Sydney rider confess!

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Spanky, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Spanky

    Spanky Guest

    Whats the fastest youve done the tunnel?
    Before they had the digital camera, (just the speed camera) I did 270 at
    about 4am on my blade. What a rush.....dude!!
    Spanky, Jan 4, 2005
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  2. Spanky

    Aido Guest

    Smart one Dude -e!

    Aido, Jan 4, 2005
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  3. Good for you, moron. Things like that is why politicians and police want us
    all off the road permenantly.
    James Mayfield, Jan 4, 2005
  4. Spanky

    Rocatanski Guest

    It goes to show that the injection computer chip on your bike has more
    brains than you. Dickhead.
    Rocatanski, Jan 4, 2005
  5. Spanky

    Toosmoky Guest

    I did 271 at 3:59 on 2 blades.
    Toosmoky, Jan 4, 2005
  6. Spanky

    Boxer Guest

    Video games dont count.

    Boxer, Jan 4, 2005
  7. Spanky

    fred Guest

    I did 185 but it was only on a 400.
    fred, Jan 4, 2005
  8. Spanky

    peter Guest

    I did 102 but hey, I was stuck in second.
    peter, Jan 5, 2005
  9. Spanky

    Yeowow Guest

    Why go fast through the tunnel? Sit back, cruise, and listen to your
    pipes rumble through there ;)
    Yeowow, Jan 5, 2005
  10. Spanky

    Biggus... Guest

    Biggus..., Jan 5, 2005
  11. Spanky

    alx Guest

    Which tunnel?

    The Harbour??

    Doubt your Blade could pull 270 back then.....maybe "indicated" but true 270???
    alx, Jan 5, 2005
  12. Spanky

    jake Guest

    dont you fuckwits ride bikes
    havnt you ever looked at your speedo and seen, shit im 80k over the limit
    if you havnt then what can i say
    this doesnt happen on 250s but it does on 600s
    cheers dan (i follow speed limits most of the time)
    jake, Jan 6, 2005
  13. Spanky

    Rocatanski Guest

    I ride an ZZR 1100 and yes I have looked down at my speedo and said shit
    10-20 k's over the limit, but if I am doing 60-80 k's over the limit I know
    I am speeding and I have got to that speed on purpose. And yes I have had my
    bike well above 200 k's and if I got caught I wouldn't bitch and moan about
    it. If you don't know you are doing 135-180 k's plus you shouldn't be riding
    because you are a fuckwit.
    Rocatanski, Jan 7, 2005
  14. Spanky

    Nev.. Guest

    Who bitched and moaned about it?

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jan 8, 2005
  15. Spanky

    Rocatanski Guest

    Nobody on this thread but refer speeding fine what to do. Also a lot of
    other people in this NG over the years have bitched and moaned about getting
    caught speeding and not just a few k's over but heaps over.
    Rocatanski, Jan 8, 2005
  16. Spanky

    IK Guest

    Yes, because there's so much nobility implicit in just bending over and
    accpeting whatever reaming the law see fit to dish out.

    Until you yourself have been in a position where a fortnight's wages
    were due to be taken away from you for going fast along a deserted
    freeway late at night, you can stick your sanctimony in an orifice of
    your choice.

    If that happens to you, you'll either explore every possible avenue of
    getting the penalty reduced, which would make you a hypocrit, or you'll
    just dumbly pay it; that doesn't make you a responsible citizen, but a
    brainwashed idiot.
    IK, Jan 8, 2005
  17. Spanky

    Rocatanski Guest

    Yes I have been caught and it has cost a day wages, but a fortnights wages,
    even a 15 year old working at Mc Donald's gets more than you by the look of
    it or your fines must be real big. As for going fast along a freeway stop
    moaning the law is the law if you choose to break it pay the fine, or join a
    motorcycling racing club in your state and do your speeding on the track. In
    Victoria track days are held at the Broadford track all the time. Also you
    are right just paying a fine doesn't make you a responsible citizen as a
    responsible citizen wouldn't speed in the first place, and as for a
    brainwashed idiot when I get caught I bitch and moan to myself and call
    myself a dickhead etc for getting caught, but I don't waste my or other
    peoples time having a cry about it on the NG.
    Rocatanski, Jan 9, 2005
  18. Spanky

    IK Guest

    Ever done 160 on the freeway? In NSW, that's a $1500-odd fine and an
    automatic six-month license suspension.. come to think of it, whatever
    did become of the trial of an automatic court appearance associated with
    the offence they were running on the Far North Coast?
    <strokes chin in contemplation>

    140 on a gently-undulating country road past vacant paddocks and whatnot
    is only an anaemic week's take home wages; $560-odd.

    The same framework applies in the ACT.

    Didn't have the first clue about that, did you?
    Nope, but you sure do bang on when someone tells you to stick your
    cliched sanctimony somewhere where it won't already have been heard
    coming from a thousand other uninformed hypocrites' keyboards.
    IK, Jan 10, 2005
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