Just come back from having the bike serviced. But unfortunately when they plugged the new battery in, the alarm went off and there was no way of getting around it. Like a pillock, I'd forgotten the fob. Kindly enough, the shop owner let me take a demo machine home to quickly pick up the fob. What he didn't say, was that it was a Suzuki Burgman 400. Christ. What a pile of shite. Not only did I have to get used to riding on a scooter, but to get used the lack of torque, etc. It was very weird and if I'd have had some inkling to get a scooter, that would have completely obliterated any thoughts like that. Mind you, I saw the new Bandit 1250 outside the shop. Very nice sexy machine in the one true colour. It solves the problems I had in getting a new bike, as a) I like it and b) it's not restricted. There are quite a few changes such as it's liquid cooled, ABS, 6 speed, etc. So it looks like a very nice machine. Orders can be placed now, but demo bikes are available in March with first deliveries in April. I think that's on the cards and I can finally buy a bike without humming and ahhhing about power restrictions. Anyone want to buy a GSX1400? €4200 ono? I'll bring it over to the UK for you. :-)