Talking of track cars....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Krusty, Apr 15, 2011
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  2. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    Well yes but it has horrible turbo lag and I'd be looking in the hidden rust
    traps with an introscope first
    Hog, Apr 15, 2011
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  3. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Does it bollocks.
    I'd be looking less hard than with most 20 year old cars.
    Krusty, Apr 15, 2011
  4. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    Marina. Allegro. Mini.....
    Hog, Apr 15, 2011
  5. Krusty

    ogden Guest

    Reckon you'll be able to find a 20 year old Marina or Allegro, do you?
    ogden, Apr 15, 2011
  6. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I pass an Allegro on the A64 regularly. It's a feckin miracle
    Hog, Apr 15, 2011
  7. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    I hope there's still some Minis about or my Haynes manual will never
    sell. Likewise some BMW 320/323/325s, Calibras, Alfettas,
    Consul/Granadas, Tomoses (Tomosii?), CX/GL500s, Ducati 750/860/900s, &
    any other old shite covered by manuals I haven't uncovered yet.
    Krusty, Apr 15, 2011
  8. Krusty

    Lozzo Guest

    Given the piles of shit you drive and ride I'd agree.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Apr 15, 2011
  9. Krusty

    Tim Guest

    Tim, Apr 15, 2011
  10. Krusty

    Thomas Guest

    "Police are investigating whether he was speeding when he lost control
    of the car on the 50mph road."
    <looks at "after" photo>
    Gee, ya think?
    Thomas, Apr 15, 2011
  11. Krusty

    Thomas Guest

    Thomas, Apr 15, 2011
  12. Krusty

    SIRPip Guest

    You're just jealous because you can't even pass a kidney stone without
    squealing like a pig.
    SIRPip, Apr 15, 2011
  13. Krusty

    SIRPip Guest

    Dunno, seems obvious to me. If you eat an Allegro every day and have
    normal digestive transit, you'll pass one. Unfortunate timing, perhaps
    you need to delay ingestion by an hour or so.
    SIRPip, Apr 15, 2011
  14. Aha. A McVities delivery driver, then.
    PipL alter ego, Apr 15, 2011
  15. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    Badoom Tish!
    Hog, Apr 18, 2011
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