Tempting TOG - last chance to experience the joys of 350 Morini ownership before Chilling out

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Pete Fisher, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Pete Fisher

    ogden Guest

    1) my understanding is that magistrates wouldn't touch it with a
    bargepole anyway. they'd hear the initial plea and then send it straight
    up for trial or sentencing (depending on the plea).

    2) it doesn't matter whether it'd automatically go up, the defendant
    would always have the right to request trial by jury for an either-way
    offence such as dangerous driving.
    ogden, Sep 29, 2010
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  2. Pete Fisher

    ogden Guest

    Lets remember the context of this discussion, though I know it's
    wandered a bit: a JOG-LE run. I suspect massive wheelies won't be
    relevant and filtering would be enthusiastic but not downright

    And you're listing aggravating factors - the list I gave above wasn't
    exhaustive, thus the 'etc'.

    I've yet to see any example of someone being found guilty, at trial, of
    dangerous driving for speeding alone. Period.

    Quite. There's a world of difference between careless and dangerous, as
    far as sentencing goes. The latter is potentially custodial and carries
    a mandatory ban with extended retest. Yet every time we have an armchair
    lawyer session like this about big speeding, people start chucking
    potential dangerous charges around like confetti. It's daft.
    ogden, Sep 29, 2010
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  3. Pete Fisher

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Indeed, context is everything. Grey Leader on such a mission would be
    concentrating on achieving the goal, not showboating.

    Good point, fairly made, such a useful word etc.
    Long may it remain so. I see they still have a "speed dangerous to the
    public" offence in the Antipodes.
    Indeed. The "without due care and attention" can be very widely
    interpreted, but at least disqualification isn't mandatory.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber" |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Sep 29, 2010
  4. Pete Fisher

    CT Guest

    To a certain extent, maybe.

    What's made this dangerous I wonder? Because it *had* rained?


    And then there's always stories like this:
    "145mph not dangerous driving - court"
    CT, Sep 29, 2010
  5. Pete Fisher

    Bob Scott Guest

    Possibly, but the 135mph blokey with the years ban had a not guilty plea
    to dangerous accepted in the same sheriff's court.
    Hmmm, wonder if that was down to an implicit plea bargain or if the PF
    had brought the dangerous charges without any useful evidence to support

    My mate that got the jail for dangerous driving had his case shunted up
    from Paisley Sheriff's Court to the High Court in Edinburgh, which would
    support the contention that, unless you're pleading guilty, a serious[1]
    prosecution for dangerous will see a jury.


    [1] as opposed to one that is merely a hopeful extra charge
    Bob Scott, Sep 29, 2010
  6. Pete Fisher

    ogden Guest

    Poor visibility? Wet road, lots of spray, fading light. Spurious though,
    it's the first case I've seen of a jury convicting of dangerous for what
    was basically a straight speeding offence.

    Note that all he got was a ban and a fine though. No prison time.
    ogden, Sep 29, 2010
  7. Pete Fisher

    Hog Guest

    I've been charged for Dangerous Driving for speeding alone in Scotland, the
    circumstances being there were two vehicles and we were in a convoy of 2.
    They claimed Dangerous and Racing on the Public highway.
    I didn't know the other driver and were were just cruising along, not
    playing games. Speed was clocked at 118-128 variable.

    The Trial was shelved for reasons I've alluded to here before, but if it had
    and 2 Hossifers had testified, my Brief warned it was a shoe in with 6
    months plus. Hence I waited it out abroad.
    Hog, Sep 29, 2010
  8. Pete Fisher

    wessie Guest


    They pushed for dangerous but knew that unless he coughed to it there
    the scope for plea bargaining can only increase, the way they are closing
    courts around here. The CPS are going to be begging defendants not to take
    cases to trial. Plus, with fewer traffic cops on the road, the quality of
    evidence will be reduced as witnesses will be giving opinion from CCTV or
    "after the fact" accident reports.
    wessie, Sep 29, 2010
  9. I regularly used M4 and M25 (although mostly the bit from M4 to T5).

    Not had any problems. And regularly did indicated speeds in excess of
    120. So Not questioning whether Champ's time can be beaten. I am
    questioning the use of speed cameras on Motorways.

    I don't recall every hearing of anyone getting done by them.
    stephen.packer, Sep 29, 2010
  10. Pete Fisher

    Krusty Guest

    I know someone who got done by them on the M4 over Newport way.
    Krusty, Sep 29, 2010
  11. Pete Fisher

    wessie Guest

    won't happen on a bike now - gatsos replaced with forward facing average
    speed jobs. PITA in a car, mind.

    They've erected M25 style gantries[1] for variable speed limits.
    Hopefully that will mean the current 50mph limit will be ditched except
    for peak flow once it is all switched on.

    [1] complete with speed camera signs & dotted marks in the road but no
    hardware in the gantry, cheeky fuckers
    wessie, Sep 29, 2010
  12. Pete Fisher

    boots Guest

    A work colleague got nabbed by the gantry ones on the M25, 58 IIRC
    when the 50 was in force.
    boots, Sep 30, 2010
  13. Pete Fisher

    Bob Scott Guest

    Not in this part of the UK
    Bob Scott, Sep 30, 2010
  14. Pete Fisher

    Ace Guest

    But you don't have magistrates, do you? Therefore it's perfectly
    reasonable to suggest that where a magistrate is involved, pert of
    his/her job is as described.


    Bloody furriners.
    Ace, Sep 30, 2010
  15. Pete Fisher

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Off-road tracks? Is that what the M25 and M4 are called nowadays?
    Timo Geusch, Oct 4, 2010
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