Tell the truth Walker boys

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. Hmm? Can you I've never lied here or about
    myself...yet you Cage Monkeys continue your lying
    and other such amoral, unethical activities. When
    will you admit you lied? When?

    ZsshN>|>>|>>z |>>zzszsszzsz|>>
    zzszs|>>zzzzss|>>|>>|>>. Czssszzss|>>|>>|>>zsz
    |>>zszsssz|>>sz|>>|>>zsz|>>|>> sz|>>szs|>>ssz|>>z
    |>>z|>>z|>>|>>z|>>|>>|>>sz zs|>>zssszz
    szzsz|>>|>>sszzzzsszszzs|>>sz|>>. C|>>szs|>>
    zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z z|>>s|>>|>>s|>>ss
    sz|>>zs|>>|>>|>>sszzz|>>|>> zss|>>|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>> |>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>
    Zss |>>zsz|>>|>>z|>>ssz|>> C|>>sC|>>|>>Z|>>|>>
    z|>>|>>|>>ss|>>ss|>>|>>s|>>ss zss|>>|>>|>>

    1. Zss s|>>|>>zzzszz zss|>>|>>|>>
    Z|>>szss|>>ssszzsz|>> Zzszzzs|>>zzzz|>>zs|>>ssssz
    z|>>s|>>ss|>>|>>s|>>|>>z C|>>szzssz|>> >7N0
    sz|>>|>>|>>s Zzzszszszszsszzsz|>> >>>000

    Oh and for that matter...Brian you are a liar but
    not nearly the lying sack of shit your old man is.
    So BOYS either admit to lying OR STFU and listen
    to your betters. If you behave, I might let you
    slop the hogs and live in the hog pen with them.
    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005
    1. Advertisements

  2. Keith Schiffner

    Beemer Biker Guest

    FYI, this posted was removed from (who i think gets their
    feed from before I could read it. Probably because is checking for nonsense stuff and you must have met
    their threshold. It did show up on which I am
    reading it.
    Beemer Biker, Feb 13, 2005
    1. Advertisements

  3. "Beemer Biker"
    Interesting, very interesting. You take the time
    to mung something to maintain a little privacy and
    the servers and such get all snippity because
    you'd like things to at least have a fig leaf on
    them. Thanks for the note Beemer Biker much
    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005
  4. Ride Your bIKE! Ride your bIKe! Ride your BikE! Ride your Bike! Ride
    Your BIke! Ride your bike! Ride your bike. Ride your BiKE! Ride your
    Bike! Ride your bIkE! Ride your biKe! Ride your bike! Ride your bike.
    Ride your BIke. Ride your bIkE! Ride your BiKE! Ride your bike. Ride
    your bike! Ride your bIke! Ride your BiKe. Ride your bike! Ride your
    bIke! Ride your biKE. Ride your bike! Ride your BikE. Ride your BIke.
    Ride your BiKe! Ride your bike. Ride your BikE! Ride your bikE. Ride
    your bike! Ride your bike! Ride your bikE. Ride your bIKe! Ride your
    bike. Ride your Bike. Ride your BIke. Ride your bIKe! Ride your bIKE!
    Ride your BiKE! Ride your bIKe! Ride your bike. Ride your bIkE! Ride
    your BIke! Ride your bike! Ride your biKe. Ride your bIKe! Ride your
    BIke. Ride your bIKE! Ride your bike! Ride your BIke! Ride your bikE.
    Ride your bIKe! Ride your biKe! Ride your biKe! . Ride Your bIkE! Ride
    your bike! Ride your biKE! Ride your bIKe! Ride your biKe. Ride your
    Bike! Ride your bIKe! Ride your biKe! Ride your BiKE! Ride your BiKe!
    Ride your bike. Ride your BikE! Ride your BikE. Ride your bike! Ride
    your biKe. Ride your biKe! Ride your bike! Ride your BIke! Ride your
    Bike! Ride your biKE. Ride your BiKe. Ride your BiKe! Ride your bike.
    Ride your BikE! Ride your biKE. Ride your BiKe. Ride your Bike! Ride
    your bIkE! Ride your bIKe! Ride your biKe. Ride your Bike! Ride your
    BiKe! Ride your bike. Ride your bIKE! Ride your bIKe! Ride your bikE.
    Ride your bIKe! Ride your bIKE. Ride your BIke. Ride your Bike! Ride
    your bike! Ride your BikE. Ride your Bike. Ride your bike! Ride your
    BiKe! Ride your bike. Ride your BikE! .

    another problem solved.
    another viewer, Feb 13, 2005

  5. Okay, I figured out the ROT13 and the ROT47 stuff, but this has me
    puzzled. What kind of encryption is this? The character set doesn't
    seem big enough to be useful, being mostly comprised of "|", ">", "z",
    and "s". (Unless it's not a direct substitution cipher, and several
    characters from a limited set are being used to represent one
    unencrypted character).

