Texas Motorcycle helmet law

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dixon Ranch, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. Dixon Ranch

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's TOO funny!!!
    Brian Walker, Jan 5, 2005
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  2. Dixon Ranch

    Mike Alvey Guest

    well, they'll say whatever you want to hear "on the record" the problem
    in Texas is that there is no way to know how they actually vote on any
    issue because recorded votes are not a requirement of the Texas
    Legislature. That's why TMRA2 is also sponsoring a bill this session
    (it's in Legislative Council right now) to mandate all votes be recorded
    and available for public view. Not just votes on the floor but all
    committe actions as well. See, we are far from just a "helmet" group.

    Mike Alvey, Jan 6, 2005
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  3. Dixon Ranch

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hello again, Mike.. glad you dropped by.. Albert hasn't made it past the
    helmet law issue, yet.. Considering his investment in helmets..I can
    understand somewhat.. Elmer caught Albert completely off guard when he
    informed him about the state income tax legislation that is being proposed..

    My e-mails are telling me that quite a few of the good people who just read
    this group were taken by surprise, also..

    Most don't realize what a benefit groups like TMRA II and ABATE really
    provide for them.. Maybe my "junk yard dog" reputation throws them off a

    The west Texas Aquifer projects, which I am just now being brought up to
    speed on, is another issue that has been kept quiet .. Of course.. as you
    know, my pet peeve is with the insurance issues.. vehicular as well as

    The good Lord and weather permitting, I'm planning to leave on the 22nd and
    be in Austin on the morning of the 23rd.. for the morning get together.. I
    haven't looked at my calendar so I'm flexible.. I'm planning on a full week
    at legislature.. I can leave earlier, if necessary, but it is doubtful that
    I can make a quick turnaround.. We'll talk on landline and get a more
    compatible schedule.. I'm really not supposed to make that kind of trip by
    myself, yet.. Regards to you and the missus..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 6, 2005
  4. I think this has gone as far as it needs too. I'll just leave this part of
    the debate go. I've said my peace and made my tiny point, the rest is just
    venting and we really don't need any more of that.
    Elmer McKeegan, Jan 6, 2005
  5. We for one tap a legislator and tell them what we want the bill to say. The
    legislator gets their staff to draft it and present it as a bill. So if we
    didn't start it, it wouldn't have happened (nothing tough to prove there).
    Next is the direct involvement of our people by face to face, letters,
    emails, or faxes.
    In the case of pay at the pump where they were going to raise the gas tax by
    $.50 a gallon, we got everyone to make phone calls to the committee members
    until the committee chair said stop, the bill is dead, and it was.
    In two cases the legislators (house) told us that it was us that changed
    their minds and got them motivated to our cause.
    Legislators told us they were convinced of our arguments and told us we made
    the difference. One even made the comment that he was surprised how smart
    the bikers actually were with their arguments and the bills they presented.

    State, county, city. Working with businesses to eliminate discriminatory
    practices, standing up to judges in the courts, working with the dps. Many
    members go beyond the charter and assist local communities in fund raisers
    for charities.
    Going to the courts and getting tickets overturned. Talking to businesses to
    eliminate discriminatory practices. Giving educational seminars to convince
    regular people to run for office and win. Seminars on how to work the Texas
    legislation and political process. We open our meetings and seminars (no
    membership required) to the public so that anyone can come and learn the
    legislative process in Texas.
    Our state chair was one of the speakers at the first class for judges in
    Austin on the then new helmet law.
    Several members (including myself) have been asked to explain the Texas
    Political process in the high school classes in Texas. I yielded my
    invitation to an aid for Victor Morales. Our state chair gave insight as to
    how grass root organizations work in the Texas Legislator and TMRA 2 was
    published in a political science book still used at UT.
    We do more than meet once every two years for political battle. We are
    lobbyist, activist, spokespersons, educators, and regular people trying to
    put Texas politics back in the hands of the people.
    Online Webster

    Function: noun
    Usage: often attributive
    Etymology: Middle English werriour, from Old North French werreieur, from
    werreier to make war, from werre war -- more at war: a man engaged or
    experienced in warfare; broadly : a person engaged in some struggle or
    conflict <poverty warriors>

    1.. One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.
    2.. One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity,
    cause, or conflict: neighborhood warriors fighting against developers.
    From webster and other sources the term warrior stands for a couple of
    things. Those that are experienced in warfare and those that engaged in some
    struggle or conflict as shown by the two examples above. So by the
    definition of the dictionary Legislative Warrior is an appropriate title.
    Now as far as our troops, I call those in battle (US) soldiers, marines,
    airman, and seaman. It serves the purpose of defining who they are and what
    they stand for. Warrior to me has long been a generic term applied to causes
    rather than actual bloody battles. A Marine will always be prefered to be
    called a Marine rather than any warrior. (Semper Fi)
    Elmer McKeegan, Jan 6, 2005
  6. Dixon Ranch

    Mike Alvey Guest

    We brought it to the Legislator to introdice.
    Mike Alvey, Jan 6, 2005
  7. ZVZ--Nope.. the rigamarole is all about the government TELLING you that
    you have to wear the damned thing.. The big ruckus is all about your
    freedom of choice .. All the noise is about someone dictating what you
    should decide for yourself.. If you fail to comply, they can take your
    money away from you.. BILLWALKER
    your right,if I was a ''dooRagger'', and disliked helmets, I'd pay more
    tenzion to yalls talking points, is that whatCherSaying? Its kinda like
    we hafta wear seat belts in the cages. I guess we lost that one, huh?
    But, I kinda strap up and git-along. ''I think the government
    is worried about our population deminishing, ya reckon?''

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 6, 2005
  8. Dixon Ranch

    Bill Walker Guest

    ZVZ--Nope.. the rigamarole is all about the government TELLING you that
    you have to wear the damned thing.. The big ruckus is all about your
    freedom of choice .. All the noise is about someone dictating what you
    should decide for yourself.. If you fail to comply, they can take your
    money away from you.. BILLWALKER
    your right,if I was a ''dooRagger'', and disliked helmets, I'd pay more
    tenzion to yalls talking points, is that whatCherSaying?

    You just ain't no "dooragger" for sure.. I think you just like to wear them
    ol' fancy lids you spend all Mz. Honey's money on... I'm tellin'..

    Its kinda like
    we hafta wear seat belts in the cages. I guess we lost that one, huh?

    Yeah .. we sure did.. All you go-along cage riders kinda lost your nerve so
    we never did get up a big enough crowd to "win" it.. LOL

    But, I kinda strap up and git-along. ''I think the government
    is worried about our population deminishing, ya reckon?''

    Now that one is a real hoot, Bjay.. Mz. Honey is gonna git'cha...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker

    <>'Have a Good'un'>>>BJAY>>>
    Bill Walker, Jan 7, 2005
  9. Dixon Ranch

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. Yep.. Yep.. If you'd like to joing the legislative battle to help
    overcome these damned pirhanya's (sp).. You can meet with a fine group of
    biker Warriors in Austin on the 23rd of this month.. Interested in some
    details.. Let me know..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 15, 2005
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