Thank gawd that's over

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip Luscher, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Pip Luscher

    Pip Luscher Guest

    The TLR's 30K service, that is.

    This is only the second modern-ish sprots bike I've done a major
    service on, and boy are they bloody fiddly.

    It's not technically all that challenging, it's just the sheer amount
    of stuff you have to unbolt to actually get at anything. As for
    getting at the nipples for throttle balancing... <shudder>. Much
    better than the FZR though.

    I know that sprots bikes are designed for performance first, but a nod
    in the direction of serviceability would be nice.

    Right, end of rant.

    All done so I went for a gentle shakedown bimble this evening. The
    bike was fine but I was *very* nervy... just couldn't relax.

    All I have to do now is get some miles in to rebuild my confidence and
    then I can start thinking about track days!
    Pip Luscher, Jun 10, 2004
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