The complete bastards! How dare they have fun on their bikes, the cunts! -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS V&S Extreme Photography Extreme Racing Put Out The Lights On The Age Of Reason
Coming back around from Tower Bridge 5 or 6 twatheads on sprots bikes No problem with anyone having fun, but it was in 2 and 3 lanes of traffic and a built up area. Twats then. -- - - Robbo 1500GL 1988 Goldwing (Rebuild in process) BMW K100 RS 1984 BotaFOF #19 E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003 B.O.S.M 2003 FURSWB#1 KotL YTC449 PM#7 \= /= \= / /= \ \= / /= \\\' , / // \\\//, / //, \_-//' / / /<, \ /// <//` / >> \\\`__/ /,)-^>> _\` \\\ (/ \\ //\\ // _//\\\\ (( ((
Did they hit anyone? I doubt they even came close to it since you didn't mention that in your earlier post.
Short, succint and to the point. Not a lot of room for misinterpreting that one. Have you thought about giving presentation courses, something like "direct communication; making your viewpoint known"?
I saw a great book for Burnt the other day "How not to say what you mean - a dictionary of euphemism"
[Snip] Oh I dunno, I think I'd call myself apolitcal (others may call me different names, of this I am aware <g>). Apolitical in the sense that I don't actually vote for any of the bastards cos I think they're all lying twats. I do however have a deep mistrust of socialism. Oh, and on a different note I think Tony Blair is a pernicious ne'erdowell. Dunno WTF I'm going to do come the next election, shit almighty, can't be having with Bliar; Lib-Dems are twisted bastards; and the very word "Tory" sticks in my throat... but feck sake, can't have this NuLab lot stuffing up society for much longer surely? Oh, and deffo don't want that Gordon Brown, oh no not never! Terrible man, red flag waver if ever there was one! So will it be another smiley face and pleasant message for the vote counter, or will I actually vote without spoiling my ballot paper next time? Only time will tell. So there.
That's a lot of vibration. Are you sure that your house was not built directly over a tectonic fault line?
I've got a little pocket book on "Essential European Swearwords". Very handy. I like one of the German ones: "Your Beer is shit, Your Food is shit, Your People are shit, Your Country is shit" That's from memory since naturally that book's kept at the office where it gets the most use.
Well okay, maybe - but if they struggle to identify someone wearing a balaclava, what are they going to do with someone wearing a balaclava, a motorcycle helmet *and* a dark visor? Ask them nicely to all dress up so they can compare bulges???