
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Nigel Allen, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Must be the season for it. I got hit up the arse in the car by a Saab today in
    West Perth. All parties were ok physically but my poor Liberty is looking not
    real flash. I got pushed onto the towball of the car in front. Worst thing
    was me and girlfriend were on our way back from a funeral of her 34 year old
    friend who had been stabbed to death by her husband. Awful day.

    Fraser Johnston, Apr 4, 2008
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  2. Nigel Allen

    Knobdoodle Guest

    If your Telex gets a 9 bit word is that an overbyte?
    Knobdoodle, Apr 4, 2008
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  3. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Those things are Async, you need ten bits for a byte, or even 11.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 4, 2008
  4. Hardly. Based on what he has written here I would say he is fairly new to
    riding but at least in his 30 s and pretty rational.

    Fraser Johnston, Apr 4, 2008
  5. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    Quite astute, Fraser. :) In fact I turned 37 on Wednesday.

    And guess who got fixed last night ? Brakes work, all the electrical
    stuff works, just gotta get the courage up to actually take Fritz outside.

    Not sure he knew how to stand up on his own, was a bit unsteady when I
    took the bricks out. Then again he's been on them since Nov.
    Yeebers, Apr 4, 2008

  6. Fraser, you call him rational ??
    what a joke
    Look at his past posts and you will see that he is nothing but a joke
    But you guessed it, he is new at riding,
    I would put him at 17 going on 14
    can't do anything for himself and starts crying when things go wrong
    and the things that did go wrong, well, for anyone else here, it would be a drop in
    the bucket and handled with relative ease,
    but for him, it is a major catastrophe and everyone should drop everything and come
    and help him in his dire straits.
    Had he come here without top posting and worse still, plagiarising others comments,
    then I might not have put him in the sin bin.
    But that does have it's benefits, I don't have to read what drivel he puts and only
    go on what others have said in their replies to him.
    George W Frost, Apr 5, 2008
  7. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Noice !!

    (I had to look it up - American slang according to Mirriams - not in the
    JL, Apr 5, 2008
  8. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    I certainly do - got taught that trick when I started my ill-advised(1)
    stint in accounting many moons ago

    1 Well it got me into IT so not actually that bad, but god I hated
    accounting - a long 18months .
    JL, Apr 5, 2008
  9. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Well the above (not perceiving synonyms to be so), is an indicator -
    there's 4 main ways that words can be recorded into memory - dyslexics
    record just about all words into a single use record rather than a
    grouped record. Hence the difficulty in cross connecting meanings -
    there's no link between the two "fields" so no way to look it up.

    Reversing number order is also an indicator, as is the fact that you are
    an engineer (1) (preference for maths /logic over word orientated
    professions). About 4 times as common in males than females.

    Its a lot more common(2) than most realise (and a lot less of a big deal
    than a lot of people make it out to be)

    (1) IIRC - originally a computer techo of some sort prior to getting
    into ISP game ?
    (2)I'm not for the record but partner is as is my nephew
    JL, Apr 5, 2008
  10. Nigel Allen

    Nigel Allen Guest

    What goes "Pieces of seven, pieces of seven"?

    A "parroty" error

    Insert groan here.

    Nigel Allen, Apr 6, 2008
  11. Nigel Allen

    Knobdoodle Guest

    [hearty applause]
    Knobdoodle, Apr 6, 2008
  12. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Brilliant .. sad but brilliant. :)
    Yeebers, Apr 6, 2008
  13. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    OK, You've nailed me. I can't remember things by word association, and never
    been able to understand how people can, have made a career of maths, fiirst
    mechanical, then electronic, and now financial book-keeping.
    I'm mildly lysdexic. But hey, I'm good at Sudoku!