    Scott Gardner
    Scott Gardner, Feb 13, 2005
  6. "another viewer"
    That one doesn't like my system for some dumb
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005
  7. no cage monkey likes anybody elses sytem.

    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz zzz|>>ssz|>>|>> zzszzzzszz|>>|>>
    |>>|>>z|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>|>>z|>>z|>>|>>sszszz s|>>|>>zs|>>|>>|>>s
    z|>>s|>>zszss|>>|>>|>>zsz |>>sz|>>|>>s|>>|>>s|>>sz.
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz zs|>>zzzs|>>zz|>>|>> |>>|>>|>>|>>|>>s
    |>>|>>z|>>|>>s|>>sszzz|>>zs zzs|>>|>>s|>>|>>z|>>szzzzszzszz sz|>>|>>|>>s
    zzz|>>sz|>>|>>s|>>zs|>>|>>szszzssss|>>z|>>|>> szz|>>|>>s
    z|>>z|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>> z|>>|>>s|>>s|>>szz|>>|>>zzssz|>> zsssz|>>.
    another viewer, Feb 13, 2005
  8. message
    Ain't that the truth. Then again...I LIKE making
    Cage Monkey's stroke out and have a conniption fit
    in traffic also. Must be because I can't stand
    lying assholes.

    Zss |>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>> szzzss|>>zs|>>zsssz
    zz|>>|>>|>>sssz. Zss |>>zzszsszzsz|>>
    z|>>szsszszszs|>>ssz|>>|>>z|>>z sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>>
    s|>>|>>zzz|>>|>>|>>sz|>>z|>>|>>z|>>z sz|>>|>>|>>s
    zs|>>zssszz z|>>zzzzz|>>zszz |>>zszssz|>>|>>szz
    zsssz|>> s|>>|>>zzzszz sz|>>zss|>>|>>zz|>>|>>
    sz|>>|>>|>>s sz|>>|>>ss|>>|>>ssz|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>> szzsz|>>zss|>>|>>|>>|>>z|>>ssz
    zz|>>zzzzsssz|>> zz|>>zzzzzs|>>z|>>
    |>>|>>sszssz|>>. C|>>|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>
    zz|>>z|>>|>> zzz zzszs|>>szs|>>|>>z
    zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>zs|>>sz
    zzszs|>>szs|>>|>>z sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>

    Zss szzsz|>>zss|>>zs|>>zs zzszzz|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>>
    zz|>>z|>>|>>|>>zszssz|>>|>>s|>>zz|>>|>> Zss
    sz|>>ssz|>>szz|>>|>>z|>>z !7N>>>
    szzsz|>>zzz|>>ss!7N s|>>|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>
    Zss s|>>|>>zzzszz sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>ssz|>>|>>
    z|>>s|>>|>>s|>>ss zzz|>>zs|>>zs >>N
    ZsshN>|>>|>>z zszz|>>|>>sz|>>sz|>>zss|>>|>>|>>zsz
    zzzz|>>ssz|>>z|>>|>>|>>ss |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>|>>zsssz
    Naturally everyone now that if you aren't Cav
    you're just another piece of walker shit.
    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005
  9. Keith Schiffner

    Brian Walker Guest

    I can't stand them either....especially one's who claim to be in two
    different parts of the world at once.

    Tell us, since we know you can't be in two places of the world at once,
    which was it? Killeen saving lives or Iraq "defending freedom"? Or

    I say it's neither. I base this on actual events and historical
    perspective....and comparing that to your timeline. It just doesn't fit. You
    couldn't have possibly been in Killeen in October '91 if you were also in
    Iraq during the Gulf War and connected with the 1st Cavalry. The 1st Cavalry
    was used quite a bit in the Gulf and then in Somalia directly following the
    Gulf War.
    Brian Walker, Feb 14, 2005
  10. Keith Schiffner

    dcg Guest

    dcg, Feb 15, 2005
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