Thank yous....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    1: To Mu, Mike and all the wonderful staff at the Black Horse Inn. We
    had a good time, ate excellent food that just gets better and better
    every time, and you put up with us leching/perving/being demanding all

    2: From me to all those who came to the EOSM. It was good to see some
    new faces there.

    3: From Mike, Mu and all the staff to you lot for coming along and
    leching/perving/being demanding of them all weekend.

    4: To DNC for making the ride home bearable, nice KSBs mate

    5: Barmaid Clem for gripping me with the "Thighs to rival Snowy's steely
    grip" ;-)
    Lozzo, Sep 12, 2004
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  2. Lozzo

    Christofire Guest

    Lozzo wrote:


    1. Cheers Loz for sorting the dates etc again.

    2. I'd like to thank Mike and Mu as well for the food and the setting.

    3. Champ for a go on a normal-ish gsxr.

    4. Darren Robinson and DNC for the two bandits. Not sure which I like
    better - both fun but in slightly different ways.

    5. Dodger for a go on the Wing. Christ that was scary. Went
    surprisingly well for its size but had the turning circle and stopping
    distance of a small ocean going vessel. Apologies to MattG who was
    behind me when I came to the first corner and tried the front brake,
    and the repeatedly tried it in numb disbelief of how it made no fucking
    difference whatsoever. The disco show and smell must've been off

    Apologies to Ogden for talking absolute bollocks at the end of the
    night - I blame it on finishing off with a pint of dooleys.

    Oh, and Nina - <G & wink>.
    Christofire, Sep 12, 2004
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  3. Lozzo

    Muck Guest

    Indeed, thank you very much. It's good to have somewhere mellow to relax
    after a 200 mile ride.

    The food was all too good, I didn't have enough room to try everything I
    would like to have tried. I'm glad that Wavey Davey didn't find that
    rake though.
    Good to see some faces that were at Pixiefest too. <fx: Waves at
    Oldbloke and Co>
    I take it that all the fettling was to improve KSBs?
    Oooohhh.. :)
    Muck, Sep 12, 2004
  4. Indeed. Thanks a million. I put far too much on my plate and struggled
    with it all but it was so good I finished it :)
    Whinging Courier, Sep 12, 2004
  5. <Nods>

    It is quite possibly the most frightening experience of recent memory.
    Whinging Courier, Sep 12, 2004
  6. Lozzo

    Jackie Guest


    <snip thanks>


    Thanks to Loz for organising again

    Thanks to Entwisi for the ride on the Varadero-scrapping the pegs on
    the 2nd corner out of the pub always ensures an interesting ride

    Thanks to Tallbloke for the midnight Irish Coffees, although how you
    didn't manage to burn down your tent I'll never know.

    Thanks to Platy was making sure I didn't fall asleep on the journey

    oh and oldbloke... you are banished to Dodgers Point next year-
    although in true schoolboy style you tried to point the finger at
    someone else!
    Jackie, Sep 12, 2004
  7. Lozzo

    Oldbloke Guest

    Indeed, and also to your good self for organizing it.

    I had a very blowy ride home, coupled with a comedy petrol (or rather lack
    of) moment on the M42, right in the bit where the hard shoulder was coned
    and roped off.

    Oh, and as regards the allegations of offensive snoring, it wasn't me, okay.

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's current bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)
    M'boys NEW bike 2003 Honda NSR125R
    BOTAFOT #140, DIAABTCOD #26, BOMB#18 (slow)
    Oldbloke, Sep 12, 2004

  8. As loud as Dodger is he?

    Wow. Oldbloke, you have got to come on a French Run.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 12, 2004
  9. Lozzo

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. That would explain the maniac grin then.
    Muck, Sep 12, 2004
  10. Lozzo

    platypus Guest

    I was worried that I might bore you insensible through interminable
    recitation of complete bollocks.

    <cough> Thank you very, very much to Lady Nina - who, if I may speak
    plainly, is mad as a shithouse rat - for driving through the night in order
    to deliver Laura and I to the BH in time for breakfast. Thanks to Dodger
    for winging me round the block in a smooth and restrained fashion, and also
    to Zymurgy for the loan of the hat. Thanks to Jackie for the lift home, and
    thanks to everyone else for pretending to be pleased to see me.
    platypus, Sep 12, 2004
  11. Lozzo

    Molly Guest

    Indeed, it was brilliant.


    A big thank you lo Loz for organising it.
    Molly, Sep 12, 2004
  12. Lozzo

    Gyp Guest

    In message <>, Lozzo

    And a big thanks to you Lozzo. We had a splendid time.

    Glad I missed the night in the tent, but sorry I missed this morning
    Gyp, Sep 12, 2004
  13. Do you think thew hotel could take that amount of seismic activity?
    eric the brave, Sep 12, 2004
  14. Lozzo

    Steph Guest


    2: To everyone else for their excellent company - especially all those
    who handed me alcoholic beverages.

    3: To Adie - for use of her room and help when I needed it. (and Elly and
    Nina too)

    4: To Bonwick for explaining what a "fluffer" was.

    5: To AndrewR for his tolerence, and Christofire for his patience.

    See you all at the BOSM if not before ;o)
    Steph, Sep 12, 2004
  15. Lozzo

    SP Guest

    Indeed, the food does get better and better, and bloody good value to
    boot. And what nice accomodating hosts they are.
    As it was for me - it was certainly nice to meet Molly in the flesh at
    long last. And of course to see people I hadn't seen for *ages* (such
    as Bee). It was also nice to meet another few northerners (PJ &
    Gasman) and we have to go for a spin soon.

    RichardA left before I did, preferring to take the route we took there.
    I chose a different route home later on and had a good mixture of nice
    twisties interspersed with some fairly long straights and endured the
    odd light shower en route. I managed to get all the way back to the
    Scotch without using a M-Way at all (for once) took me longer than
    it would a quick <cough> blast using the M-ways, but I had fun which is
    what matters.

    See you all at the next one then!

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Sep 12, 2004
  16. Lozzo

    DR Guest

    It's not bad, is it? Of course, it's only just got about 3500 miles on
    it, so it's hardly as if it's properly run in yet.
    DR, Sep 12, 2004
  17. Lozzo

    Fr Jack Guest

    No worries - anytime! ;-)
    You at it again ol' dirty bastard? ;-)

    Thanks to everyone for spouting bollox all evening.

    Thanks to tallbloke for further booze and a well fortified coffee
    later on.

    Thanks to the Matchless for making it there and allowing me to see the
    look of terror on Zymurgy's gob after he had a pootle round on it.

    When's the next one?


    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Sep 12, 2004
  18. Lozzo

    entwisi Guest

    Demanding us? Thanks to Mu for the cow juice and sorting breakfast on
    Saturday. A good time was had by all three of us. I just need to get them
    to start posting now

    I had an excellent time and it was really nice to speak IRL to most of you
    again. I'm looking forward now to BOSM.

    Unfortunately(Fortunately???) there doesn't seem to be any additions to
    the PIT list(unless you know differently!)
    entwisi, Sep 12, 2004
  19. Lozzo

    AndrewR Guest

    Only if I'm on a promise of seeing your nipples!

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Sep 12, 2004
  20. Lozzo

    Lady Nina Guest

    I'm never going to be able to shake that image now. Your sweet little
    face all contorted.
    Lady Nina, Sep 12, 2004
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