.... that's only the third time I've ever taken a holesaw to a GoldWing. Sorted the errant o/s high beam - bulb hadn't gone, the connector wasn't connected. It was hanging loose behind the bulb holder - a certain dealer's skilled technicians must have forgotten to push it back when they reinstalled the headlamp unit after adding the sidelights. Hole (between topbox and underseat area) is to allow iPod interface to connect, and pretend to be a Hondaline CD unit[1] - can now control iPod from handlebar switchblock. Cubby sides installed to tidy up topbox, and carpets all fitted - nice and lovely they are too. Bungying the clutch lever to the bar seems to have got rid of the airy nature of the clutch action, too. In the process of snagging the first chrome bits off Ebay, at a discount of £154.01, compared to list price. [1] £704 plus £352 for the fitting kit, FTFAGOS. No, I'm not making it up. [URL]http://ww1.honda.co.uk/mcstatic/en/product/accessoriesPDF/2010Range/GL1800GoldWing.pdf[/URL]