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 7, 2008
  14. Sounds something like me. Won the school prize for maths and physics
    in year 12, but could never remember the formulas and would have to
    work them out from first principles nearly every time. I'm hopeless at
    people's names. I'll recognise the face and call them "mate" til I get
    some clues. I tell anyone that is with me that if I don't introduce
    this friend is because it is that I have forgotten their name and to
    introduce themselves with the line "Hi, Kevin is a rude bastard and
    hasn't introduced us. I'm Sarah and you are?" Works a treat as I then
    reminded of their name. [1]

    It is a problem playing in bands. If someone says, "Let's play XXXX
    song" I have a sheet on the floor with the first few chords written
    down to remind me. Once we are into the song, I'm fine though. But
    could never be a singer as there is no way I'd recall all the lyrics.
    Chords and notation seem to be fine though. God knows what I'm going
    to be like in a couple of decades. Wake up "Oohh, look; a world, I
    don't remember that!"

    [1] I have to tell this story. When I was living in Blackpool UK at
    the start of last year I met this rather nice young thing at a
    nightclub and we partied all night if you get my drift. Anyway the
    next night I'd gone to the local pub for a drink with a pommy dude who
    had just arrived in the city as well and we'd sort of become buddies
    in a strange city for both of us. We're sitting down eating dinner and
    Joanne (I had to look on my phone to remember her name, that's how bad
    I am) walks in. She wanders over while Adam is in the loo and sits
    down next to me just as he arrives back. She knows I don't eat chips
    much (a real problem in Britain) and starts picking some off my plate.
    She then heads off to the bar to get a drink and Adam asks "Do you
    know her?" I do a quick explain about the night before and ask him to
    do the "Kev's a rude bastard" stunt so I can recall her name as there
    is NO way I could ask her that. It worked.

    Got an SMS from her on New Year's Eve. Hopefully she's still hanging
    around when I get back there :)
    Kevin Gleeson, Apr 7, 2008
  15. Nigel Allen

    Nigel Allen Guest

    My older brother has a similar problem (okay - so do I but the story's
    about him).

    He has developed a solution for it. Sees someone approaching from a
    distance with that dreaded "Hail fellow, well met!" look on his/her
    face. Walks right up to them and says "Hi, how are you doing etc." and
    then once the pleasantries are over he then quietly says "My bloody
    memory's getting worse - I've completely forgotten your name". When they
    say, for example, "It's Brian!", he says "No! not your first name - I
    know that - I was talking about your surname!.

    Reckons it's got him out of a few tight spots.

    Nigel Allen, Apr 7, 2008
  16. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    We have 40 employees, and I forget their names sometimes.

    I make pre-excuses. When I'm introduced to a group I explain that if I'm
    introduced to more than three people I forget who I am.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 7, 2008
  17. That's not bad. Must remember that one. Oh . . . hang on . . .
    Kevin Gleeson, Apr 7, 2008
  18. Mind you, I am getting worse. I had this girl walk up to me the other
    day and say "Hi Kev!"
    I didn't even recognise the face and I think it must have showed as
    she said "You don't remember me, do you?" And as it must have been
    obvious I didn't, I couldn't deny it. Oops.

    Mind you, another problem is that I work with a lot of young bands
    doing sound. A couple of years back I was working 5 nights a week
    doing that after working normal hours during the day. There'd be
    probably between 10-20 musos going through the venue each night and
    they'd know my name but I had no hope of remembering all of theirs
    apart from a the standout artists that I got back to play again. But a
    few years down the line, they still recall me as I was the only one
    there, whereas they came through enforce. Not a hope.
    Kevin Gleeson, Apr 7, 2008
  19. I'm just winding up a 1-year long project. Myself and the sound guy
    (aus.moto reference: Jase's ex-flatmate) were downstairs and there
    were 50 animators working upstairs. After a year I reckon we both knew
    the names of about 1/4 of them.

    The company owner also was having trouble. And he was upstairs.
    Kevin Gleeson, Apr 7, 2008
  20. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Some other older git.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 7, 2008
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