My local council (LB Richmond) have just informed us that motorcycles must be parked at right angles to the kerb in my local CPZ, else you'll get an £80 ticket (discounted to £40 if paid within 14 days). For the most part you wouldn't want to park side on to the kerb cos the camber'd most likely tip your bike over, but how sweet of them to issue tickets for bikes parked "at the wrong angle". That said, there are streets (such as the one that I live on) where a bike parked at right angles to the kerb is going to stand out like a target for every sodding van, school bus, and Chelsea tractor that wends its way down the skinny little back street (and yeah we do get times when there's not much parked on the street, it just happens). They also go on to mention that between 10am and 12pm Monday to Friday you'll be allowed to park across peoples' driveways so long as you have a parking permit... how sweet of them... then they say that outside of those hours it will be illegal to do so without the householder's consent (which apparently is London wide legislation now) but since they've got no mechanism for prosecuting offenders it'll basically be tough shit for the householder. Fortunately for me this piece of non joined up thinking doesn't apply to shared access driveways, so hopefully I shan't be blocked in. And finally, just to really rub it in, not only do they inform us that we'll have less parking than we used to once they introduce the CPZ but we'll also be expected to cough up £35pa (rising to £45pa in 2005) per car to park on roads maintained by the same authority who already collect loadsamoney from us in council tax and for which we've already bought valid road tax. Good init? (They're not charging motorcycles for parking permits, which is the one bit of common sense that I can find in this letter they've sent me) Local authorities, dontcha just luv 'em? U all park safely now!