Thank Bob for Time-sert

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Loz H, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Loz H

    Loz H Guest

    My 550 decided that it didn`t really like having a spark plug in the No.2

    It`s always been a little stiff when putting a new plug in, even
    copperslipped up it`s never really been happy. So, when No.2 plug just gave
    that sickening spin instead of tightening down upon the washer, I was not
    that surprised.

    Anyway, off to the local bike shop. Lots of grease, an airline/vacuum, a
    clean up and £20 later, a nice steel insert takes the place of the
    chocolately aluminium that Mr.Honda makes his heads out of. Works a treat.
    The plug felt so much happier going into it`s new home this time. As smooth
    as a politicians promise.


    The moral of the story? Time-sert *rocks*.
    Loz H, Aug 10, 2004
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  2. Loz H

    Andy Clews Guest

    Thus spake Loz H unto the assembled multitudes:
    My old Triumph Tiger 650 once had a slightly more spectacular, but
    thankfully not so serious case of spark-plug rejection. One day I was
    riding along, cool as you like, when suddenly PHWAAAAAAA BLAT BLAT BLAT
    blat blat blat" the left hand plug popped out and hung by its HT lead down
    by the crankcase. The Tiger was quite fond of shaking things loose, but it
    had never shaken off a sparkie before. Funny thing is, the plug must have
    been slowly unthreading itself for miles, but I hadn't noticed any loss of
    compression. Made sure the plugs were nice and tight after that :)
    Andy Clews, Aug 10, 2004
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  3. Loz H

    Champ Guest

    Heh - the exact same thing happened to me when I was riding my Z400
    twin down the M40 when I was 19. It was just the noise that alerted
    me to it - the spark plug (still attached to its HT lead) hit me in
    the knee - hard!
    Champ, Aug 11, 2004
  4. Loz H

    'Hog Guest

    The saviour of many a poor mechanic.

    At Park Lane the occasional lame customer would innocently drop his K bike
    in for service. We would find a cam cap fastener or plug that wouldn't
    tighten down and of course they knew nothing about it and it was all our
    fault. I think we called them Tru-serts back then, with practice you could
    have the buggers repaired and off the bench within standard time. Yeah yeah
    I know the head should have come off for plugs but what are vacuums for...
    'Hog, Aug 11, 2004
  5. Loz H

    Loz H Guest

    Heh. I would be the first to admit I`m not the best spannerer around, but
    I`ve always been careful where plugs and threads are concerned, especially
    where soft ali is involved. This is the first one I`ve come across. :eek:)
    Theres a few signs of abuse on this particular head though. An esoteric
    collection of bolts in the rocker cover, with one of em missing due to no
    thread, plus a story of an emergency cam-cap repair from the previous owner.
    It`s a good botch job whilst it remains undisturbed....

    Handily, I have a good head and rocker cover here to replace em with when I
    finally get around to buying a top-end gasket kit. Only been saying this for
    the last 6 months..

    Heh. Luckily, the local shop to me is quite experienced at these inserts,
    and the grease/vacuum trick is one that he`s good at.

    Besides, I could never get away with that servicing trick. They know I`m far
    to tiight-arsed to pay someone else to service my bikes..
    Loz H, Aug 11, 2004
  6. Loz H

    Loz H Guest


    Vespa PX200E. Put-putting happily away, followed by a "Bdoink!" noise and
    loss of power. Take the sidepanel off to find the plug hanging happily on
    the lead. No damage, just a break for freedom on behalf of the plug.
    Loz H, Aug 11, 2004
  7. Loz H

    IamTheWalrus Guest

    My 550 decided that it didn`t really like having a spark plug in the No.2
    My C15 popped it's spark plug through my neighbours lounge window!

    I was not popular.
    IamTheWalrus, Aug 11, 2004
  8. Loz H

    Lozzo Guest

    IamTheWalrus says...
    I'm surprised it had the power to even pop it off the threads
    Lozzo, Aug 11, 2004
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