Texas Primary, march the 4th.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    Well, then, I ain't gay either. I'm even less gay than non-gays.

    louie, Feb 26, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    BeeBee, discloses this: JayT,''Well, I tell ya what! When I find out
    who our President is going to be, I'll sure do that. <bg>

    ==President of which company....Harley, or Honda......heheheheheh
    Mr. JayT, Feb 27, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Hey BillCanttell---''I ain't gay and I resent that statement!!!!

    ==When I was growing up....''Gay meant joyous''.....like: ''He/she is
    such a cheerful, and gay person''. But, also then I knew a ''joint''
    was a rough and rowdy place to drink''.....(Meryl Haggert, Okie, 1968).
    <chuckle> MrJayT.Oldie=
    Mr. JayT, Feb 27, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    Ed Hart Guest

    Meryl and Willy both knew what a joint was.To get full benefit,you had to
    light it up.
    Ed Hart, Feb 27, 2008
  5. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    BiffB, Feb 27, 2008
  6. Mr. JayT

    Brian Walker Guest

    Obama is for "change"...and so is Clinton. Clinton is for health care
    for everyone....and so is Obama. Obama wants to work for the middle
    class and working class....and Clinton is working for the middle class
    and working Americans.

    It's just basically who comes up with the ideas first.

    McCain is like "Luke Skywalker" and is just out there...he doesn't
    know shit.

    BTW, if there was a Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama ticket, would you
    still vote toward Obama?
    Brian Walker, Feb 29, 2008
  7. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ===10-4...I'm voting for whoever the demo'rat who gets the
    nomer'nation. Now if Huck'bee was the Repub-la-can nomer'nee...I'd
    vote for him...I wood....We just dont want John Sour McCain.....he's a
    carbon copy of President Bush.....Mr.JayT.=
    bj_kana, Feb 29, 2008
  8. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ==not only that, Brian.....but either H.Clinton, or Ra'Bama, would
    constitute the greatest change ever, should either become president.
    and that's 'cause, of a woman or a black person, being the USA
    President...buddy that's ''change'' with a capital C. To answer you
    ''Q'', yep!........MrJayT.=
    bj_kana, Feb 29, 2008
  9. Mr. JayT

    Wakko Guest

    I heard one doesn't have a penis, but that's up to debate.
    Wakko, Mar 1, 2008
  10. Mr. JayT

    mutt Guest

    It's ok. Hillary's huge penis makes up for Obama's lack of one.
    mutt, Mar 4, 2008
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