My good friend Buddy Helscel called me this morning.. He's living in Casa Grande, Arizona.. now.. Buddy returned from the VA hospital in Long Beach, this week.. He'd been out there for another of his checkups.. The good news is, that the doctors have determined that he's cancer free at this time.. Although he still has some of the residual effects, and there are still some areas which will need to be monitored for a long time, my good friend has beat the odds.. More than a year ago, Brian and I fabricated a computer for Buddy, in hopes it would help his morale during his long fight with cancer.. Being a very basic man, he never quite got into the computer thing.. About the time he commenced to understand the bare bones of the machine, he shut it down.. Hasn't been on it for a long time, now.. Some do and some don't.. I guess.. He'd much rather just ride his motorcycle and clear his head, his way.. Damn.. he does that so well, you can't fault him for that attitude.. Buddy has always been a Republican.. One of his most prized possessions is a framed picture of Ronald Reagan shaking hands with him.. along with a personal letter of thanks from the, then president.. The coming election came up and we discussed it, to some length.. Buddy finally shared his own thoughts There is no way that he can vote for George Bush in this election.. The entire gist of the conversation isn't important.. This man is a lifelong Republican supporter.. It has cost him dearly to have come to his conclusion.. His concern for our country and his faith in his political persuasions have been one of his stronger tenets, in all the years I've known him.. Buddy Helscel has served his country well, in his lifetime.. He's worked hard and known many successes, as well as failures.. Typical to us all, I'm sure.. In this election year, he's been forced to decide between his love for his country and the political party to which he's always been loyal.. Buddy Helscel chose the love for his country.. As he shared with me, "it really wasn't a big choice to make".. Buddy will vote for John Kerry.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker