Just the place for me and my ol friend Skunk, to take a little ride, to wherever Athens be?? Athens is hosting their annual TRG, saturday. --The Texas Redneck Games. For three days, hordes of legit and wannerbe rednecks convene to ''drink'', race their ATVs, and compete in events such as Spam eating, and mattress throwing. Two new humorous events, is the truck driver ''left arm'' tan competition, along with which feller has the ''white'ist forehead'' revealed after each opponent takes off his ''PeterBuilt'' Cap. The popular PGR is Patterned after the original Redneck Games that began more than a decade ago in Georgia, the Texas version is in its third year and attracts about 5,000 or more Red folks. I didnt know if Louie and the Skipper was aware of this event there at Athens. But thought they might consider entering the newest event; ''Road Bikes Event''. The sport skill is riding thru the mud and water. Also pushing the larger Bikes thru man made muddy gully swamps. Big Ed might be interested in the ''Mud Pit Belly Flop'' event. This event is the most popular one. It requires a fair size guy witha fair size beer abdomen, who can out splash his components, I mean ''competitors''. OPgrin) B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 02 Valkyrie Cruiser-- ( happy trails to you all)