More or less out of curiousity I put an inductive tach (Fluke) on friend's '82 CB750 today. #3 cylinder has been warming up slowly lately even after thorough carb clean and sync last year and recent re-sync. coil resistance seems okay, at least for a cold engine - both coils around 2.4 and 12K ohms. What I can't figure out are odd readings on #3 and #4 cylinders. #3 is consistently reading about 3 times what the bike's mechanical analog tach shows and #4 about double the bike's tach. Whereas #1 and #2 agree more or less with the bike's tach! Re-tried about half a dozen times on all four plug wires with the same result. Any ideas as to why? (just in case anybody's wondering, from left-to-right, the coil wires got to plugs 1,4,2,3).