Texas grass fires spread ferociously, since Tuesday, 12-27-2005. Several small communities have been destroyed by these grass fires, that have become uncontrollable. Out west, in the northern and western parts, in Eastland County, at least 20 different fires sprang up on NY's Eve. An unusually named little Town called Carbon, was almost lost. Carbon, Tx. is just NE of Cross Plains, where more than 90 homes and many barns, and a Church were destroyed. Another little town, Ringold Tx, near Wichita Falls, was essentially destroyed by the wild fires. Some fire fighters, and residents were reported to have been injured. Take the Texas winds, 25 to 45 mph, with warm temps 70-80*, with low humidty, add crispy dry, tall grass, then we've got the perfect formula for Texas wild fires to spread, jump roads, and destroy anything in its path. To my recollection, I can't remember fires damaging and destorying 1000's of acres of farm land, and real property, at this magitude. It all started a week ago. Most of us, think this only happens in California and other areas of the north west.