That'll be a first

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Guig, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Guig

    Guig Guest

    Has Nicky ever gone "toe to toe" with Rossi in the same way that
    Capirex, Sete or Biaggi did? As in battling on the last lap or last
    corner to win a race?

    "A beautiful child close to me, six and the apple of her father's eye,
    believes that Thomas the Tank Engine really exists. She believes in
    Father Christmas, and when she grows up her ambition is to be a tooth
    fairy. She and her school-friends believe the solemn word of respected
    adults that tooth fairies and Father Christmas really exist. This
    little girl is of an age to believe whatever you tell her. If you tell
    her about witches changing princes into frogs she will believe you. If
    you tell her that bad children roast forever in hell she will have
    nightmares. I have just discovered that without her father's consent
    this sweet, trusting, gullible six-year-old is being sent, for weekly
    instruction, to a female non-denominational instructor of faith. What
    chance has she?"

    Richard Dawkins
    Viruses of the Mind
    Guig, Nov 20, 2006
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  2. Guig

    tropicus Guest

    Nah, he just wins the title while Rossi chokes and bins it. Much better.
    tropicus, Nov 20, 2006
    1. Advertisements

  3. Guig

    S Frank Guest


    And besides that, everyone knows that Rossi is likely to put you in the
    gravel trap
    to win and he would definitely get away with it. So maybe this has
    something to
    do with it (just ask Sete).
    S Frank, Nov 21, 2006
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