Ok, I have a problem. I know I stuck my hand up to get the T shirts made but since then I've had some serious work overcommitments arise which means that for the last few weeks and at least the next few as well I'll be doing long hours 7 days a week. The upshot is that although I could still do the DFVing it would turn into the same kind of slow, drawn out exercise as last time and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid happening again. Does anyone want to step to the fore and manage the process? This will involve getting quotes for Darsy's wonder-design, putting together the pricing, posting details and taking orders from ukrmers, declaring a cutoff for orders and re-confirming the quote with the supplier now there's 12 different colours and half as many shirts as you thought, persuading everyone to send their money in (the difficult part), raising the order, taking delivery, packing and addressing the orders and finally, posting..! (sounds easy when you say it quick, eh?) I feel a bit crap about backing out and as I said, if noone wants to step forwards I'll still do it, but I can't make it snappy.