Sydney Tolls

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by The Happy Drunk, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. lately, I've been heading to Sydney on day trips (about once every two
    months) I've tried looking on the web and ended up getting confused
    (pretty easy to do)

    Is one E-tag good for all tolls in Sydney? If so, who do I go through
    and how much $$$.

    For someone who only visits sydney 6-10 times a year, is an E-tag
    worth it?


    The Happy Drunk
    The Happy Drunk, Apr 3, 2008
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  2. In on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 18:37:51 +1100
    Yes. you can get an RTa one from or various company
    ones from their sites, try

    I live here, I don't have one. I don't use the tollroads except for
    the ones I can pay cash at, and seldom those. I use the Bridge and
    the M5 the most, say once every 3 months.

    If you know how to avoid the e-only tolls and are willing to do so
    then you don't need one. Which means stay off the M7 and the harbour
    tunnel and the silly as bedamned Lane Cove and cross-city tunnels.

    all of which are pretty easy to do.

    So say what journeys you do and you'll get suggestions as to different

    Zebee Johnstone, Apr 3, 2008
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  3. mostly, I use the M5 and M4, If I'm heading towards the Richmond area
    from canberra, I use the northern road, but if I'm heading the
    hurstville I need to keep it simple. I drive up and the missus has to
    drive back.

    But I figured if I was to get one of these things I would like to get
    one that covers everything.

    Thanks for the advice, I will check out the RTA site.

    The Happy Drunk
    The Happy Drunk, Apr 3, 2008
  4. The Happy Drunk

    JL Guest

    The RTA one had the lowest fees last I looked (20months ago) - which is
    to say they didn't charge you a ridiculous "low usage fee" which some of
    the others do - watch out for that one.

    For the convenience of not having to worry about it I'd get one if you
    don't mind tying up $80 in the pursuit of convenience

    While Zebee is of course correct that you CAN avoid the toll roads,
    there is certainly a huge time saving to be obtained, and a utility
    factor of not doing stop start traffic (and prob. a couple of cents fuel
    saving as well). It's also the case that you have to know HOW to avoid
    them (which in an unfamiliar city is a bit of an ask). The toll roads
    make it easy to get from a to b if you're going in any of the "common"

    JL, Apr 3, 2008
  5. Would be well worth mentioning that they take $50.00 credit first off, and
    you pay that gradually, when you get close to finishing that, they take
    another $50.00 and so forth.
    When you use toll roads as often as I do (several times a year), that means
    they have MY $50 for a bloody long time (many, many years).

    Thanks, but I'd rather have it in my pocket than theirs. Money doesn't grow
    on trees anymore you know. They make them out of plastic now.

    And there is that minor "official" stand that etolls are not available for
    bikes (though it works anyway).

    Manually? Nope, done the "stop, neutral gloves off, take wallet out, pay
    dude/dudette, put wallet pack, gloves on, in gear, go" shuffle too many times
    to want to do it anytime again soon.

    Nope, for *me*, the time/stress saving is way too minuscule to make up for
    the significant cost outlay.
    John Tserkezis, Apr 3, 2008
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