
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by frag, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. frag

    frag Guest

    I hate them.

    One emergency appointment, one old (6 month old) filling removed and
    temporary "calm it all down" stuff put in, very little difference in
    pain levels.

    Back to the dentist tomorrow.

    That is all.
    frag, Jun 10, 2009
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  2. frag

    Cab Guest

    I prefer dentists to hairdressers. HTH.
    Cab, Jun 10, 2009
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  3. frag

    Dan L Guest

    Nasty. At least it's getting sorted.

    Dan L

    Too much time to think, too little to do.


    1992 kawasaki ZXR400 (The one wiv the hoover tubes) Coming soon to a
    patio near me.
    2003 Ducati 900SS FF (Woo hoo)
    2002 Triumph Sprint RS 955i (BTDT)
    1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr (Gone, but not forgotten)

    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6/7/8)
    BOMB#18 (slow)
    Dan L, Jun 10, 2009
  4. frag

    Gyp Guest

    Is it safe?
    Gyp, Jun 10, 2009
  5. frag

    Adrian Guest

    Friday evening. Slight twinge starts. Not much sleep.
    Saturday. Gets worse steadily. Not much sleep, even with pill.
    Sunday. Start to lose will to live. No sleep, even with pill.
    Monday. Jaw starts swelling. Emergency appointment at dentist. "It's
    infected". No shit. Antibiotics.
    Tuesday. Pain down. Swelling up. BIG bastard molar removed, already root
    canalled and crowned, but cracked down root. Dentist expresses extreme
    relief and surprise it came out in one piece. Spend evening curled up
    whimpering as anaesthetic wears off.

    Now I just need to find a stupid amount of money or look like some inbred
    village idiot.
    Adrian, Jun 10, 2009
  6. frag

    Malc Guest

    There's a very good case for having all your teeth removed and
    replaced by false ones IMO.
    Malc, Jun 10, 2009
  7. frag

    Hog Guest

    Aye he is a lovely chap and that Champ's a right ****.
    Hog, Jun 10, 2009
  8. frag

    Hog Guest

    Go to a good dentist, for a start, then as each tooth gives you trouble
    don't **** around with it, get a Gold Crown. They will argue, you will pay
    a bit, but teeth will never bother you much more.
    Hog, Jun 10, 2009
  9. frag

    Adrian Guest

    Mmm. The one that gave me a load of shit over the weekend had been
    Adrian, Jun 10, 2009
  10. There's never a good case for that IMO. If I'm ever unfortunate
    enough to need all mine removed, then it's the implants for me all the
    way and I don't care how much it would cost - I'd sell my own mother
    before I'd get dentures with a plate.
    Beelzebub_on_Mac, Jun 10, 2009
  11. frag

    frag Guest

    Hog wibbled...
    This one is NHS.

    I've seen private prices. <knees wobble>

    And gold crowns? Why are they better than other sorts of crowns?

    TBF I don't have that many teeth left too crown.
    frag, Jun 10, 2009
  12. frag

    frag Guest

    Gyp wibbled...
    To come out from behind the pillow?

    Not yet, the pain wasn't so bad yesterday so I din't go but have been
    awake all night so am definitely going when I stop falling asleep every
    2 minutes now the pain isn't so bad. [1]

    [1] I know, my English teacher would just look at me in disgust.
    frag, Jun 10, 2009
  13. frag

    Hog Guest

    Crowned or composite/ceramic? I had trouble with the latter.

    Like anything it needs to be done competently! and the tooth being crowned
    need to be properly prepared such that the remains will not bother you.

    Perhaps as Bee suggests getting the tooth completely removed and a complete
    replacement pinned innto the jaw is superior. Tallbloke got this done in
    Eastern Europe. About 1/4 of the cost, done in a palladium rhodium alloy
    with a white ceramic finish.

    I rather like the idea of inch long stainless steel fangs replacing my eye
    teeth ;o)
    Hog, Jun 10, 2009
  14. frag

    frag Guest

    Adrian wibbled...
    That'll be me tthis evening.
    Heh, inheritance money. Coming in just at the right time.
    frag, Jun 10, 2009
  15. frag

    Adrian Guest

    The problem wasn't the crown. The problem was the bit beneath it.
    This 'un had been fine for the thick end of a decade since being root
    canalled and crowned. They x-rayed it and couldn't see why it was giving
    grief, but there was no doubt it was. When it was removed, there was a
    crack below the gumline.
    "About 1/4 the cost" would be nice, since they suggested £2-2.5k for
    _one_ molar implant...
    Mmm. I can see that being painful for the first few weeks until you stop
    biting your tongue/lips...
    Adrian, Jun 10, 2009
  16. frag

    Eiron Guest

    You mean Her Majesty has taken up dentistry? I suppose everyone needs a hobby.
    Eiron, Jun 10, 2009
  17. frag

    M J Carley Guest

    When has Hog ever bitten his tongue?
    M J Carley, Jun 10, 2009
  18. frag

    Hog Guest

    Well you look like a Nigga Pimp, that can't be a bad thing, can it.

    The composite crowns, s.steel substrate with ceramic coating, break if you
    bite down on something hard at an awkward angle.

    Gold will outlive your puny body.

    If you end up in the Bankok Hilton you will have some currency.
    Hog, Jun 10, 2009
  19. frag

    Hog Guest

    Oh you have no idea! Meetings with NHS administration and Clinical
    Scientists for starters.
    Hog, Jun 10, 2009
  20. frag

    Ace Guest

    I'm not at all keen on either, but at a push I'd have to say I dislike
    dentists more.

    Then again, I've been to the dentist almost infinitely more times than
    the hairdresser in recent years...
    Ace, Jun 10, 2009
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