
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Nigel Allen, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Nigel Allen

    G-S Guest

    The last 5 letters that my solicitor sent cost between $20 and $50.

    $500? You need to find a different solicitor :)

    G-S, Apr 3, 2008
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  2. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    <shurg> If it was ungrammatical or had the spelingall rooly stoofed up
    I'd just assume you were a cop.

    Just because someone has time to think about how they present themselves
    online doesn't mean they do, in fact it's pretty obvious from the posts
    on here most people don't even give a modicum of thought to what they
    are writing before blasting away (including yours truly who types stream
    of consciousness with barely a pause for a spellchecka let alone higher
    brain function intercepting the flow from subconscious to fingers)

    I fail to see how that undermines an ability to draw a reasonable
    conclusion about people. If someone has the opportunity to put their
    best foot forward and still comes across as a blindingly thick (waves to
    George and Atec) then there's a bloody good chance they really do have
    IQs around that of of the slower chimps at the local zoo.

    For anyone with the smallest level of perspicacity there are a myriad
    clues in people's postings aside from the bleeding obvious (ie I'm a
    wanker who likes odd and obscure words for example may be bleeding
    obvious, but it can also be added to other contextual info to give you a
    picture of me (I'm entirely untroubled if that's not a positive picture))

    I've yet to be surprised by anyone on here's real life persona, they've
    all been fairly consistent to their online characters. Then again those
    who come across as complete tossers I'm unlikely to bother meeting - I
    would only bother to go for a ride with those who don't try an create
    some sort of facade which inevitably cracks and allows a peek at the
    real persona anyway
    JL, Apr 3, 2008
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  3. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    If you aren't who you purport to be here then it is an untruth you are
    portraying, the dissemination of untruths is known as lying amongst
    those I associate with. What do you call it ?
    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  4. Nigel Allen

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Hey JL; the reason we love you is 'cause you can slip a word like
    "perspicacity" into a post and it doesn't even look pompous or
    Knobdoodle, Apr 3, 2008
  5. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Hmm there's a grammatical error in my posting that may subtly alter the
    meaning. There should be a comma after the why
    why, do you make a habit of lying on line ?
    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  6. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Awww ! Feel the love <grin>

    (I suspect some may disagree with you on the pomposity factor :) <shrug> )
    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  7. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    That's not what I thought you meant but anyway. To some extent in all
    forms of communication one will massage / spin / gild the way they
    present themselves in some way to make either themselves or what they're
    saying more palatable.

    I don't know of any other name for what you're describing but it's not
    something I do often.
    Yeebers, Apr 3, 2008
  8. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    A-ha ! A good example of why comma's and apo'strophe's in the right
    place's make's world's of difference's.
    Yeebers, Apr 3, 2008
  9. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    I think I'm more impressed he got 'myriad' in within 3 words of it as well.
    Yeebers, Apr 3, 2008
  10. Nigel Allen

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Evidence that British sailors fucked sheep.... yes!
    Shurg indeed!
    Knobdoodle, Apr 3, 2008
  11. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Pah ! A ulitarian run of the mill word that won't have anyone reaching
    for a dictionary ! I was happier to sneak "modicum" in there - an
    underutilised word if there ever was one - I mean why say "a bit" when
    you can say "a modicum" - using 3 sylabbles instead of one for no
    additional value - can't understand why it gets little airplay! :)
    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  12. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Including face to face...

    Theonly real advantage of face to face is that you get multiple
    communication channels simultaneously (in fulll duplex :) hence
    misunderstandings are easier to avoid...

    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  13. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    <surprised look>
    You think before you post?

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 4, 2008
  14. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I have problems with meanings of related words. I think all words have
    different meanings. I think for example that "a bit" and a modicum" give a
    completely different context and nuance. They are not, to me,

    It's probably why I can't do crosswords. I have difficulty getting from the
    clue "field" to the answer "paddock". To me, they are completely different.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 4, 2008
  15. Nigel Allen

    James C Guest

    Hey Nigel, are you still reading this thread? Hang in there, buddy.
    James C, Apr 4, 2008
  16. Nigel Allen

    JL Guest

    Mildly dyslexic by any chance ?

    JL, Apr 4, 2008
  17. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Only in that I sometimes write numbers back to front, such as writing 179
    for 197. Those errors are easy to spot because it gives you a "9"
    difference. I am assuming you know about the magic of "9".

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 4, 2008
  18. Nigel Allen

    Yeebers Guest

    in full duplex. I like that :)
    Yeebers, Apr 4, 2008
  19. Nigel Allen

    knobdoodle Guest

    "The horse took the modicum between it's teeth ....."
    "eight modicums to the byte...."
    Nope; no problem there.
    knobdoodle, Apr 4, 2008
  20. Nigel Allen

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    That's not a problem between bit and modicum, it's a problem between bit and

    The horse bit a bit off the bit?

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 4, 2008
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