T.W.O. magazine - scam or genuine?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darren Robinson, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Whilst vegetating in front of the idiot box this evening, ignoring
    some of the interminable dross Mr. Murdoch's fine network provides, I
    received a call on my mobile from a "private number". A young lady,
    with a trace of a non-UK accent (possibly SethEffrikan) claimed to be
    calling on behalf of T.W.O. magazine. Now I have bought and read this
    publication on occasion, and admit to having filled in surveys and
    entered competitions wherein I would have given them (obviously) my
    name and mobile number. This was not unduly suspicious.

    She then went on to explain that I was eligible to take part in a
    promotion they were running, a 3-issue trial subscription for the
    princely sum of one Pound Sterling. Should I wish to continue the
    subscription after 3 issues, the cost would be £8.something a quarter,
    but there would be no obligation. This sounded quite reasonable; I am
    a reasonably avid verbivore, and will read just about anything
    connected with my interests (or "obsessions", as the SO calls them).

    I didn't like the next bit: she needed my bank account number and sort
    code to take payment. I had expected a credit or debit card number,
    not access to my entire financial wellbeing; no, it had to be a direct
    debit payment and they could only accept the information requested -
    cards were not an option. I politely made my excuses and hung up.

    The question is, what are the chances that this was a genuine offer
    which I just threw back in their face? Anyone else out there had
    Darren Robinson, Oct 8, 2003
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  2. Darren Robinson wrote:

    Well there are plenty of other mags that do similar subscription
    promotions on a regular basis. I think the hope is you won't remember/
    be bothered to cancel the subscription.
    Doesnotcompute, Oct 8, 2003
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  3. Darren Robinson

    Cab Guest

    When dealing with people over the phone that you don't know, it's not
    worth the risk, IMO.
    Cab, Oct 8, 2003
  4. Darren Robinson

    Helium Guest

    To start a Direct Debit they would need a signature - they can't do it
    all over the phone.
    Helium, Oct 8, 2003
  5. Darren Robinson wrote
    Nope. Having BT turn on the "**** off if you don't give your number"
    switch has stopped *all* the calls not stopped by the Telephone
    Preference scheme.

    Add to that that no **** wants to talk to me and the phone hardly rings
    at all these days.
    steve auvache, Oct 8, 2003
  6. Darren Robinson

    Macie Guest

    Is there a real BT option to bounce incoming calls that don't give
    thier number, or are you referring to caller display?
    Macie, Oct 8, 2003
  7. Darren Robinson

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Macie was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    AFAIK this is indeed a real option.
    Timo Geusch, Oct 8, 2003
  8. Darren Robinson

    Mash Guest

    Would that be the TWO magazine that has gone under or a different one?
    Mash, Oct 8, 2003
  9. Macie wrote
    There is a genuine option to refuse calls if they are doing number
    withheld and a proper term for it as well.

    It is available from most suppliers for free but those fucking cunts at
    BT insist on charging I forget how much for it. All you have to do is
    ring up and ask.

    TPS first though.
    steve auvache, Oct 8, 2003
  10. Darren Robinson

    Sean Guest

    Yup, and it works well too. No more evening calls about double glazing,
    insurance, garden makeovers.

    Costs a few quid a month, but worth every penny.
    Sean, Oct 8, 2003
  11. Darren Robinson

    Dan White Guest

    PC Pro did a similar thing a few months back and I've had my copies just

    At the end of the day, if you're that worried your bank can provide you with
    a list of direct debit authorisations on your account, and you can stop any
    on the spot. In addition, any unauthorised direct debits will be refunded to
    your account if you point them out.
    Dan White, Oct 8, 2003
  12. Darren Robinson

    deadmail Guest

    Are you surprised? They operate in a market rigged against them by the
    regulator. Sure they've not helped themselves and *appear* pretty

    Maybe if they gave you the Chief Executive's job you could sort it all
    deadmail, Oct 8, 2003
  13. Darren Robinson

    christofire Guest

    Well, filling in your mobile number on anything other than someone elses
    phone is asking for trouble.
    christofire, Oct 8, 2003
  14. wrote
    Nice to see you have the confidence in me. Can I use you as a
    steve auvache, Oct 8, 2003
  15. Darren Robinson

    deadmail Guest

    Feel free to.
    deadmail, Oct 8, 2003
  16. That didn't bother me; I'd like them to tell me if I won anything, for
    Darren Robinson, Oct 9, 2003
  17. Darren Robinson

    wessie Guest



    I've set up a number of DD over the phone and on websites.

    For example SWALEC, BT and most recently NTL cable bband.

    None have needed a signature - you get a letter a few days later stating that
    you have the right to cancel, just like taking out a life insurance policy.
    wessie, Oct 9, 2003
  18. Darren Robinson

    kAnO Guest

    If you give your bank details and setup a direct debit then their general aim is that forget /
    can't be arsed to cancel it in the future. There's no way that anyone could *steal* money from your
    account by simply aquiring you sort code and account number. The worst they could so is pay money

    Several days after a direct debit has been setup you will receive a letter of confirmation from the
    bank. All it would take is a "I didn't authorise that bastard" phone call and it's gone again.
    kAnO, Oct 9, 2003
  19. Darren Robinson

    Macie Guest

    Sparkling.... my day just got loads better :)
    Macie, Oct 9, 2003
  20. Darren Robinson

    Simian Guest

    steve auvache :
    I might have to try that. Disney phoned me up yesterday, only it was
    a fucking machine. "Hi, this is Kim! You've won a chance to win an
    amazing holiday of a lifetime at Eurodisney! Press one to..."

    I've never felt so insulted.
    Simian, Oct 9, 2003
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