tach' question

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by paul c, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. paul c

    paul c Guest

    More or less out of curiousity I put an inductive tach (Fluke) on
    friend's '82 CB750 today. #3 cylinder has been warming up slowly lately
    even after thorough carb clean and sync last year and recent re-sync.
    coil resistance seems okay, at least for a cold engine - both coils
    around 2.4 and 12K ohms.

    What I can't figure out are odd readings on #3 and #4 cylinders. #3 is
    consistently reading about 3 times what the bike's mechanical analog
    tach shows and #4 about double the bike's tach. Whereas #1 and #2 agree
    more or less with the bike's tach! Re-tried about half a dozen times on
    all four plug wires with the same result. Any ideas as to why?

    (just in case anybody's wondering, from left-to-right, the coil wires
    got to plugs 1,4,2,3).
    paul c, Aug 29, 2008
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  2. paul c

    paul c Guest

    forgot to mention that I didn't take the tank off, don't have much
    experience with these inductive tach's, perhaps because of less
    clearance with the tank on, I was seeing the effect of some kind of
    interference. but if so, why only on #'s 3 and 4?
    paul c, Aug 29, 2008
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  3. paul c

    . Guest

    Dual lead coils have been known to do strange things when one of the
    spark plug pairs is fouled.
    ., Aug 29, 2008
  4. paul c

    Guest Guest

    As background info, each spark plug fires twice as often as it needs
    to. Once at the top of the compression stroke, once at the top of the
    exhaust stroke.

    Guest, Aug 29, 2008
  5. paul c

    paul c Guest

    Thanks for that clue, now I have an idea of other tests to try.
    paul c, Aug 29, 2008
  6. paul c

    paul c Guest

    The latest is that today I inter-changed the plugs, moved #1 to #4 and
    vice-versa, #2 to #3 and vice-versa. Waddayaknow, now #2 reads triple
    and #1 reads half! (#3 and #4 look close to the bike's tach and #3
    warms up faster than before, but I already knew it had other problems -
    long story, i swapped coils from pal's parts bike which I suspect had no
    effect, even though the parts coil wires seemed to have firmer
    connections). so, as suggested, the mis-reading has certainly moved
    with the plugs.

    (all four plugs were somewhat black and only #1 had a light nose.
    doesn't surprise me since bike hasn't had any serious exercise for a
    year. just for laughs, I'll clean plugs and try again before telling
    pal to buy some new ones - he gets a discount because he's a welder,
    don't ask me why. just for my own edification, i think i'll make a
    standalone coil tester and keep a fouled plug around for future tests on
    other coils.)
    paul c, Sep 2, 2008
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