Texas Heat

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by fullstate, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Well, as luck would have it I just got back from spending a week in
    Chicago on Saturday. The highest temperature I saw there for the week
    was about 85. On Friday, I think it hit a high of about 76.

    Back home to texas and a nice ride in the tripple-digit heat
    yesterday. Ick... If you are out riding in the heat, make sure you
    are WELL hydrated. Hydrate before the ride, during the ride and after
    the ride. BTW - anything with caffeine in it is a diuretic and will
    dehydrate you. Same goes for alcohol.

    Most people are very surprised that covering up keeps you cooler...and
    you don't risk sunburn. That doesn't mean to put on your winter
    jacket, but if you have one that will breathe it will do you better
    than not wearing one at all. Ever see the arabs strolling across the
    desert in tank tops, shorts and sandals?

    I was trying to figure out whether or not the nice officer would
    understand that I was riding excessively fast to keep the bike cool in
    the heat?

    Just rambling....

    fullstate, Jul 21, 2003
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  2. fullstate

    Joseph Crowe Guest

    Has anybody rigged up a Camelback for hydration? I use that for my
    bicycle rides. With a full-coverage helmet, I don't see any alternative
    unless one stops to drink......
    I wear a ventilated leather jacket....it's find as long as you keep
    Joseph Crowe, Jul 21, 2003
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  3. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Well, I did.... but the airlines lost my luggage and it will be here
    tomorrow (Tuesday). It probably won't be quite as cool, though. OK
    OK, bad joke, but I'll take ANY kind of cold front right now.

    Be patient, Grasshopper. You, too, will soon be riding again. And it
    will be much cooler when you are. ;-)

    BTW - how goes the healing process?

    Darned Police!!! Why is it they don't like to pull people over when
    it's raining, but they don't mind when it's hot? lol

    fullstate, Jul 21, 2003
  4. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Yes... they work, but keep 'em out of the sun if you can or you are
    just taking in warm water. That is better than nothing, but it's
    still nice to stop and get a cold drink. That also lowers your body

    If I am not mistaken, they even make some motorcycle type attachments
    for your helmets. Don't quote me on that one, though, just thought I
    read about them somewhere.
    Yeah, I have a Joe Rocket Phoenix mesh jacket that I love. You can
    kind of tell you have it on if you are sitting still, but it's like
    it's not even there when you are moving. Also keeps the sun off me
    pretty good.

    Another trick that my friend learned me (j/k) - take a nylon backpack,
    stop at your 7-11 and buy a bag of ice, fill the backpack full of ice.
    It will cool you down instantly, and the water will seep through the
    backpack into your clothes and evaporate. This also helps keep ya
    cool on those really hot days.

    fullstate, Jul 21, 2003
  5. fullstate

    Bill1100 Guest

    I use a CamelBak frequently when riding. I've used it in the Texas heat and
    the cool dry air in the Colorado mountains. I fill mine with water and ice
    and have no problem drinking with my full-face helmet in place. My bike
    will go between 250 and 300 miles on a tank of gas, and with the CamelBak I
    can almost last that long even in very high temperatures. Staying hydrated
    is extremely important as I guess you know or you wouldn't have asked the
    question. It is also a good idea to not ride in just a t-shirt on your
    upper body, and not just for the obvious abrasion protection offered by a
    jacket. Keeping some of the moisture from your body inside a jacket also
    goes a long way to avoiding dehydration. The old evaporative cooling trick
    of wearing a soaked t-shirt under your jacket helps a lot, as do some of the
    new cooling vests, etc. BTW, to avoid the hot water in the tube problem
    with your CamelBak, just remember to blow before you suck...LOL

    Bill1100 - Dallas, TX
    2000 BMW R1100RT
    Bill1100, Jul 22, 2003
  6. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    So you get to suffer in the heat, then. You can really bake out
    there. Thank goodness the cool front is here, it's only 109 with
    the heat index.
    Ahh, yes..... hey now, I only got it over 100 once this weekend and
    it was for a very short stint.

    fullstate, Jul 22, 2003
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