Teaching opportunities in South Western Sydney (TAFE)

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Alan Pennykid, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. If anyone's ever given a thought to teaching their expertise as a part
    time teacher, South Western Sydney Institute (SWSI) have just
    advertised part time opportunities in a wide range of fields. SWSI
    operate from colleges in Wetherill Park, Granville, Lidcombe,
    Bankstown, Padstow, Liverpool, Macquarie Fields and Campbelltown.

    Have a look if you're interested:

    TAFE don't advertise in the papers any more, I'm just spreading the
    word. I'm involved in recruiting some new IT teachers and I know we
    have a few geeks here. It might suit someone.

    Alan Pennykid, Mar 23, 2011
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  2. 'Twould be nice for a supplemental income, if not for these niggling little

    1. You need to have a "relevant" degree or diploma in the associated
    discipline - it's been my experience that any such degree/diploma course
    would be teaching technology at least five (and more likely ten) years out
    of date, so acquiring one would be counterproductive.

    2. You need to have a Certificate IV in training - quite understandable, I
    suppose; wouldn't want any TAFE teachers to resort to the bastardisation our
    teachers did back in the days when we were in school.

    3. You need to be prepared to grit and/or gnash your teeth in silence as
    you're presented with a syllabus at least five years out of date (refer to
    point 1 above), thereby instantly dispelling any notion you may have had of
    instilling useful knowledge into your students.

    But then, someone does need to occupy the long-term unemployable (erm,
    unemployed) who've realised that their Centrelink payment's higher if they
    enrol in a course.

    I wonder if there're parallel courses in Indian and Filipino accents, so
    those who graduate can actually get a job in a help desk? :p
    Bob Milutinovic, Mar 25, 2011
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