That new Doctor Who

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by antonye, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. antonye

    antonye Guest

    is pretty good!
    antonye, Mar 8, 2005
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  2. antonye

    wessie Guest

    antonye emerged from their own little world to say
    Should be. Filmed in Cardiff, see. Some of it in my University Dept.

    Some strange sights at times including a minibus load of primary school age
    kids in blue make-up. Looked like the invasion of the smurfs.
    wessie, Mar 8, 2005
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  3. antonye

    BORG Guest

    yer I like it, strange to see London busses then Cardiff shops though

    <--ROT13 it
    Spam Trap in Header

    Freedom isn't FREE
    BORG, Mar 8, 2005
  4. antonye

    Fr Jack Guest

    when was that on?

    or is time travel involved, here?

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Fr Jack, Mar 8, 2005
  5. antonye

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Mar 8, 2005
  6. antonye

    Catman Guest

    Catman, Mar 8, 2005
  7. antonye

    Antoine Guest

    Antoine, Mar 8, 2005
  8. antonye

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    They had some bloke from the production staff on radio 1 today saying that
    anyone who downloaded it is the same as a shoplifter stealing dvds.

    Aside from the obvious idiocy of the comparison , I've paid my contribution
    towards the filming via the licence fee so how the **** are they losing out
    if I download it before it airs?

    And it was available on sunday , not monday like they claimed :0)


    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Mar 8, 2005
  9. antonye

    antonye Guest

    I personally reckon it was leaked to generate all
    this publicity for when it does get aired...
    antonye, Mar 8, 2005
  10. antonye

    Catman Guest

    Good point.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 75 2.0 TS (Badly bent)
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Mar 9, 2005
  11. antonye

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as Dr Ivan D. Reid says...
    Email me with you address and I'll send you a copy.
    petrolcan, Mar 10, 2005
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