Telephone Call

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My good friend Buddy Helscel called me this morning.. He's living in Casa
    Grande, Arizona.. now.. Buddy returned from the VA hospital in Long Beach,
    this week.. He'd been out there for another of his checkups.. The good news
    is, that the doctors have determined that he's cancer free at this time..
    Although he still has some of the residual effects, and there are still some
    areas which will need to be monitored for a long time, my good friend has
    beat the odds..

    More than a year ago, Brian and I fabricated a computer for Buddy, in hopes
    it would help his morale during his long fight with cancer.. Being a very
    basic man, he never quite got into the computer thing.. About the time he
    commenced to understand the bare bones of the machine, he shut it down..
    Hasn't been on it for a long time, now.. Some do and some don't.. I guess..
    He'd much rather just ride his motorcycle and clear his head, his way..

    Damn.. he does that so well, you can't fault him for that attitude..

    Buddy has always been a Republican.. One of his most prized possessions is a
    framed picture of Ronald Reagan shaking hands with him.. along with a
    personal letter of thanks from the, then president..

    The coming election came up and we discussed it, to some length.. Buddy
    finally shared his own thoughts There is no way that he can vote for George
    Bush in this election..

    The entire gist of the conversation isn't important.. This man is a lifelong
    Republican supporter.. It has cost him dearly to have come to his
    conclusion.. His concern for our country and his faith in his political
    persuasions have been one of his stronger tenets, in all the years I've
    known him.. Buddy Helscel has served his country well, in his lifetime..
    He's worked hard and known many successes, as well as failures.. Typical to
    us all, I'm sure..

    In this election year, he's been forced to decide between his love for his
    country and the political party to which he's always been loyal.. Buddy
    Helscel chose the love for his country.. As he shared with me, "it really
    wasn't a big choice to make".. Buddy will vote for John Kerry..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 24, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Mick McHam Guest

    The entire gist of the conversation isn't important.. This man is aRepublican supporter.. <Snip>
    In this election year, he's been forced to decide between his love for his
    country and the political party to which he's always been loyal.. Buddy
    Helscel chose the love for his country.. As he shared with me, "it really
    wasn't a big choice to make".. Buddy will vote for John Kerry.. <<

    There are many in the Republican party who feel profoundly uneasy with Bush
    (see the article I poisted under the Subject: OT Conservative Point of
    View). Whether their misgivings translate into votes for Kerry at election
    time remains to be seen. Sadly, I suspect that many will be guided by their
    loyalty to party rather than to their country and conscience.

    If it weren't for the fact that 4 more years would allow Bush to do far more
    damage than he's already done, I'd almost wish for him to win so that he and
    those who created the current economic and foreign policy disaster could be
    made to live with the consequences and suffer for it. If Kerry is elected,
    it will be a no win situation for him or the Democratic party because the
    mess the Bush administration leaves him with will likely result in his
    (Kerry) getting blamed for it.

    I recently ran across an article that seems to explain how Bush could use
    such bad judgment in his policy decisions, especially on the foreign and
    economic front. It's as if we've got an immature, emotional teenager in
    charge of the country. The article is long but well worth the read given
    what is at stake on November 2nd. Here's the link to the article:

    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    Mick McHam, Oct 25, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Solaratov Guest

    How _anyone_ can vote for this lying, treasonous bastard is beyond me.

    (right-click on link and select "Save Targer As...") File size approx.
    12.6 MB.

    Article by Libertarian writer Vin Suprynowicz:

    Speaking of motorcycles, did anyone make it over to Moto Liberty this
    afternoon? Plenty of fried catfish, prizes, fine-lookin' ladies, and
    lots of friendly folks with sportbikes, cruisers, and dual-sports.
    This is their 2nd party I have attended - -highly recommended.

    Solaratov, Oct 25, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I have those same concerns.. I've spent a good deal of time visiting VA
    hospitals in Texas as well as the ones in Long Beach and Tucson.. Many of
    our veterans in these facilities are loyal to the president, whoever he is..
    That is a reflection of the training of these men..
    Seemingly.. the worst vengeance on Bush would be to elect him for four more
    years in the White House.. The worst thing we could do for Kerry is electing
    him for a first term.. Comes a time when all Americans must consider what is
    best for our country.. So .. I will vote for and support John Kerry for the
    Oval Office..
    A number of the veterans who keep in touch with me, are voting for John
    Kerry.. They've come to understand that George Bush is not the advocate for
    them, that he would claim to be.. Like my good friend Buddy Helscel who
    desperately needed the services and treatments afforded to him, by the VA
    hospitals, they've seen the consequences of funding promised and not
    followed through.. Thanks for you response, there is much food for thought
    to be considered before any of us cast our ballots..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 25, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sorry to say that I missed that little soiree.. Been under the weather for
    the past few weeks and haven't been out much.. Maybe next year.. Thanks for
    the response..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 25, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    There are many in the Republican party who feel profoundly uneasy with Bush
    No argument from me on the disappointed description. However choosing
    the other head of the 2-headed evil would be choosing your
    conditioning instead of your "country and conscience". Remember that
    we are a MULTIcameral system (more than 2 parties to choose form for
    those of you who need the details) is the first step to breaking the
    mind control of the proletariat.

    Badnarik in 2004!
    Bownse, Oct 25, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Well I think we see the same thing on both sides. I know several
    registered democrats that are not voting for Kerry this year.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Oct 25, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Shit! I didn't know about it or I might have gone out there to check
    it out. Perhaps next time....


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Oct 25, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Perhaps you might want to actually check the ballot. It would seem the
    one that I just voted on Saturday with here in Mesquite didn't even
    have him listed.

    If he can't even get on the ballot (in all precincts), how do you
    expect him to win?

    Riding by the polling place Sunday, I found the center was STILL
    standing room only and cars fighting to get in and park. Many that we
    saw standing in the lines were newly registered voters. We'll see, but
    it would seem if this trend continues, there's not going to be much of
    a turnout on election day. I mean, there's only just so many people
    who live in Mesquite!
    Brian Walker, Oct 25, 2004
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