. For example Kew Riverside
    was built on top of the old sewage works and is immediately adjacent to the
    civic tip - so it stinks, though you still have to cough >£1,000,000 to buy
    yerself a house there (utter madness, I'd not live there even if it was
    cheap). Notably, compared to most of Kew Kew Riverside isn't particularly
    conveniently located for anything either, except for the civic tip and the
    crematorium (well I suppose you can hoof it to Marks 'n Sparks at the retail
    park). Oh, did I mention the crematorium? Well the authority gave planning
    permission for developers to build nine new houses on the previously verdant
    strip of land alongside the access road that leads to the crematorium and
    nowhere else. Those properties will be wedged between the civic tip and the
    crematorium, so the owners will have grieving families to the left and
    stinky builders' vans to the right... lovely eh?

    There's talk of councillors taking backhanders, I suppose there will always
    be such rumours, but one councillor in particular does seem rather shifty
    about the whole subject (here endeth the rumour).

    When we have meetings (forced by residents rather than prompted by
    councillors) with the councillors they turn up (sometimes) and expect that
    they'll get away with just saying "this is what we're going to do..." before
    announcing some new lunacy. They never cease to seem surprised when people
    stand up and say "that's not really a very good idea you know", and thus far
    I'm not aware of them ever taking any notice of alternative proposals (some
    of which really are quite reasonable IMO) put forward by concerned parties.

    There's more, but that'll do for now methinks.

    I suppose it's worth mentioning that it doesn't seem to matter which party
    has control of the town hall, we used to have a Lib Dem council who were
    shit by and large, and now we've got a Conservative council who are also
    shit by and large.

    We've got very clean streets and lots of traffic wardens though.

    [1] Funny story... there was a Ferrari dealership there, loads of expensive
    metal, but the grapevine has it that they weren't paying their rent and were
    going to be evicted so they did a moonlit flit... the premises they occupied
    has recently been used to flog cut price ladies' underwear from, bit of a
    come down I thought :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Mar 7, 2004
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